June 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
2.A. CABE Board of Distinction Award - Level II
Congratulations to the Bethel Board of Education for once again winning Level II CABE Board of Distinction Award. The CABE Board Recognition Awards are designed to recognize boards which provide effective leadership to their districts through the use of good practices. This program, which acknowledges the importance of school board members and superintendents working together as effective teams, strengthens public education in Connecticut and across the country. This award recognizes Boards which are truly exemplary. The award will be presented at the 2021 CABE/CAPSS Conference in November 2021. I would like to thank the Board for their hard work and dedication to the families and children of Bethel Public Schools and their tireless commitment and support to fulfilling the mission of the Bethel Public Schools.
2.B. Gifts, Grants, & Bequests
Gifts Bethel High School - $2,500 for BHS EMT Program, Arnhold Foundation, NY, NY
3.A. Strategic Plan Update
Twice a year, we provide an update to the Board of Education on our progress towards our Strategic Plan. AS we are all aware, this year has been unique due to the pandemic, but we are proud that we have continued to make progress towards our goals and action steps. We will also maintain our updates on our new District Dashboard.
3.B. Opening Plan Fall 2021
To receive the ESSR III grant, we are required to distribute our Opening Plan for 2021-2022 to parents by June 24th. We have drafted that plan and I reviewed it with staff at voluntary staff meetings last week. As you know from the survey and a few emails, there are some parents who want the district to go back to "normal" and eliminate the mask mandates, which is currently beyond my or the BOE scope of authority. We are providing you with the draft of the revised plan. You will see that the format changed and only the required areas were included. In addition, the new "plan" states that the district will follow DPH and SDE directives. We purposely did not include specifics, because we expect the requirements to change over the summer. The state did issue guidance on June 10th. Mitigation strategies are based on this year's standards, again which we expect will likely change over the summer. |
4. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
4.A. Approval of Minutes
4.A.1. May 18, 2021
5. Correspondence
Policy 9326
6. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
7. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
7.A. Board Chairperson Update
7.B. Administrative Update
8. Reports to the Board
8.A. Curriculum, Assessment, & Professional Practices
8.A.1. Statistics Textbook
Summary of the Briefing:
8.A.2. BMS Standards-Based Grading Update Briefing
Last Thursday, the Curriculum Committee received an update to standards based grading at Bethel Middle School. While it went to the Curriculum Committee for informational purposes only, Dr. Brooks will provide a briefing on the changes for the whole Board. You can find the information linked here.
This update is for informational purposes.
8.B. Personnel
8.B.1. Educator Evaluation and Support Plan Flexibilities for 2021-2022
Flexibilities 2021-22
A summary of the components described in the Flexibilities 2021-22 are described below:
Further information from the CSDE can be found here. Adopting the Flexibilities 2021-22 Local education agencies (LEAs) that choose to adopt these flexibilities must do so through the mutual-agreement process of the Professional Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC) and the local board of education. |
8.C. Resource Management & Business Operations
8.C.1. Finance
8.C.1.a. Tuition Rates for Non-Residents 2021-2022
Key Points: Pursuant to Board of Education Policy, the following tuition rates for non-resident students attending Bethel Public Schools are recommended: 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 % Increase Elem/Middle $13,137 $13,595 $13,900 2.25% High School $15,156 $15,685 $16,038 2.25% These tuition rates do not include transportation. Additionally, Special Education rates will be calculated as needed based on the costs of a specific program with related services. The Special Education Costs are not discounted.
8.C.1.b. Approval of School meal prices 21-22
Summary of the Briefing:
8.C.1.c. Approval to extend Sodexo contract for one year as required by the CSDE
Recommendation of FSMC for 21-22 for 1st of 4 one-year optional renewals Key Points of the Briefing:
* It is important to the Bethel Board of Education that an excellent Food Service Management Company administer the food service operations for the district in accordance with all of the regulations of the National School Lunch Program under the direction of the USDA and the CSDE. * The CSDE reviews all renewal documents between districts and FSMCs. following motions1) Sodexo can charge an increase of up to 4.5% (the CPI) but they are charging an increase of 3% to cover rising costs but understand the challenges of the upcoming school year. 2) Sodexo has brought to the district an alternate way of charging us for the current 20-21 school year that will result in at least $20K in savings. This method has been approved by the CSDE. 3) Sodexo has been a good partner and will work creatively with the district for full-in-person school meal service. 4) The management fee will not exceed $34,774 and the administrative fee cannot exceed $69,369 for the contract year
8.C.1.d. Budget Transfers
8.C.1.e. Year-End 2020-2021 Fiscal Close
Key Points of the Briefing: * We are nearing the end of the fiscal year. Final payrolls are scheduled to be processed on June 22nd and then we will know what funds remain with which to close accounts and if possible, make a positive impact on our district during the final week of June. We ask for your authorization to focus year end spending on areas that support our school reopening plan, our strategic plan or have been discussed by the BOE this fiscal year. * 1) Unexpended Funds Account – Knowing that we continue in uncertain times and that next year’s BOE budget was reduced by $400K, we will plan to deposit any unspent funds to this account which is for opportunities and contingencies in the future. We do not anticipate that there will be much at all remaining this year to deposit here. * 2) Technology – One of the four Board of Education goals is to have technology as a catalyst for teaching and learning. There is a long term chrome-book replacement plan for our 1:1 strategic plan initiative for Grade K through Grade 12. If we are able to purchase the next planned replacements, we would like to go forward. There is also specialized technology for certain educational programming that we may be able to transfer funds and make progress on. * 4) Special Education – The SPED department is still closing their books especially for outplacement tuition and transportation and necessary student evaluations and outside services; this will all be reconciled. * 5) Safety & Security– This area continues to be paramount and we will add security measures in accordance with our approved plan. Since we did not receive the Capital Funding, we are progressing with the plan to address the most critical pieces. Milestone is being installed at Berry, BMS and BHS. Remaining funds may be earmarked for some new security cameras. * 6) Facilities – With the reduction to the 460 budget there are a few critical maintenance items that we had this year and may need to transfer funds to cover these expenses.
8.C.1.f. Approval of detail changes to Fiscal 21/22 budget
8.C.2. Facilities
Policy 3132
8.C.2.a.i. Report (Monthly)
Christine Carver
I will provide a verbal update on progress. The last budget documents are attached. |
9. Recommended Executive Session
9.A. CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9) Negotiations
9.A.1. Non-Union Staff Salary Adjustments
Annually, the Bethel Board of Education sets the increase for all non-union employees. A motion will need to be made after coming out of executive session regarding increases based on Board of Education consensus.
9.A.2. Bethel Administrator's Association Contract
9.B. CT General Statutes 1-210(b)(2) Personnel
9.B.1. Paraeducators Union Sick Bank Request
10. Adjourn