November 29, 2021 at 12:30 PM - SH 130 MMD Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Public communications and comments
2. Review and approve Minutes of November 13, 2020 Meeting
3. Review and approve Minutes of August 31, 2021 Meeting;
4. Review and approve Minutes of September 9, 2021 Meeting
5. Update with regard to development related matters and approved development deals for the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation ("TEHPFC")
6. Consider and approve a Resolution related to the consideration and approval of a plan of finance to issue tax-exempt bonds, notes or loans for the acquisition of land and construction, equipping, and ownership of permanent improvements to provide for essential housing by the TEHPFC, and any additional resolutions, consents or agreements, as may be necessary, related to same
7. Consider and approve a Resolution approving guidelines for the TEHPFC to use when considering the acquisition of affordable multi-family housing projects, and any additional resolutions, consents or agreements, as may be necessary, related to the same
8. If timely, discuss potential revenue split between the TEHPFC and the District
9. Review and confirm annual renewal of insurance and bonds
10. If timely, consider and adopt a Resolution Acknowledging Annual Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies;
11. Review and approve Cash Activity Report and related payments, authorize the opening of any new accounts and approve any necessary fund transfers, confirm filing of the District's Annual Financial Report for its fiscal year just ended 9.30.21and take further action with regard to any additional reporting or budget related matters
12. Discuss and confirm any tentative or proposed next meeting dates
13. Adjournment
The Board of Directors may enter into Executive Session, if necessary and appropriate, pursuant to the applicable section of Subchapter D, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code Annotated, the Texas Open Meetings Act, on any matter that may come before the Board. No action, decision or vote on any subject or matter may be taken unless specifically listed on the agenda for this meeting.SH130 MMD No. 1 Notice11.29.21