February 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting of Whitebead Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to order and recording of members present and absent.
2. Recognition of guests:
3. Consent Agenda: The consent agenda consists of approval of the following items:
3.a. Minutes of the January 13, 2025, Regular Board Meeting.
3.b. Substitute Teacher List
3.c. Monthly financial report of Activity Fund.
4. Presentation of Treasurer's Report
5. Discuss and possible action to approve Activity Fund purchase order encumbrances 116 through 143 with the overall dollar value of $ 6,676.02.
6. Discuss and possible action to approve General Fund purchase order encumbrances 205 through 220 with an overall dollar value of $ 68,729.43.
7. Discuss and possible action to approve Building Fund purchase order encumbrances 82 through 90 with an overall dollar value of $2,687.67.
8. Discuss and possible action to approve Child Nutrition purchase order encumbrances 57 through 65 with an overall dollar value of $ 6994.26.
9. Discuss and possible action to approve Building Bond Fund purchase order encumbrances 1 with an overall dollar value of $2815.20.
10. Discuss and possible action to approve Change Order on PO #82 for Quill with a dollar amount of $1000.00.
11. Discuss and possible action to approve January payroll encumbrances.
12. Discussion and possible action to add April Houston & Cameron Johnston to Whitebead Savings Plus Account # 676342 at Pauls Valley National Bank.
13. Discussion and possible action to add Cameron Johnston & April Houston to Whitebead General Fund Account # 2113397 at Pauls Valley National Bank.
14. Discussion and possible action to add April Houston, Cameron Johnston & Alex Young to Whitebead Bond Account # 2166587 at Pauls Valley National Bank.
15. Discussion and possible action to add April Houston, Cameron Johnston & Alex Young to Clearing Account # 2182517 at Pauls Valley National Bank.
16. Discussion and possible action to remove Everett Plummer and Shea Thompson from all Whitebead bank accounts at Pauls Valley National Bank.
17. Discussion and possible action to approve Certificate and Order to County Clerk and County Treasurer concerning a Bond for Cameron Johnston of Angel, Johnston, & Blasingame, P.C.
18. Discussion and possible action to approve the calendar for the 25/26 school year.
19. Discussion and possible action to surplus 47 HP Chromebooks and 59 Lenovo Chromebooks.
20. Discussion and possible action to surplus two commercial Silverstar ovens, a commercial Vulcan stove, commercial Scotsman ice maker, salad bar & six cafeteria tables.
21. Discuss and possible action to possibly update the policy EMDB Flags as recommended by the Oklahoma State School Board Association.
22. Discussion and possible action to adopt policy form GBA-E Open Meeting Act as recommended by the Oklahoma State School Board Association
23. Vote to convene or not convene into proposed executive session as allowed by 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) to discuss
24. Acknowledge return to Open Session
25. Discussion and possible action to hire a custodian for the remainder of the 24/25 school year.
26. Presentation of Board Member Points
27. Superintendent's Report
28. Sign Warrants and Claims.
29. New Business
30. Vote to adjourn