March 29, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
SmartBoard Stuart Carlsen, Bethel, CT |
2.A. HHRA Recycling Poster Contest Winners
3. Approval of Minutes
3.A. February 23, 2012 - Regular Meeting
4. Correspondence
5. Audience Participation
6. Administrative Board Member Update
6.A. "Learning Forward" Grant Application
The grant proposal is for $40,000 and is intended to support two professional development initiatives we have. The first is to create a "Peer Assistance and Review" taskforce. We would train a group of our teachers to conduct observations and provide instructional coaching to their colleagues. We believe that PAR may become a component of the Commissioner's new teacher evaluation plan and want to be ahead of the curve. The second initiative is to provide more training and support to our Data Teams at both the middle and high schools. Presently, we have very solid Data Teams in our lower schools.
6.B. Budget Update
6.C. Special Advisory Committee Report - Family/School Partnerships
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Curriculum
7.A.1. Report - BHS France Trip
BHS Students who traveled to France will report to the Board on their trip.
7.A.2. Technology Plan Update
7.B. Personnel
7.B.1. Resignations
8. 2010-2011 Strategic School Profile
9. School Crisis Management Review
10. Executive Session CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9)
10.A. Negotiations
11. Adjourn