January 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Organizational Board Meeting (January)
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Superintendent Lemmer
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Superintendent Lemmer
The Board of Education will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call
Superintendent Lemmer
The Superintendent will administer roll call to establish that a quorum of the Board is present and to determine which Board members are present at the start of the meeting.
4. Public Comments-Participants are asked to keep comments to three(3) minutes.
Please notify the Superintendent in writing at least two business days before the scheduled meetings of the Board of Education if you wish to address the Board but do not speak English, or if you have a handicap or disability that may prevent you from speaking to the Board. At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. Per Board Policy #0167, each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three (3) minutes. This is the only opportunity for public comment. The Board President may add a second comment if there are more than 20 community members seeking to speak.
The Board requests that, if you wish to speak, you provide us with your name, address, and affiliation with the district. Please limit your comment to three minutes. Comments should not be directed at individuals on the board, rather to the board as a whole. This is a meeting of the Board of Education being held in public. Board members will not respond to public comment, but you may request a formal response at a later time. |
5. Agenda Changes
6. Oath of Office
Superintendent Lemmer
Supt. Lemmer will lead the newly elected board members since the last organizational meeting in the reciting of their oath of office.
Board Member Herbstreith and Board Member LeBreton please repeat the oath after me: I do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this state, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Member of the Board of Education of Pennfield Schools, Calhoun County, Michigan, according to the best of my ability. |
7. Election of Pennfield Board of Education Officers (Action)
The Board will elect officers for January 2023- December 2023.
7.1. Election of Board of Education President
Superintendent Lemmer
Members of the board must select among themselves one individual to serve as President. The duties and responsibilities of the President are set forth in Board Policy 0171.1
7.2. Election of Board of Education Vice President
After the election of a Board of Education President, members of the board must select among themselves one individual to serve as Vice President. The duties and responsibilities are set forth in Board Policy 0171.2.
7.3. Election of Board of Education Secretary
After the election of a Board of Education Vice President, members of the board must select among themselves one individual to serve as Secretary. The duties and responsibilities are set forth in Board Policy 0171.3.
7.4. Election of Board of Education Treasurer
After the election of a Board of Education Secretary, members of the board must select among themselves one individual to serve as Treasurer. The duties and responsibilities are set forth in Board Policy 0171.4.
7.5. Appointment of Committee Assignments
It is recommended the Board appoint trustees to the following board committees:
8. Recognitions and Presentations
8.1. Student Athletes of the month from December
Ashlynn Goshorn (Bowling)
Jonathan Lake (Basketball) |
8.2. Academic All-State Honors for the Girls Varsity Volleyball Team
Recognition of Coach Brooke Wells and the following volleyball team members:
Mackenzie Lambeth Irelynn Sedore Natalie Jackson Avery Moran Avery Hock Natalie Hensel Anna Keown Kayden Tanner Caroline Branham Alyssa Campbell Abigail Patterson Addison Barker |
8.3. Academic All-State Football Players
The following athletes received Academic All State honors and were members of the Varsity Football Team:
Aiden Govier Tyler Klelner Thomas Kurtz Tyler Ralston Danny Wells |
8.4. Retirement of Karla Hammond-High School Science Teacher
8.5. Purdy Elementary School Update
9. Consent Agenda (Action)
9.1. Approval of Agenda
9.2. Approval of Check Registers
9.3. Approval of Electronic Fund Transfers
9.4. Approval of Finance Expenditure Report
9.5. Board Communications
10. Items for Approval (Action)
Board President
10.1. Designation of School Depositories
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board authorize the following banks as depositiories: Huntington Bank for General Fund, Payroll, Student/School Activities, Debt Retirement, Transportation, and School Service Funds. Southwest Michigan Bank and Trust for Bond Funds.
10.2. General Funds Disbursement Authorization
Superintendent Lemmer recommends the Board of education approve the Board Treasurer, Board Secretary, Board President, Superintendent or Director of Finance, and/or designer to disburse general fund dollars.
10.3. Bank Account Signatories
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board authorize the Superintendent and Director of Finance and Operations as Bank Account Signatories in addition to the Board Treasurer.
10.4. Authorization to Sign Contracts and Agreements
It is recommended that the board authorize the Superintendent, Stephanie Lemmer to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the Board.
10.5. Purchase Order Signature Authorization
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending that the Board designate the Director of Finance, Angena Schwartz as the authorized signatory of Purchase Orders.
10.6. Electronic Transfer Officers
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board designate the Director of Finance and Operations, Angena Schwartz, as the District's Electronic Transfer Officer (ETO) in accordance with Board Policy 6144.
10.7. Authorize Investment Monies Transfer Signatories
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board authorize the Finance Director and Superintendent as designees to invest monies on behalf of the district.
10.8. Approve Board member Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board approve the Board compensation rate based on the state average, $25.00 per Regular Board Meeting and $15.00 per Board Committee Meeting attended by the Board member.
10.9. Designation of District Legal Counsel
Superintended Lemmer is recommending the Board retain the services of Thrun Law Firm P.C. and Clark Hill P.C. for the 2023 calendar year for matters concerning bond issues, elections, and other specialized services where deemed appropriate; and that the Superintendent, or designer, be authorized to utilize counsel as deemed appropriate for non-specialized services with a not to exceed retention fee of $2,500.
10.10. Designation of District Auditor
The Director of Finance and Operations is recommending the board approve Rehmann and Associates as its financial auditor for the 2024-2025 school year.
10.11. Designation of District Construction Manager
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve Triangle and Associates as the Districts Construction Manager.
10.12. Designate Principle Office for the District (Action)
The Superintendent recommends the Board approve the designation of Central Office located in the Middle School at 8587 Pennfield Road, Battle Creek, MI 49017 as the Principle Office of the district.
10.13. Designation of District Architect
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending that the Board Approve KingScott Architects as the District's Architect.
10.14. Designation of Official Publication
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board approve The Shopper as its official publication as it reaches many homes in the district and is free.
10.15. Determine/reaffirm the dates and locations of the Board's Regular Meetings
It is being recommended that the Board approve the attached schedule of monthly Board meetings and work sessions for February 2024 through January 2025.
10.16. Reaffirm process for calling of special meetings
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the board reaffirm Bylaw 0165.3 - SPECIAL MEETINGS which indicates that Special Meetings will be posted at least eighteen hours (18) in advance and will include the date, time, and location of the meeting in addition to the purpose of the meeting or topics to be covered.
10.17. Reaffirm Meeting Posting Locations
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending that the Board of Education approve posting the Notice of Board Meeting on the door of the Central Office and electronically on the school district's website.
10.18. Designation of the person responsible for posting meeting notices
Superintendent Lemmer recommends the Board of Education designate the Superintendent or her designee as the party responsibile for posting the meeting notices in the proper locations.
10.19. Designation of the Board's Insurance Agents
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending that the board approve SET SEG as its property, casualty, and workers' compensation insurance provider and First Agency as its athletic insurance provider.
10.20. Approve Memberships
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the Board approve the following memberships: Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB); Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators (MASA); Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA); Michigan School Business Officials (MSBO);
10.21. Approval of Second Reading of Board Policies
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the board approve the NEOLA policy update from Fall 2023 which includes the following policy revisions:
PO 0122 (Revision) PO1420 (Revision) PO 3131(Revision) PO3139 (Reissued) PO 3140 (Revision) PO 3142 (Revision) PO 3220 (Revision) PO 7540.03 (Revision) PO 2370.01 (Revision) PO 8531 (Revision) PO 1540 (New) |
10.22. Adoption of Board Policies
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending the board adopt the NEOLA policy update from Fall 2023 which includes the following policy revisions:
PO 0122 (Revision) PO1420 (Revision) PO 3131(Revision) PO3139 (Reissued) PO 3140 (Revision) PO 3142 (Revision) PO 3220 (Revision) PO 7540.03 (Revision) PO 2370.01 (Revision) PO 8531 (Revision) PO 1540 (New) |
10.23. December Bond Bills (Action)
It is the recommendation of the Director of Finance and Operations and the Superintendent that the Board approve the bond bills for the month of December for Kingscott Associates in the amount of $ and Triangle in the amount of $585,982.17. A summary of services rendered is attached.
10.24. Acceptance of Retirement of Karla Hammond
With regret, the Superintendent is recommending the Board accept the retirement of Karla Hammond, Pennfield High School Science Teacher.
10.25. Approval of Centegix Quote
Superintendent Lemmer is recommending that the Board approve the attached quote from Centegix to enable enhanced safety features in all district buildings across the district based on the recommendations from the security assessment conducted last summer.
11. Board Member Comments
12. Adjournment
Board President