December 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of Adair Board of Education
Agenda |
Pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Call meeting to order and roll call.
Recognition of visitors.
Public Participation: Five minute limit per individual with a thirty minute total limit set aside at the start of the meeting. Only items on the agenda may be addressed.
Construction Update from Schilt Management Construction.
Consider approval of change order for the Ag Building Project.
Consider approval of the minutes of the previous meetings.
Consent Agenda:
Activity Fund Reports.
Treasurer's Report.
FY 25 General Fund encumbrances as presented.
FY 25 Building Fund encumbrances as presented.
Approve the Section 125 Plan as prepared by American Fidelity.
Set the January 1st student capacity.
Approve resolution to transfer $1,200 from the concession account within the activity fund to the band account.
Approve resolution to transfer $1,000 from the concession account within the activity fund to the vocal account.
Consider approval of a fundraiser for Vocal Music.
High School Principal
Middle School Principal
Elementary School Principal
Proposed executive session to discuss any resignations and the employment of a paraprofessional and after school tutors 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1)
Board to consider returning to open session.
President's statement regarding executive session.
Board to consider accepting any resignations.
Board to consider hiring a paraprofessional.
Board to consider hiring after school tutors
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