January 8, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of December 4, 2019
III. Visitors
III.A. CAPSS Student Recognition
This year's recipients of the CAPSS Superintendent's Award are Elizabeth Cravinho and Trevor Wells. I have attached bios of these students which describe their many accomplishments in school and within the community. This award is based on their service, leadership, and academic prowess. Jim Wygonik will introduce them.
III.B. Public Comment
III.C. Report from Student Representatives
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it.
Please take note of the January enrollment report. We have a total of 1287 students (in-house) enrolled (one less student than last month this time). As a part of our budget development process and in terms of long range planning, we have updated our staffing proposals based on the current and projected enrollments. As a reminder, please clear your schedule for the next three Wednesday evenings. We have our annual budget workshops beginning next week when the principals will present their school budgets. I have attached the budget calendar as a reminder of the schedule for the next couple of months.
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Holly McCalla
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
V.A. Budget Process
Holly McCalla
Holly will review the annual budget process and explain some of the terminology you will hear in the coming weeks.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Board of Education Meeting Schedule for 2020-2021
Ian Neviaser
The Board of Education regular meeting schedule for the 2020-2021 school year is enclosed. The schedule remains the same as it has been with meetings scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month. This schedule must be posted in the town halls this month and, therefore, requires Board action for approval to post.
VII.B. Lyme Academy Land Purchase
Ian Neviaser
The Lyme Academy College has approached us about the possibility of purchasing some abutting property that sits just to the north of our main campus. I will review the proposal and look for input from the board as to how you would like to proceed. This does not require board action.
VII.C. Bus Contract
Ian Neviaser
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. 2020-2021 School Calendar
VIII.B. Policy Review
The second reading of the following policies will take place. Changes recommended at the December 4 meeting have been made to the policies. 5123.1 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention 6146.11 Class Rank and Weighted Grades
VIII.C. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.D. Report of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN, LOL Prevention Coalition
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
X.A. Superintendent's Mid-Year Review
XI. Adjournment