July 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledges of Allegiance
2. Invocation
3. Roll Call
4. Communications from the Public
5. PBK/Drymalla Construction Update
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approval of Minutes
6.B. Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 616 (2015 Bond Issue)
6.C. Capital Projects Accounts Payable Fund 680
6.D. Capital Projects Accounts Payable Fund 681
6.E. Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 692
6.F. Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 693 (2014 Bond Issue)
6.G. Petrochemical Academy Purchase (Fund 694)
6.H. Bond Issue Accounts Payable Fund 698 (2013 Bond Issue)
6.I. Budget Amendment(s)/Revision(s)
6.J. Board Consideration and Approval of Bond Construction Invoices
7. Consideration and Approval of a Milk Supplier for Child Nutrition for the 2015-2016 School Year
8. Tax Resale Property
9. Consider Board Approval of a Resolution Providing for Reimbursement of General Fund Expenditures with Subsequent Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds for Energy Efficiency Upgrades
10. Consider Board Approval of a Resolution providing for Reimbursement of General Fund Expenditures with Subsequent e-Rate Monies for Internal Networking Connections, Cabling, and Equpment
11. Consideration and Approval of Portable Restroom Rentals for Jr. High Facilities
12. Consideration and Approval of District Police Vest and Vehicle Dash Cameras
13. Change Board Meeting Date in March 2015
14. Consideration and Approval of Employee Compensation Increase for 2015-2016
15. 2015-2016 Preliminary Budget Update
16. Innovative Course Application Approval - "Data Acquisition and Analysis"
17. Community and Student Engagement Performance Indicator
18. STAAR 2015 Results
19. Update Grants Management Manual
20. Reports
20.A. Disbursements
20.B. Financial Statements
20.C. Monthly Investment Report
20.D. Balance Sheets on Activity Funds and District Textbook Activity Fund Report
20.E. Transportation Trip Expenses and Student Counts Report
21. Miscellaneous
22. EXECUTIVE SESSION: (1) Section 551.072 - Property and Consultation with Attorney (2) Section 551.074 - Superintendent's Formative Evaluation & Contract
23. Adjournment