January 20, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order:
Declare meeting legal, open, and affirm advance notice of meeting. The open meeting laws are posted on the north wall of the library. Roll call: Happold, Lyon, Rath, Schutt, Wilson. Dr. Mumm will take nominations for board president. ******Reorganization of Board Members****** a) Nominate and elect a Board President b) Meeting is turned over to the President c) Nominate and elect a Vice-President d) Nominate and elect a Secretary e) Nominate and elect a Treasurer f) Proceed with a regular agenda using new elected Board Officers Request a motion that it hereby be determined that this public meeting was preceded by public notice and is determined to be legal and in open session. Time:____________ |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Review and Act on Minutes of the Regular December Board of Education Meeting:
4. Review Treasurer’s Reports for all funds: (No action needed)
5. Presentation of Claims to be approved and paid in January from the General Fund:
6. Requests to Address the Board of Education:
7. Information Items:
7.A. Superintendent Report, SPED Administration Report, Maintenance Report, Transportation Report
7.B. Principal Report, AD Report
7.C. Finance, Negotiation, and Personnel Sub-Committee Report
7.D. American Civics and Instruction Sub-Committee Report
7.E. Building, Grounds and Transportation Sub-Committee Report
7.F. Board Policies and Accreditation Sub-Committee Report
8. New Business:
8.A. Accept the resignation of school board member Nathan Most.
8.B. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary actions regarding the appointing process to fill the vacant board member position.
8.C. Discuss and take all necessary actions regarding the feasibility study between Giltner Public Schools and Harvard Public Schools.
8.D. Take all necessary action to approve the 2025-2026 school calendar.
8.E. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary actions regarding the needs and alignment of all personnel for the 2025-2026 school year, which is necessary to prevent needless injury to individuals' reputations, in closed session.
8.F. Discuss, consider and take all necessary actions regarding the administration and personnel needs of Giltner Public Schools.
9. Announcements:
10. Set Time and Date for Next Regular Meeting:
The February board of education meeting needs to be tentatively set for Monday, February 10th, 2025, at 7:00pm. |
11. Adjourn Meeting:
Motion to adjourn the Regular January Board of Education meeting. |