February 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and establish a quorum.
Vote to approve the agenda as part of the minutes.
Vote to approve the regular January 6th meeting minutes.
Recognition of visitors and community involvement.
Consent Agenda
Board to consider and possible vote to approve a quote from ADPC for financial accounting for 2025-2026.
Vote to approve license agreement with Employee Evaluation Systems for our evaluation software.
Regular Business
Financial Reports:
Review and vote to approve the following encumbrances and transfers:
General Fund POs #327-358
New School Bond Fund 33 PO #2
Board to consider and vote to approve the Treasurers, Budget, and Activity Fund reports.
Board will consider & vote to adopt a school calendar for 2025-2026.
Discussion on the purchase of a new activity bus. (D)
Discussion and possible action on amending the LPS handbook. (A)
Discussion and possible action on accepting a bid for a new fence at the high school (A)
Administrator Reports:
High School
Vote to renew / non-renew contract for David Lorenz as JH/HS Principal. (A)
New Business
Vote to adjourn.