January 16, 2025 at 12:00 PM - SH 130 MMD Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Hear any public comments presented at the meeting, i.e., this is when the general public may address the Board about their concerns. The Board will not comment or deliberate, except as authorized by TEX. Gov'T CODE§ 551.042.
4. *Executive Session: Recess into executive session to discuss and deliberate about the items listed in items 5 and 6.
Consultation with attorney(s) in accordance with TEX. GOV'T CODE§ 551.071;
5. Review, discuss, and take appropriate action on the proposed contract with Blakemore Public Affairs, including approving chairman to execute engagement with Blakemore Public Affairs for not to exceed $25,000 per month, and take any further action as necessary.
6. Review, discuss and consider approval of all or part of invoices from The Perryman Group for economic analysis.
7. Consider adopting Resolution Designating Additional Out of District Meeting Place and Office of the District; and authorize publication of notice thereof.
8. Discuss and confirm date for next meeting.
9. Adjournment