Thursday, February 9, 2023 BOC Meeting followed by Regular Board Meeting - Alsea School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
2. Flag Salute
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Action Item
3. Approval of the Agenda
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Action Item
4. Superintendent Report:
Sean Gallagher a. Bond GMP Update- Chris and Nancy Giggy b. Aligning for Student Success - Tim France, Bart Rothenberger and Aaron Miller LBLESD
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
5. District Recognition:
a. LaHO i. Employee - Shirley Koetz ii. Students
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
6. Financials
a. Monthly Accounts b. Supplemental Budget c. Budget Calendar 2023-2024 d. Resolution 23-06
LaRae Sullivan
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Action Item
7. Payment of bills for January 2023
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Action Item
8. Discussion
a. Second Reading of Policies : GAA - GDPA-AR b. Third Reading of Policies: DB -FL c. Suicide Prevention Plan - Haley Rose d. Communication Plan - Sara Cash e. Grant Application and MOU - Sara Littlefield f. GMP discussion District Budget DB Budget Calendar DBC Budget Preparation DBE Budget Committee DBEA Budget Hearing DBG Budget Adoption Procedures DBH Budget Amendment Procedures DBI Budget Transfer Authority DBK Budget Transfer Authority DBK-AR(1) Budget Transfer Request DBK-AR(2) Funding Proposals and Applications DD Investment of Funds DFA Investment of Funds DFA-AR Admission Prices and Receipts DFE Admissions to District Events DFEA Income from Program – Related Sales and Services DFG Authorized Signatures DGA Loss Coverage Bonded Employees and Officers DH Fiscal Accounting and Reporting DI Financial Reports and Statements DIC Property Inventories DID Audits DIE District Purchasing DJ Expenditure of District Funds for Meals, Refreshments and Gifts DJ-AR Bidding Requirements DJC Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding DJC-AR Personal Services Contracts DJCA Personal Services Contracts DJCA-AR Credit Cards DJFA Authorization for Payroll Deduction DJFA-AR Payroll DL Salary Deductions. DLB Expense Reimbursements DLC Staff Expense Reimbursement DLC-AR Disposal of District Property DN The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. Safety Program. EB Safety Committee .. EBAC Safety Committee EBAC-AR Integrated Pest Management . EBB First Aid** EBBA First Aid - Infection Control EBBA-AR Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens EBBAA Injury/Illness Reports EBBB Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans EBC/EBCA Emergency Drills and Instruction. EBCB Emergency School Closures** EBCD Vandalism/Malicious Mischief ECAB Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) a.k.a. Drone. ECACB Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials EDC/KGF Student Transportation Services. EEA School Bus Scheduling and Routing EEAB School Bus Scheduling and Routing EEAB-AR School Bus Safety Program EEAC Student Conduct on School Buses EEACC Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation EEACC-AR Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation EEACC-AR Use of District Activity Vehicles for Student Transportation EEACD Loading and Unloading EEACE Special Use of School Buses EEAD Student Transportation in Private Vehicle EEAE Proof of Vehicle Liability Insurance EEAE-AR Use of Private Vehicles for District Business EEBB Reproduction of All Copyrighted Materials EGAAA Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials EGAAA-AR Cell Phones. EGACA Cell Phones. EGACA-AR Electronic Data Management EH Electronic Data Management EH-AR Records and Data Management EH-AR The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. Facilities Planning FB Capital Construction Program FC Capital Improvement - Educational Program FEA Selection of Architect FEB Energy-Conserving Construction FECBA Construction Contracts - Bidding and Awards FEF/FEFB Naming New Facilities FF Memorials FFA Temporary District Facilities FJ Facilities Renovation FK Retirement of Facilities FL The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parents also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. FIRST READING of GAA -GDPA-AR Personnel: Definitions.................................................................. GAA Job Descriptions........................................................................... GAB General Personnel Policies......................... ................................... GB Equal Employment Opportunity.................................................. GBA Veterans’ Preference..................................... ............. ..... GBA-AR Staff Ethics... .............................................................................. GBC Staff Ethics................................................................. GBC-AR Alcohol/Controlled Substance Use......................................... GBCBA Board-Staff Communications....................................................... GBD Expression of Milk [or Breast-feeding] in the Workplace *...... GBDA Staff Health and Safety................................................................. GBE Workplace Harassment *........................................................... GBEA Workplace Harassment Reporting and Procedure... GBEA-AR Communicable Diseases – Staff................................................. GBEB Communicable Diseases – Staff.............................. GBEB-AR Communicable Diseases............................... GBEB/JHCC-AR Staff - HIV, AIDS and HBV..................................................... GBEBA HBV/Bloodborne Pathogens................. GBEBAA/JHCCBA /EBBAB Drug-Free Workplace................................................................. GBEC Medical Examinations/Drug Testing........... .............................. GBED Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel............ GBEDA Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel. GBEDA-AR Staff Participation in Political Activities......................... ........ GBG Staff/Student/Parent Relations**............ ......... ......... GBH/JECAC Parental/Family Relationship**....................................... ....... GBHA Gifts and Solicitations....................................................... ......... GBI Internet-Based, Crowd Funding Solicitation....... .... ..... GBI-AR Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems......................................... ... GBK/JFCG/KGC Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems................................................ GBK/KGC Personnel Records..... ........................................................... GBL Staff Complaints..................................................................... GBM Staff Complaints Procedure....................................... GBM-AR Whistleblower.......... .................................................... GBMA Sexual Harassment................................................................ GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment................................................................ GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.......... GBN/JBA-AR(1) Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure ............ ...... GBN/JBA-AR(2) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.... .... GBN/JBA-AR Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Cyberbullying/Menacing – Staff.... ..... GBNA Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/ Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures – Staff.... GBNA-AR Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements *. GBNAA/JHFF Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms* GBNAA/JHFF-AR Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements**.. .GBNAB/JHFE Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child... GBNAB/JHFE-AR(1) Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises.. GBNAB/JHFE-AR(2) Licensed Staff Positions...................................................................... GC Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media - Staff**.............. GCAB Associated Payroll Costs................................................... GCBC/GDBC Family Medical Leave................................................. GCBDA/GDBDA Oregon Family Medical Leave (OFLA. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) Sample Letter to Employee - OFLA Leave..GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3) OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) OFLA Medical Certification.................. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(5) Oregon Military Family Leave.............. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(6) Designation Notice – OFLA............ ..... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(7) Fitness-for-Duty Certification................ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(8) Family Leave *.... ........ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) Employee Request for Family and Medical Leave.. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(2) Certification of Health Care Provider. GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3)(A) Certification of Health Care Provider... ... GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3)(B) Military Family Leave..................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(3)(C) Military Family Leave..................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(3)(D) FMLA/OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee............................ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) Sample Designation Letter to Employee - FMLA/OFLA Leave... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(5) Designation Notice –...................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(6) Fitness-for-Duty Certification........ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(7) Early Return to Work............................. .... GCBDB/GDBDB Early Return to Work Procedures... GCBDB/GDBDB-AR Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, or Stalking Leave...... GCBDC/GDBDC Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave GCBDC/GDBDC-AR Sick Time.. ................ .. GCBDD/GDBDD Vacations and Holidays.. .. GCBE/GDBE Recruitment of Licensed Staff *.. GCC GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting *... GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting. GCDA/GDDA-AR Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting. GCDA/GDDA-AR Job Sharing... ........ ........... GCEC Job Sharing Agreement.... . GCEC-AR Overtime ........ ............ . GCKA/GDKA Compensatory Time....... GCKA/GDKA-AR Staff Development.... ............................ ... ... . GCL/GDL Evaluation of Staff..... ....................... .. .. GCN/GDN Layoff - Licensed Staff.......... ................ .. .. GCPA Layoff/Recall - Licensed Staff........... .... . GCPA-AR Reduction or Recall of Licensed Staff.. .. .. GCPA-AR Resignation of Staff....... .................................. .. . GCPB/GDPB Retirement of Staff...................... .................... .... GCPC/GDPC Discipline and Dismissal of Licensed Staff.... ..... GCPD Discipline and Dismissal of Licensed Staff. . GCPD-AR Private Tutoring for Pay. GCQAB Copyrights and Patents...... .................................. .... GCQBA Classified Staff/Classified Staff Positions............ ..... GD Posting of Vacancies - Classified........................... ... GDCA Substitute Classified Employees............................ .. GDEA Classified Staff Assignments and Transfers............ ..... GDI Notice of Employment........................ ....................... GDIA Discipline, Demoting or Dismissal of Nonrepresented St........ GDP Layoff - Classified Staff..... ................................................. GDPA Layoff - Classified Staff.... ................................. GDPA-AR The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations.
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
9. Patron Comments
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
10. Board comments
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
11. Action Items:
a. Approve Policies DB-FL b. Approval of Suicide Prevention Plan c. Approve Budget Calendar d. Approve Budget Committee Members e. Approve Grant application and MOU for Family Liaison Program f. Approve Communications plan g. Approve GMP's h. Approve Resolution 23-06
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
12. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
12.a. Important Happenings
February 9, 2023 Regular Board Meeting February 20, 2023 No School Presidents Day February 21, 2023 Fireside Chat February 24, 2023 Teacher Work Day February 27, 2023 First Day of Spring Practice
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
13. Executive Session:
a. To review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does not request an open hearing. (ORS 192.660(2)(i)) b. To consult with counsel concerning current or possible litigation. (ORS 192.660(2)(h))
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item