August 27, 2024 at 6:30 PM - New Deal ISD - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Board President
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge
4. Invocation
5. Public Forum
6. Public Meeting to discuss the 2024-2025 Proposed Budget and Proposed Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate of $0.7469 and a Proposed Interest and Sinking Rate of $0.424682.
7. Resignations accepted by superintendent under Board Policy (DFE Local)
8. Employment of noncontractual employees by Superintendent under Board Policy (DC Local)
9. Consent Agenda
9.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
9.2. Financial Report
Eric Gossett, CFO
10. Action Items
10.1. Consider Approval of Amended 2023-2024 Budget
10.2. Consider Adoption of 2024-2025 General Fund Budget
10.3. Consider adoption of 2024-2025 Food Service Budget
10.4. Consider adoption of 2024-2025 Interest and Sinking Budget
10.5. Consider a Resolution Setting the 2024-2025 Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate at $0.7469 and the Interest and Sinking Tax Rate at $0.424682.
10.6. Consider quote for Silent Panic Alarm Technology (SPAT) from FiveStones Safety
10.7. Consider the purchase of a 2022 Blue Bird T3RE 4006 Activity Bus
11. Executive Session As Allowed By The Texas Open Meetings Act
11.1. Consider Lion Guard Members
11.2. Review employee stipend list
12. Action After Reconvening from Closed Session (If Needed)
13. Personnel
13.1. Consider 2024-2025 New Deal ISD Compensation Plan
13.2. Acceptance of resignation(s) and/or resignation agreements
13.3. Consideration of employee contract(s) and/or employment
13.4. Consider approval of district substitute teachers/bus drivers' employment
14. Informational Items
14.1. Enrollment
14.2. Fall Festival
15. Adjourn