October 5, 2009 at 7:30 PM - Sapulpa Public Schools Board of Education Independent School District Number 33 Creek County Regular
Agenda |
Call the meeting to order and Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Vote to approve/disapprove awarding trade bids for the new Service Center.
Vote to approve/disapprove geotechnical services with Shepherd Geotechnical Engineering for the new Service Center āCā maintenance /transportation building.
Vote to approve/disapprove an Energy Savings Contract with Energy Education, Inc. to provide a customized energy conservation program for Sapulpa Public Schools.
Consent Agenda
Vote to approve/disapprove the minutes of the 9-8-09 regular board meeting.
Vote to approve/disapprove 2009-10 general fund purchase order encumbrances numbers 695 through 792.
Vote to approve/disapprove 2009-10 building fund purchase order encumbrances numbers 73 through 80.
Vote to approve/disapprove 2009-10 child nutrition fund purchase order encumbrances numbers 98 through 106.
Vote to approve/disapprove 2009-10 bond (fund 31) fund purchase order encumbrances numbers 26 through 34.
Vote to approve/disapprove the monthly financial reports of the school Activity Funds account.
Vote to approve/disapprove the Treasurer's Report on the status of Funds and Investments.
Vote to approve/disapprove a 2009-10 contract with Career Tech for Secondary and Full-Time Adult Career and Technology Education Programs.
Vote to approve/disapprove a 2009-10 Drop-Out Recovery Joint Agreement between Sapulpa Public Schools and Central Tech.
Vote to approve/disapprove offering Central Tech courses as part of the Sapulpa School District curriculum to allow students to receive the appropriate academic credits.
Vote to approve/disapprove an Authorized Provider Agreement with American Red Cross to provide health and safety services.
Vote to approve/disapprove the following out-of-state activity trips:
FFA students to attend National Livestock Judging Contest on September 24-25, 2009 in Butler, KS.
Cross Country Team to compete in the Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival on October 17, 2009 in Fayetteville, AR.
FFA students to attend a showing at the American Royal Livestock Show on October 26- November 2, 2009 in Kansas City, MO.
FFA students to attend the National Western Livestock Show on January 14-18, 2009 in Denver, CO.
8th Grade Students to visit the U.S. Space and Rocket Center on March 15-19, 2010 in Huntsville, AL.
Varsity Baseball Team to participate in a tournament on March 16-20, 2010 in Richardson, TX.
Vote to approve/disapprove fundraisers as per Attachment.
Vote to approve/disapprove surplus school property as per Attachment and authorize the administration to dispose of it at a fair and reasonable price.
Hearing from the Public
Information & Discussion Items
Site Improvement Plans - Bartlett, Jefferson Heights and Woodlawn
Attendance Update
Action Items
New Business - items not known or foreseen when agenda was posted.
Vote to approve/disapprove APEX on-line course credits for Sapulpa students.
Vote to approve/disapprove an Amendment to Commercial Services Agreement with Cox Communication to provide internet service to the new Service Center.
Vote to approve/disapprove a contract with Baxsys, Inc. for technical design services for the new Elementary site.
Proposed executive session to discuss (1)Personnel listed below as authorized by 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and (2) Superintendent's Contract as authorized by 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(1) of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, with no resulting vote to be taken on item (2).
Vote to convene in executive session.
Vote to acknowledge the Board has returned to open session.
Statement of executive session minutes.
Vote to Employ:
Jefferson Heights Latchkey Assistant (9-14-09)
Freedom H.Q. Teacher Assistant (9-13-09)
District Half-Time Title I Liaison (9-8-09)
Junior High ACE Math Teacher (9-23-09)
Freedom Latchkey Teacher (9-27-09)
Freedom Latchkey Paraprofessional (8-20-09)
Junior High Adjunct Wrestling Coach (9-21-09)
Freedom Latchkey Teacher (8-20-09)
Freedom AT Team Member (8-17-09)
Freedom AT Team Member (8-17-09)
Freedom Cook (9-28-09)
Middle School H.Q. Special Education Assistant (9-21-09)
Jefferson Heights Latchkey Paraprofessional (9-14-09)
Liberty H.Q. Teacher Assistant (9-21-09)
Woodlawn Latchkey Assistant (8-20-09)
Woodlawn Substitute Latchkey Assistant (8-20-09)
Liberty H.Q. Teacher Assistant (9-29-09)
Freedom H.Q. Special Education Assistant (9-30-09)
Service Center Bus Driver (9-4-09)
Jefferson Heights Paraprofessional (9-21-09)
Woodlawn Latchkey Teacher (8-20-09)
Liberty H.Q. Teacher Assistant (9-28-09)
District Child Nutrition Substitute (9-29-09)
Vote to approve/disapprove a leave of absence for Whitney Jackson, Jefferson Heights Kindergarten Teacher, for the 2009-10 school year.
Vote to accept Resignations received since the last board meeting.