September 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Verification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law - this is to Certify that the Provisions of Section 551.001 of the Texas Government Code have been met in Connection with the Public Notice of this Meeting.
3. Invocation
4. Pledges to the United States and Texas Flags
5. Recognition of Visitors
6. Public Forum
7. Special Recognitions
8. Discussion Items and District Reports
8.a. District Safety Report
8.b. District Annuity Report
Joe Moya
8.c. Accountability Report
Jamye Swinford
9. Superintendent's Report
10. Action Items
10.a. Discussion of and Request for Approval of the Resolution for
Appointment of the Board of Directors of the Crane County Appraisal District
Dave Lewis
10.b. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Select the One-Step Construction Manager at Risk(CMAR) as the Construction Delivery Method for the 2023 Bond Projects
Dave Lewis
10.c. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Establish the Construction Manager at Risk Criteria
Dave Lewis
10.d. Discussion of and Request for Approval to Select the Proposal Evaluation Committee. RJ Lopez, Paul Hare, Dave Lewis, Alan Swinford, and Vidal (Tinker) Cadena
Dave Lewis
10.e. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Adjunct Faculty for 4-H
Dave Lewis
10.f. Discussion and Possible Action to Join Litigation Against TEA Commissioner in Regards to the Accountability System (A-F Rating)
Dave Lewis
10.g. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Resolution Establishing Designee's Authorized to act on the Account American General Life Insurance Company (AGL)
Sylvia Villegas
10.h. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Purchases over $20,000
11. Executive Session to Include:
11.a. Texas Government Code § 551.074– Discuss, Appoint, Employment, Evaluation, Reasignment Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of an Employee
12. Action Item
13. Consent Agenda to Include:
13.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting (s)
13.b. Financial Report and Current Bills
14. Information Items
14.a. Gifts & Donations
14.b. Federal Grants
15. Future Agenda Items
16. Adjournment