June 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of May 6, 2020
II.B. Executive Session of May 6, 2020
III. Visitors
III.A. CABE Student Leadership Awards
Jim Wygonik and Mark Ambruso
Each year, CABE invites its member Boards to recognize outstanding student leaders at the middle and high school levels. The principals of each school are asked to facilitate the selection of the students based on a given set of criteria. Mr. Wygonik and Mr. Ambruso will recognize the award winners. From Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School: Delaney Nelson and Justin Green From Lyme-Old Lyme High School: Emily Balocca and Raymond Doll |
III.B. Recognition of Retirees
Ian Neviaser
The following staff members, who are retiring in June, will be invited to the meeting so that the Board can recognize them for their years of service to the district: Nancy Sparaco, 3rd Grade Teacher at Mile Creek School - 35 years Connie Price, 2nd Grade Teacher at Lyme Consolidated School - 34 years Pam Russell, World Language Teacher at LOLMS - 30 years Myra Gipstein, School Psychologist at Center School - 20 years Wendy Zito, 1st Grade Teacher at Mile Creek School - 23 years John McGannon, World Language Teacher at LOLHS - 17 years
III.C. Report from Student Representatives
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. We are postponing our strategic planning originally scheduled for this summer. Once we have a better sense of what reopening will look like, we will reschedule that process. I will update the Board on the Lyme School gym project as we have finally received a response to our appeal from the state. Like most other organizations who contract for diesel fuel, we are required by said contract to liquidate our remaining surplus that won't be used due to buses not running. We looked into many options including donations to the towns and selling it to other organizations. At this point, the best option is to liquidate as no savings are incurred with the other options. This will cost us $27,127.92 for 19,736 gallons. This money has already been encumbered and budgeted for as we intended to use this fuel this year. We are organizing reopening planning committees and are looking for Board participation on our district wide committee. If you are interested, please let me know. Meetings will take place over the summer during the day.
We have received survey responses from those students' parents who were recommended for summer school. The vast majority were not comfortable having their child attend in person sessions. Therefore, we are planning on virtual programming for the summer. Details will be sent to families who have been recommended for this program.
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
There is no educational presentation this month.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Sustainability Committee Proposal
VII.B. Superintendent Appointment of Designee(s) Per Policy 2131.1
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to appoint a designee(s) to act in the absence of the Superintendent as necessary. It is useful to have the Board designate two individuals for the rare occasions when both the Superintendent and Director of Curriculum are unavailable. I recommend the Board approve Michelle Dean and Melissa Dougherty as designees for this purpose. This requires Board action
VII.C. Participation in State and Federal Grants
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to approve application for all state and federal grants. These include those for special education as well as remedial, staff development and other entitlement grants. A single motion authorizes the administration to apply for all that the District is eligible as well as any additional grants deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. This requires Board action. |
VII.D. Food Service Management Contract
Holly McCalla
Each year, the USDA and State of Connecticut require school districts to renew their food service management contracts. We are under agreement with Chartwells until June 30, 2021; however, we must renew the terms each year after receiving state approval. The Board must also act on the following:
Section 10-215f of the Connecticut General Statutes requires that each local board of education or governing authority for all Connecticut public school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) must take action annually to certify whether all food items sold to students will or will not meet the Connecticut Nutrition Standards. This includes all NSLP public schools, regional educational service centers, the Connecticut Technical High School System, charter schools, interdistrict magnet schools and endowed academies. |
VII.E. LOLHS Gymnasium Floor Refinishing Project
Ron Turner
The existing floor is original to the high school renovation completed in 2011. Current conditions include a buildup of previous finish, insufficient painted lines, and an outdated school logo and color scheme. The present school closure due to the pandemic provides a unique opportunity for the vendor to complete work without disrupting school or community sporting events. The Facilities Department will work closely with the HS Principal and Athletic Director to ensure the final design is appropriate for the needs of athletics and instruction. The Facilities Committee toured the gymnasium during a site-walk on May 6, and the members supported the refinishing project. Ron Turner has worked directly with this vendor on four similar gym floor renovations and has always been highly satisfied with the workmanship and cost associated with each job. I am confident that the end result will be a professional surface that will make the district proud. This requires Board action.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.B. Report of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN, LOL Prevention Coalition, Sustainability
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
X.A. Superintendent's Evaluation
Diane Linderman
The Board will review and vote upon the Superintendent's evaluation document produced by the HR committee. The Board will also vote to extend the contracts of the three non-union central office employees including the Superintendent, Director of Facilities and Technology, and Business Manager. All votes must be held outside of executive session.
X.B. Approval of Contracts
Ian Nevaiser
XI. Adjournment