July 24, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
The Board of Education will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call
Board President
The Board Secretary will administer roll call to establish that a quorum of the Board is present and to determine which Board members are present at the start of the meeting.
4. Agenda Changes
5. Approval of the Agenda
6. Public Comments - Participants are asked to keep comments to three (3) minutes.
Please notify the superintendent in writing at least two business days before the scheduled meetings of the Board of Education if you wish to address the Board but do not speak English, or if you have a handicap or disability that may prevent you from speaking to the Board. At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. Per Board Policy #0167.3 each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three (3) minutes. This is the only opportunity for public comment. The Board President may add a second comment if there are more than 20 community members seeking to speak. The Board requests that, if you wish to speak, you provide us with your name, address, and affiliation with the district. Please limit your comment to three minutes. Comments should not be directed at individuals on the board, rather to the board as a whole. This is a meeting of the Board of Education being held in public. Board members will not respond to public comment but you may request a formal response for a later time.
7. Recognitions and Presentations
8. Communications
8.1. Superintendent's Report
9. Consent Agenda (Action)
9.1. Approval of Minutes
9.1.1. Minutes of the Thursday, June 1, 2023, Special Meeting
9.1.2. Minutes of the June 19, 2023 Special Meeting
9.1.3. Minutes of the Monday, June 19, 2023 Regular Meeting
9.1.4. Minutes of the June 26, 2023 Annual Budget Hearing
9.1.5. Minutes of the June 26, 2023 Special Meeting
9.2. Approve Check Registers
9.3. Approve Electronic Funds Transfer
9.4. Approve Finance Expenditure Report
9.5. Approve the Annual Loan/Repayment Activity Application
Board approval is sought for the annual resolution that approves borrowing/repaying of funds from the Michigan School Bond Loan Fund to repay bond debt. The attachment includes the resolution and required attachment. The Director of Finance & Operations and Superintendent recommend the board approve the annual School Bond Loan Fund application.
9.6. Communications to the Board
10. Items Removed from Consent Agenda (Discussion and/or Action)
11. Approval of New Staff (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer to approve Sara Miller for the physical education teacher at Purdy-North Penn replacing Corey Einhardt, and, Ayesha Williamson-Franklin for the music teacher at Purdy-North Penn replacing Meissa Baxter.
12. Items for Approval or Discussion (Discussion and/or Action)
Board President
12.1. Discussion of Committee Participation
There are several vacancies for various committees. Board members should consider participating on various committees as part of the governance structure.
12.2. Appoint Board Officer (Action)
According to Board Bylaw 0163 Presiding Officer, Vice President Dawn Forton, fulfilled the role of Presiding Officer at the last Board meeting. According to PO0152 Officers, the board needs to appoint a Board President to fulfill the officer role until the next regular organizational meeting in January of 2024.
It is recommended the Board nominate, and elect, a board trustee to fill the role of President of the Pennfield Schools Board of Education until the next organizational meeting in January 2024. |
12.3. Approval of 23-24 Board of Education Meetings (Action)
It is recommended that the board adopt the attached calendar of Board Meetings for the 23-24 School Year. In general, the recommendation is to hold meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
12.4. Designation of School Auditor (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer for the Board to approve the auditing firm of Rehmann as the district's auditor for the 2023-2024 school year.
12.5. Designate Kingscott as Architect of Record (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer for the Board to approve Kingscott as the district's architect of record.
12.6. Designate Principle Office for the District (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer to designate the Superintendent's Office as the principle office for the district.
12.7. Designate Battle Creek Shopper as the Official Publication (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer for the Board to designate the Battle Creek Shopper as the district's official publication.
12.8. Approve the 2023-2024 Transportation Agreement (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer that the contract agreement between the District and the transportation employee group be approved for the 2023-2024 school year.
12.9. Approve Cooperative Food Service Agreement w/Lakeview Schools for 2023-2024 School Year (Action)
It is the recommendation of Superintendent Lemmer to approve the cooperative food service agreement with Lakeview Schools for the 2023-2024 school year.
12.10. Approve the Student Handbook (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer recommends that the Board of Education approve the 23-24 Student Code of Conduct. The Director of Communications and Innovation assembled a committee during the 22-23 school year to review and discuss any recommended changes to the code of conduct and subsequently aligned the code of conduct to the NEOLA recommendations for handbook updates to ensure that the Code of Conduct is aligned to current Board Policies.
12.11. Approve High School Course of Study Handbook (Action)
High School Principal, Andrew Loy is seeking approval of the attached course handbook for the 23-24 school year which includes the addition of social studies electives.
12.12. Approval of Overnight Football Camp (Action)
Superintendent Lemmer recommends the Board approve Coach Robbie Hattan's request to take the football team to Camp Elvin on August 8,9, and 10th in Athens, MI.
12.13. Approve June 2023 Bond Invoices (Action)
It is the recommendation of the Director of Finance and Operations and the Superintendent that the Board approve the bond bills for the month of June for Kingscott Associates in the amount of $16,258.24 and Triangle in the amount of $1,745,206.50. A summary of services rendered is as follows:
$1,446.56 to Kingscott Associates for work associated with elementary boilers $1,530 to Kingscott Associates for work associated with MS roof $179.99 to Kingscott Associates for work associated with HS secure vestibule $1,020 to Kingscott Associates for work associated with HS parking lot $7,467.27 to Kingscott Associates for work associated with stadium remodeling $4,614.42 to Kingscott Associates for work associated with MS remodeling $32,800 to Triangle and Associates for preconstruction and construction services $152,561.96 to Triangle and Associates for Construction services in association with the Boilers at North Penn and Purdy $293,586.51 to Triangle and Associates for work associated with the High School Stadium $1,180,085.01 to Triangle and Associates for work associated with the Middle School renovations $86,173.02 to Triangle and Associates for work associated with Dunlap renovations |
13. Board Comments
Board President
14. Adjournment
Board President