June 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
3. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.A.1. Minutes May 14, 2015 - Special Meeting
3.A.2. Minutes - May 19, 2015 - Special meeting
3.A.3. Minutes - June 4, 2015 - Special Meeting
4. Correspondence
Policy 9326
5. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Curriculum
7.A.1. BHS Summer 2016 Trip to Europe
7.B. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
7.B.1. Second Reading/Approval
7.B.1.a. Policy/Regulation 1324 - Solicitation of Funds
The Policy Committee of the Bethel Board of Education has been working on this policy for most of the academic year. The policy has been reviewed with administration and parent groups for input. Prior to the last policy meeting, our Attorney Jessica Soufer clarified language to ensure internal consistency and application to outside groups who solicit funds on behalf of the Bethel Public Schools. The policy outlines guidelines and procedures for fundraising when involving our students and staff. A set of accompanying regulations also accompanies the policy.
7.B.1.b. Policy/Regulation 5141.5 - Prevention of Youth Suicide
Policy 5141.5, Prevention of Youth Suicide was updated to reflect annual training requirements. The regulation was extensively revised to reflect procedures for students at risk. This is the second reading and approval for this policy. The policy was previously reviewed by our Attorneys at Shipman and Goodwin and reflect the latest legislative changes.
7.B.1.c. Policy/Regulation 4118.5 - Responsible Computer Network Use
Policy 4118.5, Responsible Computer Network Use, was revised as recommended by our Attorney's. This policy, geared to staff, outlines appropriate use of district technology including:
This is the second reading of the policy and is being submitted to the full Board of Education for approval.
7.B.1.d. Policy/Regulation 5141.3 - Health Assessments and Immunizations
Policy 5141.3, Health Assessments and Immunizations, policy and regulation is being submitted for a 2nd Reading and Approval. In conjunction with the administration, the policy was reviewed by our Health Coordinator and all revisions reflect input of all parties. The policy outlines immunization and health assessment requirements in compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations. It also provides guidelines for exemptions and homeless students.
7.C. Finance
7.C.1. Healthy Foods Certification
Bethel Public Schools has participated in the CT State Department of Education Healthy Food
Certification Program for many years. By participating, Bethel can only serve snacks and a la carte items that specifically have been approved by the CSDE Bureau of Health & Nutrition. Each year we report to the CSDE each and every a la carte/snack item that we serve in our schools and it is checked against the approved list. The CSDE has been pleased with our adherence to the law.
For participation the District receives an additional 10 cents reimbursement from the State on each meal served. This is important as with the choices of snack items limited, the revenue has dipped. The additional 10 cents has been kept us on track.
First the BOE must choose whether to renew its participation in this program and second, the BOE has to choose to renew its allowance of the exception of items not on the CSDE list when sold after school at events. |
7.C.2. 2015-2016 School Lunch Prices
* Raising student lunch prices a modest amount at all schools. Elementary will be $2.70 which matches the minimum required Paid Equity by the USDA and Middle School and High School will be $3.10. All student lunch prices include milk. * Raising all school breakfast prices by $.05 to $2.15. * Bethel’s prices are very similar to other school districts in this area and across the state.
Summary of the Briefing:
7.C.3. Appointment of Food Services Management Company
7.C.4. 2015-2016 School Year Tuition Rates
Pursuant to Board of Education Policy, the following tuition rates for non-resident students attending Bethel Public Schools are recommended:
2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 % Increase
Elem/Middle $11,225 $11,577 $11,923 $12,165 2.03%
High School $12,950 $13,357 $13,756 $14,035 2.03%
These tuition rates do not include transportation. Additionally, Special Education rates will be calculated as needed based on the costs of a specific program with related services. |
7.C.5. Budget Transfers
7.C.6. 2014-2015 Year-End Close Out & Spending Plan
* As we are in the last week of the fiscal year, final payrolls are posting and then we will know what funds remain with which to make a positive impact on our district: * 1) Unexpended Funds Account – Knowing that we tightened some budget lines for 2015-2016 and this account is for opportunities and contingencies, we will make a contribution to the unexpended funds account. * 2) Technology – One of the four Board of Education goals is to have technology as a catalyst for teaching and learning. We will continue to move forward in this area. * 3) Special Education – The SPED department will also move forward with technology purchases making sure that access to technology is available for all students. * 4) Safety – This area continues to be paramount and we will add security measures in accordance with our approved plan. * 5) Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment – There are always needs to update our FF&E. These assets are what our stakeholders see and use when in our schools. |
7.D. Personnel
Policy 9326
7.D.1. Teachers Being Granted Tenure
The Board will be presented with a listing of teachers who have completed the requirements to be granted tenure in the Bethel Public Schools. The Superintendent will make a formal recommendation. The Board will be asked to approve that recommendation.
7.D.2. Appointments/Resignations
8. Recommended Executive Session
8.A. CT General Statutes 1-210(b)(e)(17) Educational Records
8.B. CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9) Negotiations - BEA Negotiations
8.C. CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9) Negotiations - Non-Union Salaries
9. Adjourn