November 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of October 4, 2017
II.B. Executive Session of October 4, 2017
II.C. Special Meeting of October 25, 2017
III. Visitors
III.A. Public Comment
III.B. Report from Student Representatives
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
1. Please note the personnel report as you will find employee information reflected in it.
2. Please take note of the enrollment report as we have had some changes in enrollment since last month. In-house enrollment is now 1,272.
3. We held our first Open House at LOLHS this month. Jim, Tracy Lenz, and I met with 9 different families who also were given tours of the school by student representatives. All families were very impressed and expressed an interest in attending our schools in the future. Olwen Logan also assisted us as the greeter and conversation starter for each group. it was a very successful day. 6. As a reminder, we have a workshop scheduled with Anne Littlefield from Shipman and Goodwin on November 16. While this is labeled as being for new BOE members, I hope that all members can attend as a refresher from someone of Anne's caliber is always informative. 7. We will honor our two outgoing BOE members as this will be their last meeting. |
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
There is no educational presentation this month.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Leave of Absence Request
Ian Neviaser
Tiffany Sestrom, an elementary teacher at Lyme Consolidated, is requesting a childrearing leave as detailed in the attached letter with a return date of March 5, 2018. This requires Board approval.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.B. Report of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment