March 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Congratulations to the Girls Basketball Team for history making win as SWC Champions. It is the first time that they have ever received the title. This past weekend the reception and awards ceremony took place at the Brookfield Craft Center. This is a high school Student ART Show (entries from all the regional towns), and Bethel High School senior Erin Bassano won First Place in Drawing and she also won "Best in Show", which is the top award at an art show. Congratulations to Bethel Middle School team for placing 2nd place in the Regional National History Bowl Competition. Our students performed better that HS teams and are eligible to compete in the National History Bowl. A big shout out to social studies teacher Caitlin Boles, their advisor. |
2.A. 2016 CABE Excellence for Educational Communications Award
Michelle Embree Ku , our CABE Area Director, will present the 2016 CABE Excellence for Educational Communications Award - Special Project (AV) - Reading Rocks at Rockwell. |
2.B. Schools of Distinction - Rockwell & Berry School
The CSDE is recognizing 116 Schools of Distinction. The first category is Highest Performing Elementary/Middle: These are schools in the top 10% with respect to the Accountability Index (65 schools). Both Berry and Rockwell Schools are identified as being Schools of Distinction. |
2.C. Board of Education Appreciation Month
The Month of March is Connecticut Board of Education Appreciation Month. We would like to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to our hardworking and dedicated board members. We thank you for the time and effort you devote to board business.
2.D. Gifts to the School System - Johnson School
2.D.1. Brain Based Learning Lab
A. Salerno/C. Carver
For the past four (4) Johnson School has had a focus on wellness. We have been the recipients of the Health Bodies, Healthy Minds through the Connecticut State Department of Health. This grant supports activities which promote student and staff wellness. The majority of the grant has supported taking actions to reduce the harmful effects of stress. The grant supported activities and educational programs to improve fitness, grow awareness of healthy eating incorporate movement and mindfulness. There are additional opportunities for staff wellness. For students, we are able to offer before and after-school activities and continue to increase the number of kinesthetic learning tables. In addition, the Bethel Education Foundation Grant has supported two separate grants for kinesthetic tables and wobble chairs, to be used a viable alternative to traditional desks to incorporate exercise. Research supports that movement increases brain activity, positive outlook, focus, motivation and engagement. We have found that having kinesthetic options for student decrease behavioral incidents. Because Johnson has demonstrated a commitment to wellness, KidsFit, maker of the kinesthetic tables, approached the school to host a Brain Based Learning Showcase Lab, for grades 3-5. They are willing to donate a fully operational lab which can be used for whole class, small group or individual groups of students. The donation total is approximately $27,000. This lab would be in a separate classroom space. The equipment is all mobile and can be moved year to year. The types of equipment include: kids core lateral snowboarder, deluxe skier, cardio kids starwalker, kidzcore kneel and spin, elementary chin up trainer with wheels, elementary elliptical trainer, elementary moonwalker, cardio kids semi-recumbent bike, telephone math matt, etc. The complete list is on the provide estimate. In addition to the equipment, the company is willing to deliver and assemble all equipment. Each piece of equipment has specific purpose and effect. The district would have to train at least two staff members to maximize the effects of the lab. The training is 4 days, in late summer. The cost is $695.00 per person plus travel. Professional learning is typically in the New York, New Jersey or Massachusett. If we accept this donation, we would be the first lab in Connecticut. The company is looking for positive referrals. They are interested in having after-hour tours at our convenience. They are also looking for press coverage in the opening of the lab. The labs are established in other states. Mrs. Salerno has conducted reference checks from elementary schools in New Jersey. We have made it clear to the company that we will not conduct tours during the school day, with students around. We are requesting that the Bethel Board of Education approve the donation for the Brain Based Learning Lab for Johnson School.
3. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.A.1. Minutes - February 13, 2017 - Budget Workshop-Approval
3.A.2. Minutes - February 16, 2017 - Regular Meeting
3.A.3. Minutes - February 22, 2017 - Budget Presentation to BOF-BOS
4. Correspondence
Policy 9326
5. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
NEASC Update. At a policy meeting, we discussed the growing use of Narcan in the schools. There was a public act last session (below) which allows schools to administer Narcan if there is suspected overdose of an opioid. Many districts have started implementation of guidelines and training for Nurses to administer the medication while waiting for the paramedics. We consulted our medical advisor. She highly recommended that we implement a program. In fact, she wrote standing orders for our nurses to administer it in emergency situations. We have gotten copies of districts guidelines (Westport and New Canaan) and will use it to write guidelines for our nurses. We have also contacted a group to do training with our nurses in April. I asked Rebecca Santiago, our Attorney, if we need a separate policy addressing Narcan. She said that the policy for administration of medications (reviewed last year), covers it. While she says we do not have to notify parents, we likely would let them know in some format. Again, this would only be used in a life threatening situations.
In April we need to finalize any changes in the 2017-2018 School Calendar. In reviewing it only once April, it makes it challenging for BOE members who might have feedback or like to suggest changes. Therefore, I am providing it to you now. If you would like to suggest changes, please provide them prior to the April regular Board of Education meeting. Change in meeting dates: May 4th - Curriculum at 7 PM May 11th - Regular Board Meeting at 7 PM May 25th - BPS Annual Awards Dinner at 5:00 PM
6.A. 2016 AP Performance and Participation
The College Board recently released CT data on AP performance and participation for the 2016 cohort. Participation levels are important as it measures student access to the rigorous curriculum. Performance is measured by the number of students who score a "3" or higher on their AP exams. You will note that Bethel was strong in both categories.
6.B. District Accountability Report
The District Accountability Reports were released this week. I am proud to report that the following Bethel Schools were named Schools of Distinction (top 10% in state):
Congratulations to the staff at both schools!
It is important to note that the growth indicators are now included in our scoring. As a result of the new indicator, all districts have slightly decreased from the previous year. In looking at Bethel's data we noticed an error in our chronic absenteeism rate. We had reported the inaccuracy to the state last fall and it was corrected. We contacted the state regarding the inaccurate data on the accountability report. They informed us that they extracted the data prior to the corrected (should be <=5%) data. We have asked that they fix the error on their part. Unfortunately, they are unwilling to make the change. Here is a summary of our results (attached):
Even with the incorrect data, we ranked 4th in our DRG and competitively in the region. We have not gotten the school reports yet. I anticipate that they will also be released at noon.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
6.C. Rockwell/Johnson School Renovation Project Stage 2 Update
As you know, we are moving at a very rapid pace on the renovation projects to meet the June 30th deadline. The administration has been meeting very frequently with Perkins Eastman to keep the project on schedule. As reported at the Ad Hoc Committee meeting, there are a lot of details. We wanted to provide the BOE, Committee, Admin Council and Town Officials an overview of "where we are". Please note, John Menti and John Perna from the Public Building Site Committee sit on the Ad Hoc Committee and we are working jointly with them to keep the project moving. We want to take this opportunity to thank them for being such good partners in keeping the project on track.
The Ad Hoc Committee met last evening to discuss the following:
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
7.A.1. First Reading
7.A.1.a. 1250 - Visit to the Schools
At our last meeting the policy committee asked me to meet with principals to review both Newtown's and Bethel's current policy and regulation to determine which policy was more comprehensive and reflected practice. After careful review, we felt that Newtown's policy was much more comprehensive and made revisions to that policy. We feel that it addresses safety and security concerns, while continuing to allow access to parents and the public.
7.A.1.b. 3523.11 - Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones)
This policy has two essential components, use of drones by the public and by our students as part of the instructional program. Based on our discussion at our last meeting, I have worked on one policy which addresses student/staff use for instructional purposes and drone use on campus by the general public. I have sent the policy to the Bethel Police Department for their input. I will hopefully have their feedback prior to our meeting. Please note that the Bethel Public Schools will have to obtain an insurance rider for liability coverage. Mrs. Yonsky will be able to speak to that in the meeting.
7.A.2. Second Reading
7.A.2.a. 5131.6 - Tobacco, Nicotine Delivering Devices, Alcohol, and Drug Possession, Use, and/or Sale (including Performance-Enhancing Substances)
This is due to P.A. 16-23 An Act Concerning the Palliative Use of Marijuana (medical marijuana). The act specifically addresses student who have been prescribed medical marijuana. It is a mandated policy.
7.A.2.b. 5118.1 - Homeless Students
There is a series of recommendations based on changes to Every Student Succeeds Act (Federal law) of 2015. The recommendations look specifically to remove barriers for enrollment and retention of homeless children and unaccompanied youth. It addresses topics like placement, appeal procedures, transportation, and educational services (including preschool). It outlines the duties of the local liaison.
8. Recommended Executive Session
8.A. CT General Statutes 1-210(b)(2) Personnel - BEA Union Sick Bank Request
9. Adjourn