September 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM - September 2022 Regular Meeting
Agenda | |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Reading of Mission and Vision Statement
5. Recognition and Celebrations
5.A. Student Recognition
5.B. Employee Recognition
5.C. Donations
6. Public Comments/Forum
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes from August 8, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
7.B. Interlocal Agreement with Harris County Department of Education for Purchasing Cooperative
7.C. Refugio County Extension Adjunct Faculty Agreements and Resolution
7.D. Memorandum of Understanding with Goliad County Emergency Management for Mass Shelter/ Feeding Facilities and Mass Transportation in Disaster Emergencies
7.E. University of Houston-Victoria Dual Credit Partnership Agreement
7.F. Update to Board Approved Fundraiser List for 2022-23, Adding Band Boosters and Yearbook Fundraisers
7.G. Update to 2022-23 Approved Stipend List Adding STAT/PASS Coordinator
7.H. Interlocal Agreement with Goliad County Special Education Cooperative for Contracted Special Education Services
8. Action Items
8.A. Ordinance, Resolution, or Order Setting M&O tax rate, I&S tax rate, and total tax rate per $100 valuation of property for the current year
9. Reports/Informational Items
9.A. Chapter 313 Agreement Status Report
9.B. Finance/Business Office Report
9.C. Enrollment Report
9.D. Superintendent's Report
10. Progress Monitoring
10.A. 2021-22 Accountability
11. Closed Session - Texas Government Codes 551.074, 551.129, 551.082, 551.076, 551.071
11.A. Deliberate Regarding Employement, Reassignment, Resignation, and Duties of Personnel
11.B. Deliberate Regarding Discipline of a Student
11.C. Consider the development, specific occasions for or implementation of security personnel or devices
11.D. Consider potential economic development for district interest
11.E. Consult with district legal counsel on pending matters
12. Consider and Take Possible Action From Matters Discussed in Closed Session
13. Adjourn