Monday, December 12, 2022 5:30 PM - Leyton Public Schools Board of Education: Multipurpose Room in Dalton
Agenda |
1. Call to Order:
1.1. Announcement of Open Meetings Act Posting
1.2. Roll Call
1.3. Communications; Pledge of Allegiance
1.4. Approval of Agenda
2. Hearings and Persons to Address the Board
3. Special Presentations to the Board
4. Reports
4.1. Student Board Member's Report
4.2. Board Reports: Mrs. Ernest will present on the NASB State Education Conference
4.3. Principal's Report
4.4. Superintendent's Report
5. Regular Agenda
5.1. Excusing a Board Member(s);
5.2. Special Recognition;
5.3. Review, consider, and take action regarding minutes of the regular board meeting, November 14, 2022
5.4. Review, consider, and take action regarding claims, warrants, and transfers;
5.5. Review, consider, and take action regarding a change to the graduation requirements to meet the revised Computer Science and Technology Education Act from the Nebraska Department of Education and to update policy #3005 to reflect the changes.
5.6. Review, consider, and take action regarding the annual report.
5.7. Review, consider, and take action regarding the evaluation of the Superintendent.
5.8. Review, consider, and take action regarding the disposal of a 1997 International School bus by any means necessary, to obtain the best return of taxpayer funds.
5.10. Review, consider, and take action regarding the 2021-2022 audit.
6. Informational Items
6.1. Next Regular Meeting; January 9th 5:30PM Multipurpose Room in Dalton
7. Adjournment