January 23, 2025 at 6:35 PM - Regular Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening Exercises
1.1. Establish a quorum.
1.2. Call meeting into session.
1.3. Certification of public notice.
2. Public Related
3. Board Related - President's Comments
4. Administrative Reports
4.1. New Construction - UJH Presentation and Site Selection - Gallagher & GLS
4.1.1. Discussion and possible action to approve the new UJH Building site.
4.2. TASB Policy Update 124 -First Read
5. Consent Agenda Items
5.1. Minutes of board meeting(s) - Regular Called December 16, 2024.
5.2. Monthly Tax Report (EXHIBIT B)
5.3. Financial Report - Investment - Cash Flow Summary
6. Order to Call for Trustee Election
6.1. Discussion and possible action to approve the Order to Call for Trustee Election - May 3, 2025.
6.2. Discussion and possible action to approve the date for ballot position drawing.
6.3. Discussion and possible action to approve the Joint Polling Place agreement with the City of Buffalo.
7. Discussion and possible action to approve an order authorizing the issuance of “Buffalo Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2025”; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax for the payment of the Bonds; prescribing the form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the Bonds, including the approval and distribution of a Notice of Sale and an Official Statement pertaining thereto; authorizing the execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and an Official Bid Form; complying with the Letter of Representations on file with the Depository Trust Company; and providing an effective date.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve new bank accounts for bond funds.
9. Discussion and possible action to approve bank signature cards for the LJH principal.
10. Discussion and possible action to approve a Resolution for emergency repairs to the High School HVAC system.
11. Discussion and possible action to approve budget amendment #3 to fund the emergency repairs to the High School HVAC system.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve a financial audit firm for the 2024-2025 school year.
13. Discussion and possible action to approve flooring and roofing expenditures.
14. Closed/Executive Session (551.074) Personnel
14.1. Consideration of Superintendent Evaluation.
14.2. Consideration of Superintendent recommendation regarding the employment and contract status of the Athletic Director/Head Coach.
15. Open Session - Action resulting from Closed Session
15.1. Discussion and possible action to approve Superintendent Contract.
15.2. Discussion and possible action to approve the Athletic Director/Head Coach contract.
16. Adjournment