September 22, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Gifts to the School System
2.A. NCTE Convention
Kara DiBartolo will be speaking at the National NCTE Convention in November.
3. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.A.1. August 20, 2015 - Regular Meeting
4. Correspondence
Policy 9326
5. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Curriculum
7.A.1. Art Curriculum Revision
Dr. Brooks and the Curriculum Committee will review the Art Curriculum revisions with the committee for the following: (Please click on the links to view the documents.) Art Grade 3 Art Grade 4 Art Grade 6 HS Art I HS Ceramics I HS Ceramics II
7.B. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
7.B.1. First Reading
7.B.1.a. Policy 6146 - Graduation Requirements
This policy is being reviewed to add language so that students who take high school courses in middle school will be granted high school credit. The two most frequent areas in which our students at Bethel Middle School take high school courses are in mathematics and world language. |
7.B.1.b. Policy 1324 - Solicitation of Funds within the Bethel Public Schools
This summer, the fundraising policy was reviewed with all parent groups. There were a few concerns which need clarification. Minor revisions to language were made in committee.
7.C. Personnel
Policy 9326
7.C.1. Appointments/Resignations
7.C.2. Job Description - Athletic Director - 1.13
At the last regular Board of Education meeting on August, the Board of Education reestablished the Athletic Director position. The proposed job description (attached) has been emailed to you previously. The job description was developed with input from Mr. Troetti, Mr. Muharem, Ms. Yonsky, Ms. Rudinas, and Dr. Brooks. Feedback from Board members has been incorporated into this draft of the job description.
7.D. Facilities
Policy 3132
7.D.1. Weather Related Issues
There was a request from a Board of Education Member to discuss the lack of air-conditioning at Rockwell and Johnson and the impact on instruction. We will bring data from last week regarding the temperatures in classrooms on the warmest days.
8. Action Items
8.A. Board of Education Goals 2015-2016
At the Board of Education Retreat in July, the Board established six goals for the 2015-2016 school year. This is an action item to formally adopt those goals.
9. Smarter Balanced Assessments, CMT, and CAPT Results/Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI) Update
Dr. Carver and Mrs. Rutledge will provide an overview of:
In the portal you have copies of:
Please note, we will not print copies unless specifically requested. |
10. Adjourn