April 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Preliminary Procedures
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Roll Call
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
1.4. Public Notice of the Meeting and Notification of Open Meeting Law
The meeting notice is posted prior to each meeting at the Shickley Post Office, Heartland Bank Shickley Branch, 5 Loaves Market and Bakery, the front door of Shickley Public School, and the local newspaper: The Nebraska Signal.
1.5. Approve Board Member Absence(s)
1.6. Approve the Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is used to help the efficiency of the meeting by allowing the Board to approve items such as prior meeting minutes, general business of noncontroversial nature, or routine communication. The Consent Agenda for this meeting includes:
3. Facility Systems Presentation
Greg Barnes of Facility Advocates will present information to the board about the company's services and planning for future district needs.
4. Financial Reports
The monthly financial reports outlining the financial position of the District are presented to the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
5. Claims and Bills
The claims and bills drawn upon District funds are presented to the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
6. Welcome Visitors
Individuals wishing to speak must sign up to do so prior to the Public Comments agenda item. Public Comments are limited to a total of 30 minutes with each speaker having a time limit of 5 minutes. The board will listen to comments at this time but not respond to those comments. Comments made at other times are out of order unless asked to respond by the Board President. Any handouts for Board Members provided by the public must be presented to the Secretary for later distribution. No posters, images, or similar material will be displayed by the public during the meeting.
6.1. Public Comments not on agenda items
6.2. Public Comments on agenda items
7. Committee Reports
Reports from the following committee(s):
8. Discussion Items: Consider and Discuss - No Action to be Taken
8.1. Student Cell Phone Use for 2024-25
The Board will continue to discuss student cell phone usage for the coming school year.
9. Action Items: Consider, Discuss, and Take all Necessary Action
9.1. Strategic Plan
The Board will review, discuss, and take action on the proposal from NASB for the development of a Strategic Plan to determine goals and guide the district over the next five years.
9.2. ELA Curriculum Selection
The board will review, discuss, and take action on the selection of an English Language Arts curriculum to be implemented in the 2024-25 school year to comply with State Standards.
The curriculum committee has proposed two options: Into Reading CKLA |
9.3. New Certified Staff Contracts
The Board will consider approval of contracts for new certified staff:
Bethany Neuhart - English |
9.4. 2024-2025 Administrator Contracts
The board will consider approval of administrator contracts for:
Greg Schroeder - Principal (24-25 school year) Stan Essink - Superintendent (24-26 school years) - amendment to current contract |
9.5. Classified Staff Lump Sum Wage Increase
The board will discuss, review, and take action on the proposal of a lump sum increase for Classified staff wages of $25,000.
9.6. Computer Purchases
The board will discuss, review, and take action on the proposal for student computer purchases for the 2024-25 school year.
9.7. Foster Care Policy
The Board will discuss, review, and take action on policy regarding foster care. 502.00 Admission of Students. Policy adoption required by the Nebraska Department of Education specifies the process for admitting students under foster care.
10. Informational Items
10.1. Administrative Reports
The Board has received written reports from:
10.2. Rule 10 Compliance
Confirmation of approved accreditation compliance.
11. Establish Future Board of Education Meeting Date(s) and Time(s)
The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Education will be May 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
12. Closed Session
13. Items from Closed Session
14. Adjournment