February 5, 2025 at 9:00 AM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - 9:00a.m. Mr. Larry Stephens, President; Mr. Rodney Albee, Vice-President; Mr. Greg Henry, Clerk; Mr. John Becker, Member; Mr. Mike Freeman, Member
2. OSSBA representative to provide guidance and instruction on using the OSSBA Assembly Meeting program
3. Motion, consideration and vote to approve minutes of January 8, 2025 regular board meeting
4. Motion, consideration and vote to approve encumbrances for January
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Motion, consideration and vote to approve Activity Account Report and Transfer of Excess Fund
7. Motion, Consideration and Vote to Approve FY2024 Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center Audit Report conducted by S&B CPA and Associates PPLC
8. Motion, consideration and vote for Board to Approve Deviation from District Travel Policy for Employees to Attend and Supervise Students for Scheduled Oklahoma CareerTech Student Organizational District/State Leadership Conference (SkillsUSA, HOSA, FCCLA and BPA). Staff employees will receive a per diem rate per day
9. Motion, consideration and vote to approve the license agreement between the Employee Evaluation Systems, Inc and Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center for the OkTLE Teacher Evaluation & McRel Leader Evaluation forms for the school year 2025-2026.
10. Motion, consideration and vote for the District seeking Bid Process for Construction of Eastern Ok County Technology Center Welding Addition
11. Motion, consideration and vote to approve Items to be declared Surplus
12. Motion, consideration and vote to approve Fund Raisers.
13. New Business: In accordance with Okla. Stat. tit. 25, §3 I I (A)(9), "new business" means any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.
14. Superintendent's Report
15. Motion and vote to Convene into Executive Session
Proposed Executive Session for discussing the following so the board can return to open session and take action pursuant to Executive Session Authority: Okla. Stat. tit. 25, §307(B)(J), (3), and (7). The following items are proposed for discussion during the Executive Session: a. New Employments as listed on Personnel Report
b. Re-Employments of Administrators for 2024-2025 School Year as listed on Personnel Report- Attachment A c. Resignations as listed on Personnel Report
16. Motion and vote to Return to Open Session
17. Board President's Statement of Executive Session Minutes.
18. Motion, consideration and vote to approve or disapprove the following:
18.a. Motion and vote to approve or not approve the employments of the individuals listed on Personnel Report - Attachment A
18.b. Motion and vote to approve or not approve to re-employ the Administrations for the 2025-2026 School Year as listed on Personnel Report - Attachment A
18.c. Motion and vote to approve or not approve the Resignation as listed on Personnel Report - Attachment A
19. Board Comments
20. Motion and vote to Adjourn.