August 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2.A. Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Approval
As you are aware, the Strategic Planning Committee, comprised of forty five (45) members representing staff, parents, community members, business officials and elected officials worked together to develop a long term focus for the district for 2020-2025. The committee will be presenting to the Board of Education the following:
3. Board of Education Goals 2020-2021
Melanie O'Brien
Annually, the Board of Education established goals that align with our Strategic Plan. Due to COVID-19, this year is unique, as our primary goal is to have a safe reopening of schools.
Board of Education Goals 2020-2021 Note: This year’s goals are driven in large part by the additional present and future challenges to the district presented by COVID-19. Education Equity & Academic Gaps Continue to develop, adapt, and assess the learning models (in person, hybrid, and distance) during the pandemic to ensure that we are meeting the needs of ALL our learners, including addressing academic gaps from school closures. Social Emotional To develop our understanding of social and emotional skills: self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, in order to foster our students’ social and emotional well-being and their performance in school and in life. Civility, Inclusion, Racism, Discrimination Generally Assess, review, and revise the district’s curriculum, policies, procedures and practices to create systems of equity for all of our students and allow for civil discourse among stakeholders.
4. Board Committee Goals 2020-2021
5. Schedule for District Reports 2020-2021
6. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
6.A. Approval of Minutes
6.A.1. June 23, 2020 - Special Meeting
6.A.2. June 30, 2020 - Special Meeting
6.A.3. July 16, 2020 - Special Meeting
6.A.4. July 27, 2020 - Special Meeting
6.A.5. August 4, 2020 - Special Meeting
7. Correspondence
Policy 9326
We have not had a regular Board of Education Meeting since June of 2020. The following correspondence was sent the Board's email account following the Black Lives Matter Rally in June of 2020.
Letter - CABE Membership - CABE
8. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
9. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
9.A. Board Chairperson Update
9.B. Administrative Update
Christine Carver
Board of Finance Presentation (8/18/2020) Update on Reopening Plans Borrowed Desks - As you know, with the Johnson and Rockwell renovations, we received new student desks. As a result, we had a tremendous amount of excess desks. After we fulfilled all of our own internal needs at all of the schools, other districts and organizations reached out to borrow some of our extra desks to deal with COVID in their school districts. We have allowed the following districts to borrow some of our excess desks:
If we did not let the organizations borrow the desks, we would have likely had to pay for storage, so it benefits all involved.
10. Reports to the Board
10.A. Resource Management & Business Operations
10.A.1. Finance
10.A.1.a. Final 2019-2020 budget transfers and update on financial closing for 2019-2020
Key Points of the Briefing: * We are working on the year-end financial filings for the State of CT. We did close June 30, 2020 with a positive balance inclusive of final spending as approved and prioritized by the BOE at the June 17th meeting and in support of our strategic plan, budget status and COVID 19 preparations. Funds remaining were generated primarily by lower transportation, conference & travel, instructional supplies and tuition costs.
* 1) Unexpended Funds Account –We plan to request the BOF to deposit any unspent remaining funds to this account for opportunities and contingencies in future years, most especially with the fluid situation of COVID 19. This final amount will be determined once we complete our State filings and reconcile with Town Finance.
* 2) COVID 19 – PPE, distance learning chromebook replacements, chromebooks for grade 1 and facility modifications were encumbered both in preparation for ESY and the upcoming school year.
* 3) Facilities – as the 460 budget was cut by $50K for 20/21 a couple of critical projects were completed in 19/20.
The final budget transfers, along with details is presented this evening.
10.A.1.b. Budget status and updates for 2020-2021
10.A.1.c. ESSER (CARES) Grant - Approval
10.A.2. Facilities
Policy 3132
10.A.2.a.i. Owner's Rep. Report (Monthly)
The project monthly report is attached.
11. Recommended Executive Session - CT General Statutes 1-200(6)
11.A. Interpersonal Board Relationships
12. Adjourn