August 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Public Hearing/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1) Call to Order/Establishment of a Quorum
2) Invocation
3) Pledges
4) Open Public Hearing
5) Public Hearing to Discuss Godley ISD Budgets and Tax Rates for 2024-25
This is an annual budget hearing to adopt the following budget as required by statute: 1. General fund; 2. Food service fund; and 3. Debt service fund. The board must also adopt the 2024 tax rates for Maintenance & Operations and Interest & Sinking Fund.
6) Close Public Hearing
7) Superintendent Reports
7)a) Construction Updates
8) Public Participation
Audience participation at a Board meeting is limited to the public comment portion of the meeting designated for that purpose. Per H.B. 2840 all public comments shall be limited only to items on the board agenda for consideration. At all other times during a Board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer. BED(LOCAL)
9) Business (Discussion/Action)
9)a) Consider Consent Agenda Items
9)a)1) Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of July 29, 2024, and Special Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2024
9)a)2) District Financial Report
Review of current year-to-date budget to actuals history and check register for the general operating fund, child nutrition fund, debt service fund, and after-school program.
9)a)3) District Tax Report
Review of current year-to-date tax collections of M&O and I&S from Johnson, Hood, and Tarrant Counties.
9)a)4) Budget Amendments
This is the final annual budget amendment needed to make sure we do not go over budget by any particular function. Several items are recorded during the annual close-out and audit process that add to both revenues and expenses equally. Other expenditures are reclassed by the auditors from one function code to another. These amounts are not always known before the fiscal year ends.
9)a)5) Resolution to Commit Fund Balance
Resolution that the Godley Independent School District Board of Trustees allocates the portions of its ending August 31, 2023 General Fund Balance from committed to unassigned for the purposes of calculation within the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
9)a)6) Consider approval of the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Dispatched Services for the Budget Year 2024-2025.
This is an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Johnson County and Godley ISD Police Department for Dispatch Services for budget year 2024-2025. All cooperating agencies are charged a fee based on the volume of dispatch services utilized from Johnson County, estimated from the prior year. Services include but are not limited to: answering telephone complaints (calls for services, emergency and non-emergency), recording and maintaining records of calls for services and police activity when the police portable radio is used to utilize Johnson County Dispatch services.
9)a)7) Consider approval of the Resolution between Godley ISD and Tarrant County for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization and Agreement with Ellis County for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization
The agreements with Tarrant County and Ellis 4-H creates a strong partnership with our Godley ISD and our Godley FFA Chapter. Our Godley FFA Advisors are not able to attend every show across the state. This agreement allows one of the 4-H advisors to serve as an advisor for our Godley FFA students when our advisors are not able to attend. Additionally, this agreement recognizes 4-H as an extracurricular activity for students and permits the district to excuse students' absences when they miss school for 4-H related events.
9)b) Consider Approval of the 2024-25 Godley ISD Budgets
The Board must vote to approve the 2024-2025 budgets for the General fund, Food service fund, and Interest & Sinking fund. Maintenance and operation taxes cover regular expenses such as instructional materials, utilities, and salaries.
9)c) Consider Adoption of the Godley ISD 2024-25 Property Tax Rates
Maintenance and operation taxes cover regular expenses such as instructional materials, utilities, and salaries. Interest and sinking taxes go toward new buildings, renovations, and other capital improvement projects. This years proposed Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate is $0.7869 per $100 property value and the Interest & Sinking Tax Rate is $.50 per $100 property value. This is a $1.2869 total tax rate.
9)d) Consider Tax Rate Notice Approval for Hill College - GISD for 2024-2025
The tax rate proposed by Hill College for Godley ISD - Hill College. Hill College is requesting approval of the voter approval tax rate of $0.023218 to be published in a notice for adoption.
9)e) Consider Approving TASB Numbered Policy Update 123.
TASB Policy Numbered Update123 reflects recommended policy updates to the Godley SD policy manual.
10) Closed Session
Convene in Closed Session under the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
1. 551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney 2. 551.072 Discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property 3. 551.073 Discussing negotiated contracts for prospective gifts or donations 4. 551.074 Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel 5. 551.076 Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of security personnel or devices 6. 551.082 Considering discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel 7. 551.083 Considering the standards, guidelines, terms, or conditions the Board will follow, or will instruct its representatives to follow, in consultation with representatives of employee groups 8. 8.551.084 Excluding witnesses from a hearing |
11) Reconvene Open Session
12) Action on Items Discussed In Closed Session
12)a) Consideration and possible action on authorizing Superintendent to sell easement interests, including taking all steps necessary to do so.
13) Adjournment