February 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Woodbridge Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Preliminary Business
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Salute to the Flag
I.C. Correspondence
I.D. Public Comment
The Board welcomes public participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to five minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. To protect the integrity of the impartiality of the Board, we will not permit any expression of personal complaints or potential defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Woodbridge School District. Such issues should be brought to the school administration.
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Approval of Meeting Minutes
II.A.1. January 4, 2010 Special Meeting
II.A.2. January 19, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes
III. Reports
III.A. Superintendent's Report
III.A.1. ACES Update from Dr. Craig Edmondson
III.A.1.a. Act on Open Choice Program Participation
III.A.1.b. Act on Wintergreen Magnet School Participation
III.A.2. BRS Update
III.A.2.a. BRS Monthly Enrollment Report
III.A.3. Tri-State Update
III.B. PTO Update
III.C. Facilities Committee Report
III.D. BRS Building Committee
Building Committee Report 2/22/2010
Since the last update there have been a series of meetings of the building committee: January 20th - regular building committee - update by the architect, presentation of potential MEP systems for discussion February 4th - Review Construction Manager proposal packages, 10 proposals were received, the committee reviewed the proposals and shortlisted three firms for interview: The Fusco Group, A.P. Construction, Dimeo Construction Company. All firms appeared highly qualified with proposed fees in the middle of the pack. Not all of the received proposals were deemed complete as they were missing critical fee information. February 11th (interview Construction Managers) - All three potential CM's presented their credentials and responded to committee questions. The original date of the interview was to have been on the 10th but that was cancelled due to the weather. Some members of the respective firms were not available due to prior commitments. The members of the committee present felt that the two strongest candidates, following the interviews were Fusco and Dimeo with Dimeo having a slightly stronger presentation but countered by Fusco's strong local presence and prior Amity experience. It was decided to clarify some questions as well as check references prior to a final decision. February 17th (recommend selection of a CM) The building committee convened to make a final CM recommendation - Dimeo Construction Company. There was substantial deliberation, there were no negatives about either firm but it was felt that Dimeo had a slight edge in terms of pre-referendum services which would serve the town best. The next scheduled meeting is this Wednesday 2/24 at 6:30 to review design team progress. I will be making a presentation to the BOS/BOF at 6:00 on the same day to formally recommend for selection the CM. A very important element that needs to begin is a public relations campaign to get the word out on the project. We are counting on Dr. Stella and Sheila McCreven to lead those efforts. Respectively Submitted, David H Barkin |
III.D.1. Act on Recommendation from Building Committee on Endorsement of CM
III.E. Policy Committee
III.F. Curriculum Committee (Committee of the Whole)
III.G. Ad Hoc SSP Committee (Committee of the Whole)
Charge of the committee is: to examine the data that comprises the state's Strategic School Profile for our school district, in order to enhance the community's understanding of public education in Woodbridge and facilitate the district's continuous improvement.
III.H. CABE Liaison Report
III.I. ACES Liaison Report
IV. New Business
IV.A. Act on 2010/11 Calendar
V. Finance
V.A. Approval of Financial Reports from Finance Committee
V.A.1. Monthly Summary Financial Report Ending January 31, 2010
V.A.2. Monthly Detail Financial Report Ending January 31, 2010
V.A.3. Combining Financial Statements Through January 31, 2010
V.B. Early Retirement Incentive
VI. Old Business
VII. Other
VII.A. Public Comment
The Board welcomes public participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to five minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. To protect the integrity of the impartiality of the Board, we will not permit any expression of personal complaints or potential defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Woodbridge School District. Such issues should be brought to the school administration.
VII.B. Executive Session, in accordance with State Statute
VIII. Adjournment