February 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Policy Committee
Agenda |
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the minutes of the December 12, 2016 meeting.
3. Review of the following policy:
1110.1 Parent Involvement - recommended new policy by CCR Committee
4. Review of the following policy:
1112.5 Media Access to Students - recommended new policy by CCR Committee
5. Review of the following policy:
1120: Board of Education Meetings - recommended policy revised by CCR Committee
6. Review of the following policy:
1140: Distribution of Non-Instructional Materials by Students (Use of Students) - recommended policy revised by CCR Committee
7. Review of the following policy:
1170: Recognition of Staff Members and Community Members - recommended policy revised by CCR Committee
8. Review of the following policy:
1220: Citizen's Advisory - recommended policy to be removed by CCR Committee
9. Review of the following policy:
1250: Visits to the Schools - recommended policy to be removed by CCR Committee
10. Review of the following policy:
1312: Public Complaints - recommended policy to be revised by CCR Committee
11. Review of the following policy:
1313: Gifts to School Personnel - recommended policy affirmed by CCR Committee
12. Review of the following policy:
1324: Fundraising Activities/Funds Management - recommended policy affirmed by CCR Committee
13. Review of the following policy:
1340: Access to School and Materials - recommended policy to be removed by CCR Committee
14. Review of the following policy:
1411: Law Enforcement Agencies - recommended policy affirmed by CCR Committee
15. Review of the following policy:
5113: Students - Attendance/Excuses/Dismissal/Truancy - revised
16. Review of the following policy:
5114: Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process - revised
17. Review of the following policy:
5131.601: Students - Medical (Palliative)Use of
Marijuana - new
18. Review of the following policy:
5145.14/5145.15 Students - On-Campus Recruitment/Directory Information - revised
19. Review of the following policy:
5145.6: Students - Student Grievance Procedures (Title IX)- new
20. Adjournment