January 13, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Meeting Called to Order
I.B. Establishment of a Quorum
I.C. Invocation
I.D. Agenda Posted
I.E. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2024, board meeting - vote to approve/disapprove
I.F. Board Recognition and possible discussion
II. Approval Docket
II.A. Income/Expense Reports
II.B. Treasurer's Report
II.C. General Fund
II.C.1. Encumbrances 21019 - 21143 - approve
II.D. Building Fund
II.D.1. Encumbrances - approve
II.E. Activity Fund- approve
II.F. Transfer Refund Account Balance to General Fund- approve
II.G. Mileage Reimbursement Rate Change effective January 1, 2025 ( 70 cents per mile) - approve
II.H. BIS Instructors and Part-time Employees- approve
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. Proposed executive session for the purpose of discussing: 1. Pursuant to Title 25, Section 307 (B)(1) of the Oklahoma Statutes discuss the Board's annual employment evaluation of the Superintendent, Mike Eubank and contract of employment beginning with school year 2025-26.
III.B. Motion and vote to convene in executive session -vote to approve/disapprove
III.C. Motion and vote to return to open session - vote to approve/disapprove
III.D. Statement of executive session minutes
III.E. Discussion and vote to approve or disapprove a contract of employment beginning with school year 2025-2026 with Mike Eubank, Superintendent- vote to approve/disapprove
III.F. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve PN Tuition and Fees FY 2025-2026 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.G. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve the MATC Outdoor Lighting Replacement Project to include the installation of (8) eight LED Head Replacements for existing Pole Lights, installation of (2) two new LED Wall Packs East Side of Stem Building and installation of (2) two new poles with lights for the Parking Lot South of the Health Building - vote to approve/disapprove
III.H. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve the purchase of a 2019 Cascadia 125 Semi Truck and 28' Refer Trailer for Semi Truck- vote to approve/disapprove
III.I. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve the purchase of an UV34XL Diesel Utility Vehicle for the Broadband Program - vote to approve/disapprove
III.J. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve the purchase of (1) one La Spaziale S9 EK DSP 3 GR. TA Expresso Machine for the Coffee Shop - vote to approve/disapprove
III.K. Motion, discussion and possible board action to approve the purchase of a Greaseless Air Fryer DoughXpress Model No. 600020 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.L. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve a Service Agreement with Feed the Kids, Inc. FY2025 - vote to approve/disapprove
III.M. Motion, discussion and possible action to approve an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with The Oklahoma Purchasing System (TOPS) to purchase construction related materials and services and other cooperative contract offerings - vote to approve/disapprove
III.N. Discussion regarding process to utilize to locate interested candidates in vacant board seat #3.
III.O. Discussion regarding letter from Oklahoma State CTE Director Brent Haken.
IV. Positions to Fill:
IV.A. Housekeepers
IV.B. Assistant Superintendent
V. Conventions and Workshops:
V.A. NSBA Conference - April 4-6, 2025 - Atlanta, GA
VI. New Business:
VII. Next Board Meeting - February 10, 2025 - 6:30 p.m.
VIII. Adjournment