July 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular BOE Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence
2. Approval of Minutes
June 5, 2013 - Regular Meeting Minutes
3. Committee Reports
Student Achievement
Personnel Finance |
4. Superintendent Report
Full Day Kindergarten Options
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Personnel
5.1.a. Administrator Resignations - Effective June 30, 2013
Mary Joscelyn-Gadd - BCHS - Assistant Principal
5.1.b. Teacher Retirement - Effective June 30, 2013
Diane Devnew - Ivy Drive - Grade 1
5.1.c. Teacher Resignation - Effective June 30, 2013
Sarah Lupo- SSS - Physical Education
5.1.d. New Teachers Hired - Effective August 26, 2013
Jessica Brown - BCHS - Special Education
Teresa DiCarlo - BCHS - French Angela Scaccianemici - BCHS - Italian Jeremy Sloate - GH - Wellness |
5.1.e. A-1 Teacher Resignation - Effective June 30, 2013
Dawn Killiany - CHMS - Gold Team Leader
5.1.f. A-1 Teacher Appointment - Effective August 26, 2013
Amy Lipscomb - CHMS - Yellow Team Leader
5.1.g. A-3 Teacher Resignation - Effective June 30, 2013
Jennifer O'Donnell - EDGE - K-5 Co-Technology Leader
Sarah Behrendt - EDGE - K-5 - Co-Technology Leader |
5.1.h. A-3 Teacher Appointment - Effective August 26, 2013
Michelle Gallant – EDGE – K-5 Co-Technology Leader
Jennifer Labbe – EDGE - K-5 Co-Technology Leader Ingrid Scalise – NEMS – Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator |
5.1.i. Teacher Requests for an Unpaid Leave of Absence
Elizabeth Flynn - SSS - Special Education - Effective 2013-2014 School Year
5.2. Grants
5.2.a. Inter-district Cooperative Grant - Adventures in Peace-Making and Diversity 2013-2014
This grant is part of the inter-district cooperative grant program. The grant budget and abstract are attached
5.2.b. Lead Awareness and Management Challenge (LAMC) Grant
State grant awarded for a team of school district personnel to participate in a train-the-trainer workshop on lead poisoning prevention and intervention for students in prekindergarten through Grade 12. The team will develop an action plan for promoting lead poisoning awareness among its agency personnel at the workshop and produce administrative procedures related to lead poisoning prevention and intervention by the end of 2013. These initiatives will be developed by BOE staff in conjunction with Bristol Burlington Health District staff.
5.2.c. Main Street Foundation Grant to Bristol Central High School
The Bristol Brass General Grant Fund/Main Street Foundation has awarded a $5,000 dollar grant to Gina Gallo for her continued efforts to refurbish the BCHS auditorium.
5.2.d. Main Street Grant to West Bristol School
The Bristol Public Schools received a $1,200 grant from the Fuller and Myrtle Barnes Fund of the Main Street Community Foundation to support the West Bristol Leadership Academy at West Bristol School.
6. Public Comment
7. Deliberated Items/District Leadership Team Reports
7.1. Budget Adoption for the 2013-2014 School Year
The Superintendent will present the finalized operating budget for the Bristol Public Schools for fiscal year 2013-2014. This budget has been approved by the Board of Finance.
7.2. Curriculum Revision
7.2.a. 6-8 Engineering & Technology Curriculum Revision -
Second Reading
Middle School Engineering & Technology Teachers have completed revisions to the Engineering and Technology Curricula for Grade 6, Grade 7, & Grade 8. This curricula provides a 45 day experience for students as part of their Encore Program. |
7.2.b. Grade 7 - Social Studies - Global Studies II Revision - Second Reading
At both the national and the state levels, standards affecting social studies have been revised in recent years. Changes in the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Social Studies / History and in the Connecticut Social Studies Framework have necessitated a revision of the social studies curricula in Bristol. The most recent revision, offered to the Board of Education for approval, addresses the Grade 7 course, Global Studies II. This revision reflects the rigorous standards expected by the Common Core and by Connecticut, in particular in developing reading, writing, research, and speaking skills of history students. In addition to embedding more demanding historical literacy skills, a committee of teachers took this opportunity to align this curriculum with the content of the world history course offered in Bristol’s high schools. As a result, students will learn about the sweeping narrative of history in grades 6, 7, and 9, focusing on the ancient, the medieval and the modern eras, respectively. |
7.2.c. High School - AP Chemistry - Second Reading
The College Board has revised the AP Chemistry Curriculum. Participating schools must implement the new curriculum beginning with the 2013-2014 School year.
7.2.d. High School Physical Education Curriculum Revision - Second Reading
The high school Physical Education curriculum was due for revision. Philosophy of Instruction and Philosophy of Assessment was added to our document to be in line with all new curriculums documents. We also shifted the focus to a more student directed approach with students being accountable for their personal levels of physical fitness and degrees of participation. More student choice is built in to the curriculum and implementation guide. |
7.3. Textbook Recommendations
7.3.a. Spanish III Textbook Adoption - First Reading
The Spanish III curriculum was revised this spring as part of the district’s routine cycle of updating curriculum. As a result of the process, a committee of Spanish teachers from both high schools determined that a current and rigorous textbook was needed to help deliver the curriculum effectively. The committee recommends the approval the following textbook:
Please read the attached documents for details about the selection process, including information regarding the alignment of the textbook with our curricula. |
7.3.b. Grade 7 - Social Studies Textbook - First Reading
The curriculum for Grade 7 Social Studies was revised to align with the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Literacy in Social Studies/History and with the Connecticut Social Studies Framework. A committee of teachers and students recommends that this new curriculum be supported through the following textbook:
Please read the attached documents for details about the selection process, including information regarding the alignment of the textbook with our curricula. |
7.4. Policy Revision
7.4.a. Policy 5144.1 - Restraint/Seclusion Revision - First Reading
The current Restraint/Seclusion Policy was originally adopted by the Board of Education in June 2008. Since that time, the laws regarding the use of restraint and seclusion in the public schools have changed. It is therefore necessary to update the Board of Education policy on Restraint and Seclusion to be in compliance with the current CT state statutes.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
10. Information
11. VOTE TO CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for the purpose of discussing:
The Board of Education should vote to convene into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing:
12. Reconvene Into Public Session
13. Adjournment