June 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Candidate - Sally Derrick
2.B. Candidate - Cassandra Hatfield
3.A. Board Officer Election - Board President
3.B. Board Officer Election - Board Vice-President
3.C. Board Officer Election - Board Secretary
4.A. Teacher of the Year
4.A.(1) Elementary Teacher of the Year - Jessica Petrie
4.A.(2) Secondary Teacher of the Year - Wesley Baker
4.B. District Announcements
4.B.(1) Superintendent's Report
4.B.(2) Update from PTA
6.A. Construction Update
6.B. Budget Update
6.C. HB3 End of Year (EOY) Board Goals
6.D. CW (Local) Naming Facilities
7.A. Consider/Approve Election of Personnel
Priority #1: Optimize Diverse and Engaging Learning
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses under a probationary or term contract and other designated employees. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the employment of these individuals as indicated on the attached list.
7.B. Consider/Approve Financial Reports
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year to date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports. This report includes the following items: 1. Budget Amendments Year-to-Date as of April 30, 2021 a. Proposed Budget Amendments for Official Budgets-None 2. Budget Summary Year-to-Date as of April 30, 2021 a. Unaudited Revenue Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Realized to-date Revenue iv. Unrealized Revenue v. Percentage Revenue Realized b. Unaudited Expenditure Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Cumulative to-date Expenditures iv. Unencumbered Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended for the following funds: 1. General Funds 2. Special Revenue Funds 3. Debt Service Funds 4. Capital Projects Funds c. Construction Summary including: i. Total Project Plan ii. 2020-21 Project Plan iii. 2020-21 Expenditures iv. Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended 3. Outstanding Investments as of April 30, 2021 4. Tax Office Reports for the month of April 2021 a. Year-to-Date Collection 2020-2021 Report for April b. Refunds of over $500 for Board Approval for April-None Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for April 2021.
7.C. Consider/Approve Purchasing Report for the Period of April 1, 2021 Through April 30, 2021
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000, but not exceeding $100,000 that have been made from April 1, 2021, through April 30, 2021. Funds included in the Purchasing Report Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchasing Report as submitted.
7.D. Consider/Approve Board Meeting and Board Work/Study Session Dates for 2021-2022
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: The following dates have been recommended for CFBISD School Board Meetings: Eleven regular school board meetings: one each month except in July. The meetings will be held the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM except in January due to the district’s winter break schedule. The January 2022 meeting will be held on Thursday, January 13, 2022. Four work/study sessions: These sessions will give the school board an opportunity to delve more thoroughly into topics to be identified. The dates selected for board work/study meetings are listed below: September 16, 2021 November 11, 2021 February 17, 2022 April 14, 2022 A special school board meeting is planned for the purpose of conducting a public hearing regarding the proposed budget for the 2020-2021 school year and to adopt said budget on Thursday, August 19, 2021 Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Board Meeting and Board/Work Study Session dates for 2021-2022. |
7.E. Consider/Approve Time, Place, and Location of a Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for the 2021-2022 Budget Year
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 44.004, the District must set the date, time and place of a "Public Meeting to Discuss the Budget and Proposed Tax Rate". At the scheduled meeting, the District must accept public input before adoption of the final budget and tax rates. This agenda item addresses all items related to the Time, Place and Location of a Public Meeting to Discuss the 2021-2022 Budget and related Proposed Tax Rate. Administration proposes the meeting to be held on Thursday, August 19, 2021, at 6:00 pm, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1445 N. Perry Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves/sets the date, time and place of the Public Meeting to Discuss the Budget and Proposed Tax Rate on August 19, 2019, at 6:00 pm, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1445 N. Perry Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006. |
7.F. Consider/Approve Appointment of Tax Assessor, Anna Brady, to Calculate Voter-Approval Rate and Publish Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2021-2022 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: In accordance with the Texas Property Tax Code Section 26.04 (c) and (e), the Tax Assessor is designated by the governing body to calculate the no-new-revenue tax rate and the voter-approval tax rate for the unit as well as publish the rates. This action is for the tax rates for the General Fund and Debt Service Fund. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves Anna Brady to calculate Voter-Approval Rate and publish the Notice of Public Meeting to discuss the 2021–2022 Budget & Proposed Tax Rate. |
7.G. Consider/Approve All Matters Related to the 2021-2022 Compensation Plan Including Proposed Compensation Adjustments
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Stakeholder input regarding budget priorities have been gathered at multiple venues, including Board of Trustee Work Study meetings, District Improvement Council meetings, staff meetings, and regular Board of Trustee meetings. A competitive compensation plan has been identified as a District top priority. Information will be presented related to the proposed compensation plan for 2021-2022. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves/considers authorizing and approving the related new hire pay schedule and pay grades and authorizing across the board pay increases for eligible staff as presented. 2021-2022 New Hire Salary Schedule to be provided under separate cover |
7.H. Consider/Approve All Matters Related to a One-Time Years of Service Supplemental Payment for the 2021-2022 School Year, Including the Adoption of a Board Resolution Authorizing Such Payment
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: A competitive compensation plan has been identified as a District top priority. Attached for Board consideration is a Resolution authorizing the continuation of the Years of Service one-time supplemental payment for the 2021-2022 school year. The costs of this supplement was $0.4M last year. The amount of the one-time supplemental payment an eligible employee receives under this plan will be based on the employee’s years of employment with the District and will be paid at five (5)-year increments in the year following the anniversary date as outlined in the resolution. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution to authorize the described Years of Service supplemental payment for the 2021-2022 school year.
7.I. Consider/Approve All Matters Related to the 2021-2022 Compensation Plan Including Proposed Stipend and Supplemental Pay Schedules
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Each year the Board of Trustees must approve the District’s stipend and supplemental pay schedules. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve/accepts the 2021-2022 Stipend and Supplemental Pay Schedules as presented. 2021-2022 Stipend Schedules to be provided under separate cover 2021-2022 Supplemental Pay Schedules to be provided under separate cover |
7.J. Consider/Approve One-Time Supplemental Payment for Bus Drivers and Monitors for the 2021-2022 School Year.
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: In an effort to encourage drivers and monitors to maintain good attendance and stay with the District, CFBISD will present a one-time supplemental pay plan for eligible staff to be effective for the 2021-2022 school year. The costs for this supplement in the last full year was $0.15M. The plan will include a supplemental payment to drivers and monitors in March 2022 for the fall semester and July 2022 for the spring semester. The one-time payments are contingent upon meeting specific attendance criteria as outlined in the resolution. The General Fund will be used. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution to authorize a one-time supplemental pay to eligible transportation bus drivers and monitors as presented for the 2021-2022 school year.
7.K. Consider/Approve Hybrid Instruction During District-Scheduled Testing Days for 9th - 12th Grade Students Waiver
Description: Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: For students in 9th through grade 12, districts may require student who are not scheduled to take an assessment to learn remotely on district-scheduled testing days in order to reduce the number of individuals on a campus at any one time and increase the number of remote students that come on campus to take the assessment. This waiver applies for district-scheduled testing days of EOC, PSAT NMSQT, and SAT. All waivers will be conditionally approved upon receipt but may be subject to further review by TEA. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the TEA Waiver for Hybrid Instruction During District-Scheduled Testing Days for 9th - 12th Grade Students.
7.L. Consider/Approve the 2021--2022 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Dallas County for the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP)
Priority #4: Optimize Social and Emotional Health of All Students
Background: The Board of Trustees has entered into a joint Memorandum of Understanding with the County Juvenile Board outlining all issues pertinent to the interaction between the juvenile board and the school district in the operation of the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program. The objective of the program is to help students achieve behavioral and academic improvement and provide an effective education program. Details of this relationship are defined in the agreement available for public inspection upon request to the Superintendent of Schools. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the 2021-2022 Dallas County JJAEP Memorandum of Understanding.
7.M. Consider/Approve Resolution Designating Investment Officers for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: In accordance with Section 2256 of the Texas Government Code, the Board of Trustees shall designate one or more officers to be responsible for the investment of its funds. Due to staff changes within the Business Services department, we will adjust our investment officers. Dr. Duplessis will replace Michelle Seese, and Karen Schmidt will replace Nikki Pendlay. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve/executes the Resolution Designating Investment Officers for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District.
7.N. Consider/Approve Resolution Regarding Hazardous Traffic Conditions
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: In accordance with Board Policy CNA (LOCAL) and in order for the District to apply for the additional transportation allotment provided by the state for students who live within two miles of a school campus but receive transportation because of hazardous traffic conditions, the Board must adopt a resolution to identify the hazardous or high risk areas in which transportation shall be provided. Currently, no additional hazardous or high risk areas have been identified. The District will provide safe transport of the students in the area even though it is within a 2-mile radius of a school and will also qualify for eligible transportation funding. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution to the Board of Trustees Regarding Hazardous Traffic Conditions, as presented.
7.O. Consider/Approve Extension of Interlocal Agreements With Carrollton, Farmers Branch, and Irving Police Departments for School Resource Officers
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: The District wishes to continue the practice of providing Student Resource Officers (SRO) assigned to select District campuses for the 2021-2022 school year. The attached extensions reference the original agreements executed by the CFBISD Board of Trustees on August 1, 2013, for municipal officers with the cities of Carrollton and Farmers Branch, and 2019-2020 with the city of Irving. These extensions will provide for six (6) officers and one (1) sergeant provided by Carrollton Police, one (1) officer provided by Farmers Branch Police, and two (2) officers provided by Irving Police. Carrollton officers will be assigned to Turner High School, Smith High School, Creekview High School, Polk Middle School, Perry Middle School, and Blalack Middle School. The total cost for Carrollton SRO’s for 2021-2022 is projected to be $438,721 to be paid out of the General Operating Budget. The Farmers Branch officer will be assigned to Field Middle School. The total cost for Farmers Branch SRO’s for 2021-2022 is projected to be $55,508 to be paid out of the General Operating Budget. Irving officers will be assigned to Bush Middle School and Ranchview High School. The total cost for Irving SRO’s for 2021-2022 is projected to be $119,388 to be paid out of the General Operating Budget. The total cost for Student Resource Officers for the 2021-2022 school year will be $613,617. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Interlocal Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding with the identified municipalities for Student Resource Officers as presented.
7.P. Consider/Approve a contingent fee contract with Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP pursuant to Section 6.30 of the Texas Property Tax Code, said contract being for the collection of delinquent government receivables owed to Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District and notice of said contract is posted with the agenda in accordance with Section 2254 of the Government Code.
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is an exclusive contract which provides the district with service for the collection of delinquent property taxes. Trustees approved RFQ 17-02-081-4 for Delinquent Property Tax Collection Services to Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins, and Mott, LLP (Perdue Brandon). This was done at the April 6, 2017 Regular Board Meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. IV.B.3.l. The selected firm provides services to collect delinquent taxes on a percentage fee basis, which is the maximum allowed under state law. This is the third and final renewal option extensions to this agreement. Perdue Brandon provides professional services in all aspects of delinquent tax collection matters to the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD at "no cost" to the District. While there is no cost to CFBISD for these services, statutory provisions allow for the firm to be compensated entirely by the penalty of 20% recovered from the taxpayer. In addition, Perdue Brandon provides delinquent tax bankruptcy litigation, including nationwide representation for the District. Perdue Brandon will cover all costs of operations to collect Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD’s delinquent property taxes. This includes, but is not limited to, the cost of issuance and service of citations on all foreign and domestic defendants in tax cases, and the cost of publication of all sale and re-sale notices required by law. Perdue Brandon provides legal advice to the District in all matters related to delinquent tax collection including correspondence, telephone calls, attending any meetings and other appearances, as required, on the District’s behalf. This representation includes all aspects of delinquent tax collection matters including litigation in all civil, federal and appellate courts for Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD. Administration recommends extension of this agreement (beginning June 4, 2021) for the final renewal option. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves this exclusive contract which provides the District with service for the collection of delinquent property taxes.
7.Q. Consider/Approve Extension of OnRamps Dual Credit Courses from the University of Texas at Austin
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: At the June 6, 2019, Regular Board Meeting, Trustees approved an Interlocal Agreement with the University of Texas at Austin to provide dual credit courses under the OnRamps Cooperative Program. OnRamps offers the opportunity for high school students to earn high school credit from their District and the opportunity to earn college credits from The University of Texas at Austin ("UT Austin") through a distance education course. This program was offered in 2020-2021 and the District wishes to continue offering this program for the 2021-2022 school year. Junior and Senior students at R.L. Turner HS, Creekview HS and Newman Smith HS are eligible to register for dual credit under OnRamps. Students registered for 1201 courses in 2020-2021. The total cost for 2020-2021 is $178,906 and will be funded through the Instructional Materials Allotment or federal ESSER funds if included in the final ESSER plan. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension of OnRamps Dual Credit Courses from The University of Texas at Austin at a cost of $178,906.
7.R. Consider/Approve Extension of RFP 17-03-302-4 for Voluntary Insurance
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The District published a Request for Proposals (RFP) 17-03-302-4 for Voluntary Insurance on March 2, 2017 to supplement voluntary insurance products offered to CFBISD employees. Trustees approved voluntary insurance products offered to CFBISD employees, which include PPO Dental, DHMO Dental, Cancer, Accident, Term Life, Whole Life, Vision, and Disability. A Flexible Spending Account and Health Saving Account are also offered. In addition to the basic voluntary insurance products, other products offered to CFBISD employees include Emergency Transportation, Hospital Indemnity, Voluntary Telehealth and Identify Theft coverage. This agreement allows for additional products to be made available to district employees as advised by our employee benefit consultant, Financial Benefits Services (FBS), and financial consultants, TCG Administrators.This renewal includes the addition of a Roth Option to the current 457 and 403 (b) plans, which would be beneficial to our employees by being able to increase their retirement savings with tax-free withdrawals. Solicitations from voluntary insurance providers were requested in January and responses were due in February. Renewal quotes were obtained from all voluntary insurance product lines and include two (2) and four (4) rate guarantees. Approval of this recommendation will allow these offerings to be in effect during the open enrollment period, which begins on July 12, 2021. All premiums for elected coverage are paid through employee deductions. This is the final extension option under this agreement, which is from September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension of RFP 17-03-302-4 for Voluntary Insurance from the recommended vendors for the 2021-2022 plan year.
7.S. Consider/Approve Extension of RFP 2020-02-007 for Child Nutrition Milk and Dairy
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is an exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of child nutrition milk and dairy to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Average expenditures for milk and dairy products for the periods covering July 1st through June 30th of the fiscal years covering 2018-2019 are $682,070, 2019-2020, $558,896 and year-to-date for 2020-2021 is $457,108. 2019-2021 expenditures were below the anticipated amount because of the COVID-19 pandemic closure. Annual expenditures under this agreement are not expected to exceed $800,000 for the contract period covering July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. Purchases of milk and dairy products will be monitored to ensure this amount is not exceeded without additional Board authorization. Student Nutrition Fund will be the funding source. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension of RFP 2020-02-007 for Child Nutrition Milk and Dairy.
7.T. Consider/Approve Extension of RFP 17-03-292-4 for Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Excess workers' compensation insurance works to financially protect the self-insured employer for workers' compensation claims that exceed the designated dollar limit. Excess compensation insurance covers all workers' compensation losses up to a specific dollar amount, which, for CFBISD, is $600,000. CBFISD is self-funded for Workers’ Compensation coverage and claims are paid out of the Workers' Compensation budget. Once an individual claim reaches $600,000, the excess insurance policy covers all expenses beyond this amount. Renewal quotes for the policy period of September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022 were received from the broker, Alamo Insurance Group. Due to volatility in the excess insurance market, two (2)-year premiums are not being quoted, so this premium is for one (1) year. This will leave an additional year remaining under this agreement. The premium for 2021-2022 is $149,635, with a $600,000 retention. This represents a 9.25% increase over the previous annual premium cost. The price increase is related to how the pandemic has impacted the insurance carriers that also serve municipalities. The term of this premium is from September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022 and will be paid out of the Workers' Compensation Funds. There will be one (1) additional renewal option remaining on this agreement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension of RFP 17-03-292-4 for Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance to Alamo Insurance Group and the Midwest Employers Insurance Company renewal option with a $600,000 self-insured retention rate for the 2021-2022 plan year.
7.U. Consider/Approve Renewal of Microsoft EES Licensing Agreement
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: The Microsoft Education Enrollment Solution (EES) licensing agreement allows the District to bundle multiple Microsoft products into a single annual fee. The list of products includes Office Suites, Windows Operating Systems, software for email protection, software deployment, Dynamics365 (district’s help desk software), and Minecraft for all students. CFBISD students and staff will have the ability to use Office on their personal devices at no cost. The current agreement expires on June 30, 2021. The purchase of the Microsoft Education Enrollment Solution (EES) license is to be made from SHI Government Solutions under the provisions of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract #TSO-4092 at a cost of $171,971. Funding source is the General Fund. The term of this agreement is July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of Microsoft Education Enrollment Solution (EES) license from SHI Government Solutions under the provisions of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract #TSO-4092 at a cost of $171,971.05.
7.V. Consider/Approve Purchase of Shared Services: Dallas Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This purchase provides tuition for special education students with auditory impairment to receive services from the Dallas Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (DRDSPD). These services were provided through a previously approved shared services agreement (SSA) between the District and the DRDSPD. Under this agreement, students identified with auditory impairment attend the regional day school program on a part or full-time basis. Full-time students are transported to DRDSPD, while other students receive itinerant deaf education services on a part-time basis on Carrollton Farmers Branch campuses. This agreement provides services to not-yet-school-age children as well. These services may increase or decrease due to in-district or out-of-district transfers. For the 2020-21 school year, projected cost for services were estimated at $164,296, which was approved by the Board of Trustees at the June 4, 2020 Board meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. 4.S. However, actual costs exceeded this amount by $39,532, due to additional students needing services. This authorization will approve the additional expenditure of $39,532 for services rendered in 2020-21. The total for 2020-21 is $203,828. This agreement is a yearly agreement beginning August 1, 2021. Because the number of students needing services is unpredictable, we are asking for spending authorization not to exceed $275,000. Funding will be from the Special Education Budget. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of additional services, totaling $39,532 for the 2020-2021 school year, continues the shared services agreement for Dallas Regional Day School Program for the Deaf for 2021-2022 at an estimated amount of $211,099, as presented.
7.W. Consider/Approve Purchase of Gaggle Safety Management for Google
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Gaggle is a safety management system that integrates with Google to provide cyber-monitoring for Google Apps in Education. Learning to use email in a professional manner is one of the technology Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) that prepares students for a global workforce environment. Gaggle aids in making the cyber environment safe for student use. This purchase provides a safe communication/collaboration environment for students. Gaggle provides 24-hour human monitoring for cyber-bullying and monitoring of inappropriate access to sites and images, allowing district personnel to intervene and address digital citizenship and ethics. This purchase is to be made from Gaggle.Net, Inc., in the amount of $100,000, under The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) RFP 200105 Technology Solutions, Products and Services. This purchase adheres to all requirements for expenditures under federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This purchase will be made out of the 2020-2021 General Operating Budget. This agreement is being renewed, for the period from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, under the provisions included in RFP issued by the TIPS-USA Purchasing Cooperative under Contract No. 200105 for Technology Solutions, Products and Services. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of Gaggle Safety Management for $100,000 through TIPS RFP 200105 for Technology Solutions, Products and Services and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute contracts for such purchases in the best interest of the District.
7.X. Consider/Approve Purchase of Learning Management System
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This is an exclusive contract which provides a Learning Management System for the CFBISD instructional staff. A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of electronic educational courses. This Learning Management System allows teachers to become facilitators and orchestrators of learning while encouraging students to become engaged with and to own their learning. With most university systems using an LMS, this is another step of preparation for our students for life beyond high school. Canvas by Instructure is the software application selected to be used in CFBISD. The term of this purchase will be from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. This purchase will be made using OMNIA/Region 4 ESC R 150702 Educational Software, Media and Peripherals. Instructional Material Allotment will be the funding source for $90,000 with the remainder of the funding from the General Fund Technology Budget. The total cost is $176,248. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the renewal of the Learning Management System with the recommended vendor and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute these purchases in the best interest of the District.
7.Y. Consider/Approve Purchase of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Software From NWEA
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: NWEA provides norm-referenced, standardized Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments for students in CFBISD in grades K-12. MAP tests are online Reading, Mathematics, and Science assessments administered three (3) times a year. Comparative data is used to provide feedback on where a student is on the learning continuum and provide guidance to teachers to facilitate instructional decisions. The cost of this renewal is $257,000. Recently, NWEA announced it has added assessments for students in grades 11 and 12, as well as adding a Biology assessment. In order to further track student performance and increase student achievement, as well as facilitate teacher qualifications for the Teacher Incentive Allotment, the Teaching & Learning Department is investigating the purchase of these additional assessments. While we are waiting on an exact quote, the cost is anticipated to be an additional $31,525. Therefore, the total amount requested is not to exceed $288,525. The purchase will be funded out of the Instructional Materials Allotment, General Fund Budget, or ESSER funds if available and in the final ESSER plan. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of testing as described above from NWEA through the EPCNT contract with Lewisville ISD contract number RFP #2612-19, and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
7.Z. Consider/Approve Purchase of Instructional Video Repository
Priority # 1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: In conjunction with the Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL) Data Driven Instruction (DDI), the Teacher’s One Room Schoolhouse TALENT (TORSH) was utilized in the 2020-2021 school year. However, after a full year of use it has been determined that this system no longer fits the needs of our TIL and Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) initiatives. In order to properly research a suitable repository, Teaching and Learning is requesting Board approval to continue researching viable instructional video repository systems from awarded vendors under approved contracts available to CFBISD, in an amount not to exceed $183,000, which is the estimated renewal cost for TORSH. Additional funding of $17,000 is requested in order to ensure sufficient funds and approval are available to cover any contingency costs related to this solicitation, making this request not to exceed $200,000. The purchase for 2021-2022 will be made from the General Operating Fund. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of an Instructional Video Repository system in an amount not to exceed $200,000, as described above, and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the best interest of the district through the term of this contract. |
7.AA. Consider/Approve Purchase of Security Cameras
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: Senate Bill 500, Section 32, of the 86th Texas Legislature appropriated $100,000,000 to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to provide funding to public schools for additional safety and security equipment. Equipment such as: (1) exterior doors with push bars; (2) metal detectors at school entrances; (3) erected vehicle barriers; (4) security systems that monitor and record school entrances, exits and hallways; (5) campus-wide active shooter alarm systems that are separate from fire alarms; (6) two-way radio systems; (7) perimeter security fencing; (8) bullet-resistant glass or film for school entrances; and (9) door locking systems. The funds appropriated to TEA would be distributed to eligible school districts that submitted a grant application for the 2019-2021 School Safety and Security Grant. Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD was eligible to apply for the grant and did apply for funds from TEA. CFBISD was awarded $414,201. September 3, 2020, the purchase of bullet resistant film was approved by the CFBISD Board of Trustees. The total expenditure for window film was $300,030. The remaining grant funds total $114,171. The Department of Safety and Security contacted TEA for approval to spend the remaining grant funds on security systems that monitor and record school entrances. TEA approved this use of the remaining funds on April 13, 2021. Quotes for security cameras were solicited using various purchasing cooperatives. Although not the lowest price, the quote of $112,291 from SAS Technologies, LLC represents the best value to the District, as they are able to complete the installation within 30 days following receipt of the equipment. All other vendors indicated it would the end of the August or early September before installation could be completed. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of security cameras from SAS Technologies, LLC as described above.
7.AB. Consider/Approve Ratification of Purchase for Technology Items
Priority #1: Optimizing Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This purchase is to outfit teachers and staff with the necessary technology to provide instruction in conjunction with their duties. The technology equipment will be HP EliteBook’s, 24" monitor and docking stations that are configured to the District’s network and loaded with the District’s image and all required software to access the network, access to necessary software systems needed to deliver instruction and access all student support systems, such as Frontline Student Information System (SIS). One Hundred-Eighty (180) mobile workstations will be needed to outfit the ESSER funded positions. National and regional resellers were solicited for quotes and the District received three (3) responses. Once quotes were received, evaluated and tabulated, it was determined that the quote from CDW-G, under the provisions of the TIPS USA Purchasing Cooperative Contract No. 200105, and the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract No. DIR-TSO-4159 is the lowest quote and represents the best value to the District at a total cost of $276,570. Funding for this purchase was provided out of the 2020-2021 General Operating Budget. Due to certain technology components requiring a long lead time to receive, an order was placed based on the evaluated pricing. This approval is to seek ratification of this purchase in order to receive needed workstations in time to provide to new staff hired with ESSER funding. This is a one-time purchase. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the ratification of the purchase of desktop and mobile workstations from CDW-G and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute contracts for such purchases in the best interest of the District.
7.AC. Consider/Approve Purchase CTE Instructional Materials
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of Instructional Materials for Career Tech to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This purchase provides updated instructional materials for the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Due to the nature of CTE courses, the renewal of several software products must be done on an annual basis. Purchases under this authorization total $264,967 and will be made using available cooperative and CFBISD contracts as identified on the attached tabulation. Instructional Materials Allotment is the funding source for this purchase. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of CTE Instructional Materials from identified cooperative contracts in the attached list as described above.
7.AD. Consider/Approve Purchase of Digital Library Resources
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides digital library resources throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Library digital resources are selected to provide resources for our students and staff on a wide range of educational materials for appropriate grade levels. They include online encyclopedias, digital periodicals for research, social studies databases and maps, biography database, educational video streaming and books online. These yearly subscriptions have been available to students for several years on a 24/7 basis. Home access is available with passwords provided by school librarians. Purchases under this authorization total $179,384 and will be made using available cooperative and CFBISD contracts as identified on the attached tabulation. Subscriptions under this purchase will be in effect from August 1,2021 through July 30,2022 and will be utilized to provide digital library resources at campuses as needed for the 2021-2022 school year. The purchase will be funded by the 2021-2022 General Operating Budget. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of Digital Library Resources for a one-year term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
7.AE. Consider/Approve Purchase of Instructional Materials
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: The Teaching & Learning Department assessed their need for materials in light of the curriculum audit, and the loss of learning caused by COVID-19. As a result, content directors provided a list of items that, if funded, would help to provide engaging learning, support ESSER funded small group teachers, and mitigate learning loss. Some items included in this request are as follows: 1) STEM Scopes Science for grades K-5, 2) manipulatives to support the new Pre-K adoption, 3) decodable texts as supported by the Texas Reading Academies, 4) materials to support language acquisition, 5) hands on science simulations for secondary students, and 5) additional reading materials to support below, on and above level readers. In order to meet the procurement requirements set forth in Board Policy, this item lists all the materials the department may need to purchase to meet student needs. Thus, when STAAR data comes in and final budgetary numbers are determined, the department will be able to purchase the materials delineated in this item to best meet student needs. Staff will work closely with the Purchasing Department to obtain competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Purchases made under this authorization utilizing federal funds will adhere to all requirements for expenditures under federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). Purchases will be made from the authorized vendors under the purchasing authority on the attached list of materials. The total cost of these items is $2,534,704 and will be purchased on a prioritized basis based on available funding from contracts listed with each item. Funding will come from the general fund and/or federal ESSER funds if available and included in the final ESSER plan. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of instructional materials listed with ESSER funds as they become available.
7.AF. Consider/Approve Additional Funding for Materials Required for Facility Improvement Projects
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: At the November 5, 2020, meeting of the Board of Trustees, the Board authorized the utilization of General Funds, Capital Funds, and the Student Nutrition Fund for the procurement of materials necessary to complete a multitude of facility improvement projects throughout the District. This spend authorization was for an amount not to exceed $500,000 for furniture, window screens, blinds, custom door mats, wall murals, paint, flooring, and concrete. Since approval, additional facilities needs have been identified, the cost for which exceeds the initial approval threshold. To facilitate these additional improvement projects, further funding has been identified in both in Bond funds as well as TIF funds. The cost for all purchases under this authorization shall not exceed $2,000,000 to be used out of the funds originally identified in this authorization, in addition to TIF and Bond funding sources. Purchases under this approval will be made from vendors awarded under qualified purchasing cooperatives such as BuyBoard, Choice Partners, and TIPS/TAPS, as well as vendors awarded under CFBISD RFPs. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Individual purchases above $25,000 will be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Purchasing Report. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of additional materials required for facility improvement projects from a pool of approved and recommended vendors not to exceed $2,000,000. |
7.AG. Consider/Approve Renewal of Subscription of Renaissance Products and Services for Remote Learning
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Following the preparation for remote learning initiated during the last quarter of 2019-2021 and for the 2020-2021 school year, renewal of these tools is needed for the continuation of remote learning for the 2021-2022 school year. With the constraints of providing hard copy books for classroom and pleasure reading, the Board approved the purchase of a resource to provide engaging "hardback" books in virtual form for students in K-12 at the August 6, 2020 Board meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. 4.Z. myON® Reader is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books. Titles are dynamically matched to each individual student’s interests, grade and Lexile® reading level. Combined with a suite of close reading tools and embedded supports, myON Reader fosters student engagement and achievement. This product will also assist teachers in tracking the amount and type of reading in which our students engage. This subscription period for this renewal is from September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022. The cost to renew this subscription is $175,743 and will be purchased out of the Early Childhood Allotment under CFBISD Bid No. 16-33. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the renewal of the myON Reader subscription with Renaissance Learning and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute these purchases in the best interest of the District.
7.AH. Consider/Approve Renewal of Frontline Technologies Group for TEAMS Master Services Maintenance Agreement for 2021-2022
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The Master Services Agreement provides for annual maintenance and enhancement updates for the TEAMS Business Information System [BIS] including but not limited to Benefits, Payroll, Applicant, and Budget modules for the 2021-2022 school year (September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022). This agreement also provides for annual maintenance and enhancement updates for the TEAMS Student Information System [SIS] including but not limited to Enrollment, Attendance, Grading, Special Programs, Parent Self-Serve, and PEIMS modules for the 2021-2022 school year (September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022). Maintenance and update services are included in the proprietary software created by ProLogic. The renewal cost for the period of September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022 was $480,076, and included Frontline Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) and Student Information System (SIS), as well as Interface Maintenance and Support, and Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity Services. This purchase was originally made from ProLogic Technology Systems, LLC at the February 26, 2009 Regular Board Meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. I.D.8. The District was notified on May 31, 2018 that ProLogic was acquired by Frontline Education and that all TEAMS contracts would be assigned to Frontline Education. The purchase will be made from Frontline Education under provisions of Education Service Center Region XIV Purchasing Cooperative Contract Number 01-102 for Cloud Administration Solutions in the amount of $904,586 and the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance administered by the Region 14 ESC. This total planned purchase amount is not expected to exceed $904,586 and reflects a 4.825% increase from the 2020-2021 agreement. Additional modules added during 2020-2021 account for the additional cost from Frontline Education. Consolidation of business software under one platform will generate efficiencies by utilizing only one environment and access to a single database that provides data over the entire enterprise. We are adding $100,000 to the planned purchase amount in case administration determines that it is in the best interest of the district to add other Frontline models. For example, they have a module for our GT program. Currently, our work in that area is done manually. Further, other enhancements are needed on the ERP system that have been identified by District and Frontline working groups. Completion of these enhancements may need additional paid consulting/coding time from Frontline. Therefore, the total purchasing authorization for this item is not expected to exceed $1,004,586. Funding will be from the General Operating Fund. This is an annual maintenance license purchase with an effective term from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of the Frontline TEAMS Master Services Agreement for 2021-2022 and additional production modules from Frontline Education as described above.
7.AI. Consider/Approve e-Contracts from Region 10 ESC for 2021-2022
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This is an exclusive service contract which provides for specified services from Region 10 Education Service Center throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Utilization of these contracts will benefit most students and staff of CFBISD, as they include support of the following departments: Counselors, Library/Media Services, Technology, Assessment & Accountability, Migrant Students, PEIMS Support, ESL and Reading Support, and other federally funded programs. The total cost for these contracts for 2021-2022 is $148,091. Attached is a table that lists the services, funding source and corresponding costs associated with each contract. Also included in this table are costs for these contracts for the previous two (2) years for comparison. Purchases made under this contract utilizing federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). The services identified in the table above will be provided during the 2021-2022 school year, beginning September 1, 2021 and will continue through August 31, 2022. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of specified services from Region 10 ESC for the 2021-2022 school year as presented.
7.AJ. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-03-014 for Asphalt Paving, Concrete, Patching and Curbs
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: The District’s facilities require concrete and asphalt patching, paving and curb construction. Repair and maintenance will be required on an as needed basis. This will benefit the whole district. The current bid in place will expire in June 2021 and will be replaced by this RFP. Expenditures for concrete and asphalt paving, patching and curb construction was $220,441 for 2019-20. RFP invitations went out to 110 registered vendors and five (5) responses were received in conjunction with this solicitation. Administration recommends all five (5) vendors be awarded under this agreement. This RFP will be for one initial year (beginning June 4, 2021) and includes four (4) possible one (1) - year options to extend, and for an amount not to exceed $300,000. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the award of RFP 2021-03-014 Asphalt, Concrete Patching, Paving and Curbs with the recommended vendors as presented and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement to the Superintendent or his designee.
7.AK. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-03-019 for Child Nutrition Mainline Groceries, Bread, Ice Cream and Paper Products
Priority # 5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is an exclusive service contract which provides for Child Nutrition Program Mainline Groceries, Bread and Paper Products and Other Related Materials throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Requests for Proposals were solicited on March 26, 2021 from qualified vendors. Responses were received from seven (7) vendors. A committee of district personnel evaluated all responses according to the criteria included in the solicitation document. After the evaluation was completed, it was determined that the response received from Sysco of North Texas (Sysco NTX) represents the best value to the District. Average expenditures under the previous agreement for the periods covering July 1st through June 30th of the fiscal years covering 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 year-to-date are $4,917,000. Anticipated expenditures under this agreement are not expected to exceed $5,300,000 for the contract period covering July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Funding for purchases will be from the Student Nutrition Fund. Purchases of these products will be monitored to ensure this amount is not exceeded without additional Board authorization. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the award of RFP 2021-03-019 for Child Nutrition Mainline Groceries, Bread, Ice Cream, Paper Products and other Related Materials with the recommended vendor as presented and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement to the Superintendent or his designee.
7.AL. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-04-023 VRF HVAC System for Creekview High School
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: This purchase will provide a VRF HVAC System for Creekview High School to be installed as part of the Summer 2022 construction projects, managed by Jackson Construction. By purchasing and supplying the system to the Construction Manager, CFBISD is projected to save a significant amount of money by eliminating the sub-contractor and Construction Manager’s mark-up. The current boiler system in place at Creekview High School has reached the end of its useful life, and a replacement will provide a more efficient system. A Request for Proposals was issued for this purchase and Estes, McClure & Associates was contracted to assist in the preparation of specifications. They also participated in the evaluation of all responses, and have served as a consultant to this purchase. Solicitations were released to the general public on May 3, 2021, and responses were received from two (2) firms on May 17, 2021. Line items were set to include itemized pricing for all specified equipment, lump sum pricing for a filtration system as an alternate, and a ten (10)-year (parts and labor) warranty. One vendor did not provide a bid for an indoor filtration system but did include ten (10) years of parts at no cost. The second vendor provided pricing for all requested line items and included a discounted rate for a ten (10) year parts and labor warranty. An evaluation committee reviewed and scored all proposals based on a set of pre-determined criteria that included not only price, but considered each firm’s reputation, the quality of the goods/services, the extent to which the District’s need was met by the proposed equipment/services, long-term costs, and an evaluation of their past performances in cohort districts. After considering both offers and reviewing the proposer’s solutions to the VRF System needed at Creekview, it was determined that Texas AirSystems’ proposed solution and discounted parts and labor warranty provided the best value to the District. The total cost of the VRF HVAC System for Creekview High School is $1,627,000 (which includes a contingency) and will be paid for utilizing 2018 Bond dollars as the funding source. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of a VRF HVAC system for Creekview High School from Texas AirSystems’ and authorize a cost not to exceed $1,627,000.
7.AM. Consider/Approve RFQ 2021-03-015 Construction Manager At-Risk Renovations for Six (6) Elementary Schools
Priority #2: Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the ongoing work identified in the 2018 Bond Program, we have completed the second step of a three-step process in the selection of Construction Managers for the construction projects scheduled to start in May 2022. Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at April 1, 2021, meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #4. S. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Seek Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently select the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) utilizing a procurement process pursuant to Texas Government Code §2269. Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs negotiated, in tandem, with District personnel and contracted architects, to assure the best value to the District. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Requests for Qualifications No. 2021-03-015 for Renovations to Six (6) Elementary Schools was issued on April 5, 2021, soliciting prospective firms to serve as construction manager for this project, according to the scope of work/project description developed by the assigned architect, LPA Architects, Inc. Qualification Statements were received on May 3, 2021, from eight (8) prospective Construction Managers. Evaluations were conducted according to the evaluation criteria published in the proposal document. After the evaluations were completed and compiled, the top three (3) respondents were selected to advance to step two of this process and undergo an interview with the District evaluation committee. Interviews were conducted on May 19, 2021, which also included the submission of a cost proposal for analysis. Following the interviews, committee members evaluated each firm’s qualifications included in their Qualification Statements and information learned during the interviews. An analysis of the submitted cost proposals contributed to the final scores, resulting in a ranked list of the top firms. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves this contract be awarded to Jackson Construction to serve as Construction Manager for RFQ 2021-03-015 - CM At-Risk for Renovations Six (6) Elementary Schools and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract as provided in the proposal in the best interest of the District.
7.AN. Consider/Approve RFQ 2021-03-016 Construction Manager At-Risk Renovations to Four Middle Schools
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the ongoing work identified in the 2018 Bond Program, we have completed the second step of a three-step process in the selection of Construction Managers for the construction projects scheduled to start in May 2022. Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at April 1, 2021, meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #4. S. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Seek Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently select the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) utilizing a procurement process pursuant to Texas Government Code §2269. Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs negotiated, in tandem, with District personnel and contracted architects, to assure the best value to the District. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Requests for Qualifications No. 2021-03-016 for Renovations to Four Middle Schools was issued on April 5, 2021, soliciting prospective firms to serve as construction manager for this project, according to the scope of work/project description developed by the assigned architect, VLK Architects, Inc. Qualification Statements were received on May 3, 2021, from eight (8) prospective Construction Managers. Evaluations were conducted according to the evaluation criteria published in the proposal document. After the evaluations were completed and compiled, the top three (3) respondents were selected to advance to step two of this process and undergo an interview with the District evaluation committee. Interviews were conducted on May 19, 2021, which also included the submission of a cost proposal for analysis. Following the interviews, committee members evaluated each firm’s qualifications included in their Qualification Statements and information learned during the interviews. An analysis of the submitted cost proposals contributed to the final scores, resulting in a ranked list of the top firms. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves this contract be awarded to CORE Construction to serve as Construction Manager for RFQ 2021-03-016 - CM At-Risk for Renovations Four Middle Schools and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract as provided in the proposal in the best interest of the District.
7.AO. Consider/Approve RFQ 2021-03-017 Construction Manager At-Risk Renovations to Standridge Stadium/Natatorium
Priority #2: Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the ongoing work identified in the 2018 Bond Program, we have completed the second step of a three-step process in the selection of Construction Managers for the construction projects scheduled to start in May 2022. Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at April 1, 2021, meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #4. S. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Seek Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently select the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) utilizing a procurement process pursuant to Texas Government Code §2269. Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs negotiated, in tandem, with District personnel and contracted architects, to assure the best value to the District. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Requests for Qualifications No. 2021-03-017 for Renovations to Standridge Stadium/Natatorium was issued on April 5, 2021, to soliciting prospective firms to serve as construction manager for this project, according to the scope of work/project description developed by the assigned architect, VLK Architects, Inc. Qualification Statements were received on May 3, 2021, from ten (10) prospective Construction Managers. Evaluations were conducted according to the evaluation criteria published in the proposal document. After the evaluations were completed and compiled, the top three (3) respondents were selected to advance to step two of this process and undergo an interview with the District evaluation committee. Interviews were conducted on May 19, 2021, which also included the submission of a cost proposal for analysis. Following the interviews, committee members evaluated each firm’s qualifications included in their Qualification Statements and information learned during the interviews. The top two (2) firms were asked to provide the District with their Best and Final Offers. One decreased their fees for services by almost 12%, the other decreasing by 0.5%. Based on the analysis of the submitted best and final offers, as well as the committee evaluation of each firm’s qualifications, a list of the top ranked firms was developed. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves this contract be awarded to Northstar Builders Group to serve as Construction Manager for RFQ 2021-03-017 -Renovations To Standridge Stadium/Natatorium and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract as provided in the proposal in the best interest of the District.
7.AP. Consider/Approve Termination of General Parts Company NAPA Integrated Supply Agreements and Parts
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: The Transportation Department has used NAPA Integrated Supply since 2018 when CFBISD established our own Transportation Department. NAPA has provided parts counter staff and parts for buses and white fleet during this agreement. Under this agreement CFBISD is charged a ten percent parts mark-up and a monthly fee for services. The Transportation Department finds that it is time to establish direct purchasing power with suppliers and terminate our agreement with General Parts Company NAPA Integrated Supply. As specified in the agreement, CFBISD must purchase all non-NAPA parts in our shop. NAPA also provides a buyout for all NAPA parts. The parts purchased under the buyout will be used to establish a CFBISD parts counter staffed by CFBISD. The total buyout should not exceed $250,000. The buyout will be funded out of the 2020-2021 General Operating Budget for the Transportation and Plant Maintenance Departments. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the termination of General Parts Company NAPA Integrated Supply Agreement and Parts Buyout
7.AQ. Consider/Approve Technology Disposal and Recycling Program
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Disposal of technology items is a growing challenge, as the need to delete information in a way that assures all data is removed and can no longer be accessed is labor intensive. Because of this, administration is seeking a solution to contract this process out to a vendor with the qualifications and proven capability to remove data according to established security measures, and provide a responsible method of disposal. Disposing of technology items by method of public auction is no longer a viable solution, as the proceeds generated through public auction are exceeded by the cost of labor to properly prepare technology items for auction. Administration recommends the implementation of a Technology Recycling Program, which will include the pick-up and removal of all obsolete technology items, deletion of all data according to industry standards, issuance of a destruction certificate as assurance of compliance with data deletion requirements, and recycling of technology in a responsible manner. The District sought and received a proposal from a local vendor, Global Assets, to perform a Technology Recycling Program to provide an efficient solution for the removal and disposal of technology items. Items included in this recycling program include: Computers (CPUs, laptops, tablets, Chromebooks), monitors, peripherals (keyboards, mice, speakers), servers, hard drives, televisions, cameras, batteries, cell phones, copiers, radios, printers, telephones and other technology items, as needed. This program will be administered through a cooperative purchasing contract under the BuyBoard Contract No. 579-19 for Technology Equipment, Products, Services and Software. The cost to CFBISD for this service is minimal, however, the nature of this contract requires Board awareness and approval, as the potential value exceeds $100,000. Funding will be from the general fund or the technology fund if needed. This will be an ongoing service, as needed, and complies with the Superintendent’s delegated authority under Board Policy CI(LOCAL) for disposal of equipment. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the implementation of a Technology Recycling Program with Global Assets under BuyBoard Contract No. 579-19 as described above.
7.AR. Consider/Approve Purchase of Curriculum for Virtual Campus
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: In conjunction with the need to offer a virtual instructional choice for the 2021-2022 school year, the Teaching and Learning Division researched available virtual solutions to accomplish this. After reviewing multiple solutions, the solution provided by Edmentum was determined to provide the best virtual platform to meet the needs of CFBISD. This virtual system includes the following products: Mentoring Model Plus Curriculum for 300 students, which includes: • EdOptions Academy Mentoring for up to 300 students; • Exact Path: Core Library for up to 300 students; • Study Island: Core Library for up to 300 students; • Edmentum Customer Success Consultant Virtual Onboarding Package • Virtual Customer Consulting Services CAM integration Edmentum Customer Success Consultant EdOptions Academy is a fully accredited K-12 online school that offers award-winning curriculum, certified teachers, and accredited high school diplomas to schools and students who need flexible learning options and incorporates an engaging, age appropriate learning experience that emphasizes real-world applications. Learners are actively engaged and frequently interact with the content in an active learning approach which enables students to apply what they have learned, practice, and check their understanding. EdOptions is accredited by AdvancED that allows for credits to both be transferred to and received other equally accredited schools. This is an annual license at $735 per student, which includes all costs for implementation, training, and customer support. The initial cost for 300 students is $226,000; however, in the event additional students enroll, Administration recommend approval of $367,500 to cover all anticipated costs for the enrollment of additional students, up to an amount not to exceed 500 students at any time during the 2021-2022 school year. This purchase will be made under CFBISD Bid No. RFP 16-33 for Instructional Materials and will be funded out of the 2021-2022 General Operating Budget. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of a Virtual Campus Curriculum as presented above.
7.AS. Consider/Approve Minutes from the Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting Briefing Held May 6, 2021
7.AT. Consider/Approve Minutes from the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held May 6, 2021
7.AU. Consider/Approve Minutes from the Board of Trustees Canvassing Meeting Held May 12, 2021, for the 2021 General Election.
8.A. Items Removed From Consent
8.B. Consider/Approve a Resolution of the Board Regarding ESSER III and Policy CB (LOCAL), State and Federal Revenue Sources
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: With the notification from TEA concerning the opportunity to apply for allocation of ESSER III funds, guidance has been published regarding how these funds can be used and local compliance requirements the school district must follow. With the adoption of the attached resolution, the change to CB (LOCAL) will become effective. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution as presented.
8.C. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-04-21 for Equity and Inclusion Consultant Services
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This agreement will provide an assessment of the District equity and inclusion with the objective of creating an equity and inclusion plan to be implemented throughout the District upon completion and acceptance by the Administration and approved by the Board of Trustees at the first available meeting following the recommendation by the selected firm. RFP’s were sent out in April and are currently being evaluated. Following the completion of the evaluation process, Creative Energy, LLC emerged as the top ranked firm and demonstrated both the qualifications and ability to provide the needed services required in this solicitation. A committee comprised of District Leadership will interview individuals from this firm and make a recommendation for this purchase award. Services under this agreement will be provided in three phases as shown below: Phase I: Equity Assessment and Equity Report - (Summer 2021) Phase II: Training of Principals and Leadership - (Fall 2021) Phase III: Professional Development of All Teachers - (Fall 2021 - Spring 2022) Pricing for these services was received in conjunction with the initial responses. Following evaluations and interviews with firms deemed qualified to provide the needed services, a request for best and final offers was solicited, which resulted in the final pricing reflected on the attached tabulation. After the evaluation and interviews were completed, it is Administration’s recommendation that Creative Energy, LLC be awarded this purchase as the consultant firm best qualified to provide the services required in this solicitation. The total cost for these services is $374,200, which is itemized per phase below: Phase I - $40,000; Phase II - $186,000; Phase III - $148,200 = $374,200 Total Funding for this purchase will be provided out of the 2020-21 and 2021-22 funds set-aside for Significant Disproportionality within the General Operating Fund based on the budget year in which the services are rendered. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the award of RFP 2021-04-021 for Equity and Inclusion Consultant Services to Creative Energy, LLC, at a total cost of $374,200, and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to execute contracts in the best interest of the district through the term of this agreement.
8.D. Consider/Approve Commencing the Necessary Procurement Process to Contract for 2023 Bond Planning Services
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: It continues to be a priority of CFBISD to provide students and faculty quality facilities that foster positive learning environments. The work outlined in the 2018 Bond Program has provided valuable infrastructure, much needed safety and security upgrades, and large renovations of existing spaces, all to provide students, faculty, and staff with more functional facilities throughout the District. With construction continuing through the Summer of 2022 utilizing the current bond, it is the desire to continue this work throughout the remainder of the District. Development of a 2023 bond package will require an in-depth information gathering process, which will include meetings with stakeholders to identify current needs, studies of the community and forecasting potential growth for subsequent space needs, bond financial planning, and community outreach. To perform this work, it is recommended that the Board approve the commencement of a procurement process under the guidelines outlined in Texas Government Code Section 2254. The contracted firm(s) will be selected utilizing the criteria as identified in the attachment, which will establish their value to the District by ranking their qualification submissions. This is a one-time purchase, the dollar value for which is yet to be determined. General fund will be used for these expenses. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the commencement of the necessary procurement process to contract with the most qualified firm(s) to provide 2023 bond planning services.
8.E. Consider/Approve Staff Development Waiver and Amendments to the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Dates for Staff Development: September 3, 2021 October 8, 2021 February 18, 2022 Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the submission of the TEA Waiver and amendments to the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar.
9.A. Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, Consultation with District's Legal Counsel regarding Legal and Procedural Matters relating to Sale of Real Property.
9.B. Pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code (Real Property) Deliberation Regarding Potential Sale of Real Property described as Lot 1, Block A of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Addition, an addition to the City of Carrollton, Denton County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet G, Page 321, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, known as 2115 E. Frankford Road, Carrollton, Texas 75007
10.A. Consider and Take Possible Action regarding the Sale of District Real Property described as Lot 1, Block A of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Addition, an addition to the City of Carrollton, Denton County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet G, Page 321, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, known as 2115 E. Frankford Road, Carrollton, Texas 75007