August 13, 2018 at 6:00 PM - August Board Workshop
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order-Acknowledge Open Meetings Law
2. Roll Call: Foster, Caverzagie, Freeburg, Glup, Brodersen, Parsons, Wehrbein, Jensen, Winters
3. 5204 Grading System and 5103 Extracurricular Activity Grounds for Suspension
4. Plattsmouth TeamMates Mentoring Report
5. Operations Committee Report
6. Finance Committee Report
7. Curriculum and Americanism Committee Report
8. Negotiations Committee Report
9. Head Start Report
10. Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) Monthly Update
11. 5414 Identification of Learners with High Ability and 5414A Identification of Learners with High Ability Regulation
12. Adjournment. Time ___