February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Superintendent’s Report
C. Recognitions/Presentations
D. Public to be Heard
E. Consideration of and Vote on the Consent Agenda: All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
E.1. Board of Education Minutes:
E.2. Schedule of Encumbrances:
E.3. ↵Financial Reports:
E.4. Out of State Travel Request:
E.5. Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan Adoption Agreement.
E.6. Yearbook Printing Agreement between Knight Ridge Elementary and Grand Life Photography for the 2025-26 school year.
E.7. Contract agreement between Knight Ridge Elementary and 1st Day School Supplies for the 2025-26 school year.
E.8. Technology surplus.
F. Business Items
F.1. Vote to approve or not approve GMP Amendments No. 10 & 11 Deer Creek 4th-5th Grade Band Remodel to the Guarantee Maximum Price Contract with Willowbrook for construction management services.-- Cory Pivniska
F.2. Discussion and possible vote to approve the addition of a new course, Street Law, to the Deer Creek High School Course Guide.-- Kristy VanDorn
F.3. Discussion and possible vote to approve changes to board policy IKE (Retention, Promotion, and Placement of Students).-- Kristy VanDorn
F.4. Discussion and possible vote to approve a quote of $125,120.00 from CodeHS for a six year computer coding program adoption for Deer Creek High School, to be paid out of State Textbook Funds.-- Mark Phillips |
F.5. Discussion and possible vote to approve a quote of $58,968.00 from Quaver Music for a six year elementary music adoption for Pre-K through 4th grade, to be paid out of State Textbook Funds.-- Mark Phillips
F.6. Discussion and possible vote to approve a quote of $19,032.60 from B.E. Publishing for a six year adoption of Google Suite textbooks for Computer Application Courses I and II at Deer Creek High School, to be paid out of State Textbook Funds.-- Mark Phillips
F.7. Discussion and possible vote to approve a quote of $26,581.89 from Chickasaw Telecom for Network equipment, to be paid out of Bond Funds.-- Dr. Scott Haselwood
F.8. Discussion and possible vote on the Superintendent’s recommendation concerning employment as listed on the Personnel Schedule.
F.9. Discussion and possible vote to accept, reject or amend the ongoing contract for Superintendent Jason Perez.
G. Adjournment