February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Preliminary Procedures
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Roll Call
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
1.4. Public Notice of the Meeting and Notification of Open Meeting Law
The meeting notice is posted prior to each meeting at the Shickley Post Office, Heartland Bank Shickley Branch, 5 Loaves Market and Bakery, the front door of Shickley Public School, and the local newspaper: The Nebraska Signal.
1.5. Approve Board Member Absence(s)
1.6. Approve the Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is used to help the efficiency of the meeting by allowing the Board to approve items such as prior meeting minutes, general business of noncontroversial nature, or routine communication. The Consent Agenda for this meeting includes:
3. Financial Reports
The monthly financial reports outlining the financial position of the District are presented to the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
4. Claims and Bills
The claims and bills drawn upon District funds are presented to the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
4.1. Claims and Bills
The claims and bills drawn upon District funds are presented to the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
4.2. Claims and Bills.2 - 5 Loaves Market & Bakery
The claims and bills drawn upon District funds are presented to the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
5. Welcome Visitors
Individuals wishing to speak must sign up to do so prior to the Public Comments agenda item. Public Comments are limited to a total of 30 minutes with each speaker having a time limit of 5 minutes. The board will listen to comments at this time but not respond to those comments. Comments made at other times are out of order unless asked to respond by the Board President. Any handouts for Board Members provided by the public must be presented to the Secretary for later distribution. No posters, images, or similar material will be displayed by the public during the meeting.
5.1. Public Comments not on agenda items
5.2. Public Comments on agenda items
6. Grandparents Day Presentation
Candi Nelson will address the board concerning Grandparents Day and suggestions for change.
7. Committee Reports
Reports from the following committee(s):
8. Discussion Items: Consider and Discuss - No Action to be Taken
8.1. Shickley Community Foundation Grants
The board will review grants submitted by staff on behalf of Shickley Public School.
8.2. Swimming Pool
Further discussion on swimming pool and transfer of property.
9. Action Items: Consider, Discuss, and Take all Necessary Action
9.1. Handbook Proposal
The board may discuss and take action regarding preschool and kindergarten services.
9.2. Grandparents Day
The board will discuss and may take action on changes to the format of Grandparents Day and the resulting calendar change.
9.3. Supplemental Rates for 25-26
The board may discuss and take action on supplemental rates for the 25-26 school year.
9.4. 25-26 School Calendar
The board will consider approval of the proposed 25-26 School Calendar. The proposed calendar adds Professional Development time deemed essential from the Strategic Planning process.
9.5. Classified Wage Increases
The board may discuss and approve a lump sum amount to be allocated for Classified wages for the 25-26 school year.
9.6. Activity Account updates
The board will consider and may take action on changes to the authorization of checks from the Activity Account at Heartland Bank.
9.7. New Policies
Policies: 716.00 ESSA Non-Regulatory Business Requirements, 717.00 Disposal of Property Under Federal Grants, 718.00 Fiscal Management of Internal Controls. Directed by NASB to approve.
9.8. Title IX Policy - Rescind due to federal courts
Newly released Title IX requirements by the Federal government direct reverting to 2020 policy. Court ruling voids the entire Title IX policy issued last summer, including the 10 procedural components labeled 504.24E1 through 504.24 E10.
9.9. Updated IX Policy: 504.24 Title IX Nondiscrimination and associated documents.
Federal Law updates to Title IX changes. Reverting to 2020 regulations.
504.24 - Title IX Discrimination 504.24E1 - Title IX Reporting Form 504.24R1- Title IX Nondiscrimination Procedures |
10. Informational Items
10.1. Administrative Reports
The Board has received written reports from:
11. Establish Future Board of Education Meeting Date(s) and Time(s)
The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be March 10, 2025, at 7:00 pm.
12. Closed Session
13. Items from Closed Session
14. Adjournment