May 9, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Vote to approve Minutes Clerk.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding agenda as part of the minutes.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding minutes of the April 11, 2016 Board Meeting.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding minutes of the April 18, 2016 Special Board Meeting.
6. Discussion and possible action regarding Change Order 1001 for the Covered Vehicle Parking project.
7. Presentation by Lisa Williams and Janice Gay on AEL/GED.
8. Discussion and possible action regarding the Treasurer's Report.
9. Discussion and possible action regarding the Activity Fund Report.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding the following:
10.a. General Fund Change Orders for FY '15
10.b. General Fund Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY '16, numbers 1029-1248
10.c. Building Fund Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY'16, numbers 20004-20005.
10.d. General Fund Payroll Change Orders, Warrants and Encumbrances for FY '16, numbers 70326-70367.
11. Discussion and possible action regarding the attached employee contracts.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding the following Building Fund appropriation changes: $156,380.57 from function 4600; $59.481.86 to function 1700; $95,700.71 to function 2500; $1,198.00 to function 2600.
13. Discussion and possible action regarding the amendment of a previously approved employee contract.
14. Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed executive session to evaluate and discuss the employment of the following for FY '17 pursuant to 25 O.S.307ยง(b)(1) of the Open Meeting Act:
14.a. ten-month certified personnel on a continuing contract basis
14.b. more-than-ten-month certified personnel on a continuing contract basis
14.c. non-certified personnel
14.d. personnel contingent upon federal funds being available
14.e. support personnel
15. Vote to convene or not convene in executive session.
16. Vote to acknowledge return of board to open session.
17. Executive Session Compliance Announcement.
18. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the attached named ten-month certified personnel for FY '17 on a continuing contract basis (1-18).
19. Discussion and possible action regarding employment of the attached named more-than-ten-month certified personnel for FY '17 on a continuing contract basis (19-23).
20. Discussion and possible action regarding employment of the attached named personnel for FY '17 (24-34).
21. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Jamie Conway for FY '17 contingent upon availability of Federal Funding.
22. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of the attached named support personnel for FY '17.
23. Discussion and possible action regarding amendment of a part-time A&CD receptionist/secretary position to an afternoon/evening Administrative Assistant.
24. Discussion and possible action regarding the purchase of supplies and equipment in the amount of $161,131.54.
25. Discussion and possible action regarding the out-of-state travel for:
25.a. Dennis Loafman to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.b. Brook Holding to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.c. Sylvia Loveday to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.d. Noe Almeida to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.e. Bill Leyrer to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.f. Meredith Crowder to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.g. Todd Ottwell to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.h. Gerry Rawlings to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.i. Theresa Ensley to TCTW/SREB Summer Conference in Louisville, KY
25.j. Vera Budlong and 4 students to attend National HOSA Conference in Nashville, TN
26. Discussion and possible action regarding the Jerry D. Morris scholarship in the amount of $1,200.00 to Kayla Salazar, Practical Nursing Student. This scholarship is part of the Oklahoma Communities Foundation funds.
27. Discussion and possible action regarding the Technology Centers Aerospace/STEM Cooperative Agreement for 2016-2017.
28. Discussion and possible action regarding the Gooden Group Cooperative Agreement for 2016-2017.
29. Discussion and possible action regarding the Statewide Marketing Agreement for 2016-2017.
30. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Kaleb Dellinger as summer IT help.
31. Discussion and possible action regarding the Online Consortium with OdysseyWare.
32. Discussion and possible action regarding the Resolution to Declare Surplus Property (Computer Software).
33. New Business:
34. Informational Items:
34.a. Communities Foundation of Oklahoma Quarterly Reports
34.b. Bid Assistance Statistic Report
34.c. State Contest Results
34.d. 2016 OSSBA/CCOSA Conference-August 26-28, 2016
34.e. EBS License
34.f. Lockdown Drills - April 20, 2016 & May 2, 2016
35. Vote to adjourn.