February 5, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Welcome
II. Chairperson's Report (5 min.)
Ms. Monica Logan, Board Chair, will share remarks.
III. Public Comment
Granby community engagement and attendance at Board of Education public meetings is welcomed and encouraged. As is our custom, the Board views Public Comment as an opportunity for members of the public to share their comments and concerns with the Board, and Board members will not be responding to comments or engaging in a dialog. As it deems appropriate, the Board may place such matters on the agenda for future meetings for discussion in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Procedurally, public remarks will be limited to 5 minutes and speakers will be asked to identify themselves by name and address. We expect comments to be respectful and civil in tone, and we do not permit name-calling, raised voices, personal attacks or vulgarity. Lastly, we note that the Superintendent is responsible for student and personnel matters. No speaker will be permitted to use public comment to bring complaints against any teacher, student or staff member or to discuss student matters, which are confidential. Therefore, the use of student, teacher or staff names is not permitted. Any such complaints or concerns should be directed to the Superintendent and her team.
IV. Student Representative Reports (5 min.)
Ms. Katie O'Neill and Ms. Sofia Brenson, Student Representatives, will report on activities taking place at the high school.
V. Reports and Discussion (20 min.)
V.A. FY26 Small Capital Expenditures
Mr. Christopher DeGray, Director of Facilities, will provide additional information about the small capital expenditures in the FY26 Budget.
VI. Business Requiring Action (5 min.)
VI.A. School Resource Officer Program Presentation and Approval
Superintendent Cheri Burke, along with Police Chief Scott Sansom and Captain Kurt LaFlamme, will provide an update to their original presentation regarding a School Resource Officer Program. This program will also be considered for approval by the Board of Education.
VI.B. Minutes
The Board will approve/amend the minutes of the January 15, 2025 Board of Education meeting.
VII. Committee Reports (20 min.)
VII.A. Board Standing Committee Reports
VII.A.1. Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication
VII.A.2. Finance/Personnel/Facilities
VII.B. Other Board-Related Reports
VII.B.2. Granby Education Foundation
VII.C. Calendar of Events
VII.D. Board Member Announcements
VII.E. Action Items
VIII. Superintendent's Report (5 min.)
Superintendent Burke will provide district updates.
IX. Adjournment