June 7, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. District Budget Meeting of May 1, 2017
II.B. Regular Meeting of May 3, 2017
III. Visitors
III.A. Recognition of Students from Invention Convention
Nila Kaczor
Our Talented and Gifted Teacher, Nila Kaczor, will be present to recognize student inventors that were selected for the State Invention Convention and some inventors that were invited to the National Competition.
III.B. Memorial Day Essay Winners
Ian Neviaser
The Memorial Day essay contest winners have been invited to the meeting to read their winning essays. We will welcome and recognize them for their accomplishments.
1st place: Emma Bayor 2nd place: Jack Porter 3rd Place: Abby Hale
III.C. Presentation of Scholarships by Lions Club
Phil Parcak of the Lyme-Old Lyme Lions Club will be presenting scholarships to several Lyme-Old Lyme High School students.
III.D. Science Olympiad Team
Ian Neviaser
Shannon Glorioso and some members of the team will be present to discuss their ongoing success and be recognized by the Board.
III.E. CABE Student Leadership Awards
Jim Wygonik and Michelle Dean
Each year, CABE invites its member Boards to recognize outstanding student leaders at the middle and high school levels. The principals of each school are asked to facilitate the selection of the students based on a given set of criteria. Mr. Wygonik and Mrs. Dean will recognize the award winners. From Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School: Isabella Hine and Aidan Powers From Lyme-Old Lyme High School: Callie Kotzan and Daniel Cole |
III.F. Recognition of Retirees
Ian Neviaser
The following administrator and teachers, who are retiring in June, will be present at the meeting so that the Board can recognize them for their years of service to the district: Beth Borden, Director of Curriculum, 17 years of service Elizabeth Matis, Mathematics Teacher at LOLHS, 19 years of service Deb Pardue, 1st Grade Teacher at Mile Creek School, 33 years of service Maria Varga, Preschool Teacher, 35.5 years of service Andrea Tyler, World Language Teacher at LOLMS, 18 years of service
III.G. Public Comment
III.H. Report from Student Representatives
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. I will review a proposal for future end of year recognition banquets.
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
There is no presentation this month.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. Superintendent Appointment of Designee Per Policy 7250
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to appoint a designee(s) to act in the absence of the Superintendent as necessary. It is useful to have the Board designate two individuals for the rare occasions when both the Superintendent and Director of Curriculum are unavailable. I recommend the Board approve Michelle Dean and Melissa Dougherty as designees for this purpose. This requires Board action
VII.B. Participation in State and Federal Grants
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to approve application for all state and federal grants. These include those for special education as well as remedial, staff development and other entitlement grants. A single motion authorizes the administration to apply for all that the District is eligible as well as any additional grants deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. This requires Board action.
VII.C. Food Service Management Contract
Holly McCalla
Each year, the USDA and State of Connecticut require school districts to renew their food service management contracts. We are under agreement with Chartwells until June 30, 2021; however, we must renew the terms each year after receiving state approval.
VII.D. Memorandum of Agreement with LOLA
Ian Neviaser
With the hiring of a new Assistant Principal at LOLMS, LOLA has agreed to revise the Assistant Principal positions so that they mirror those of the other administrators. This does not include any increase in pay or other benefits. I recommend the Board approve this MOA.
VII.E. Contract Approvals
Ian Neviaser
I am recommending the approval of both John and Holly's contracts which include previously negotiated salaries and benefits but still require annual approve to continue their three year contracts. This requires Board action. Approval of my contract should wait until after my evaluation at the end of the meeting.
VII.F. Chinese Programming
Ian Neviaser
I will review some opportunities we have with some schools in China. While there is no action required I will be looking for the Board's approval of my moving forward in this area.
VII.G. Staff Laptop Lease
John Rhodes
This purchase is part of the annual computer replacement program. These new laptops will replace the existing six-year-old staff laptops. Approximately 75 of the best current staff laptops will be recycled for one year on Middle School computer carts. This will increase the number of Middle School computer carts from six to nine. The proposed action is based on a four year computer lease. Lease pricing was obtained through a publicly bid request for proposals. Only Connecticut Computer responded to the proposal request. The base equipment cost is $143,800. The total expenditure following four annual lease payments is $151,686.60. This is a $7,886.60 finance charge or 5.5% over the four-year lease. At the end of this lease period, we will be purchasing the laptops for $1 each for continued use in the school district.
VII.H. Window Air Conditioning Units
John Rhodes
As part of the 2017/2018 Capital Project budget, we will be installing window air conditioning units in both the Middle School and Lyme Consolidated School classrooms. Once completed, all of our school district classrooms will be air conditioned. This project was publicly bid. Bid results are listed below: AJ Madison $18,236.24 Bell Simmons $22,819.31 Grainger $22,696.68 Granite City Supply $23,349.00 We recommend awarding AJ Madison the bid to supply window air conditioning units.
VII.I. Window AC Unit Electrical Circuits
John Rhodes
As part of the 2017/2018 Capital Project budget, we will be installing window air conditioning units in both the Middle School and Lyme Consolidated School classrooms. Once completed, all of our school district classrooms will be air conditioned. To support the window air conditioning units, additional electrical circuits need to be routed to the classrooms. This project was publicly bid. Bid results are listed below: AM Electric Company LLC $98,960 Sicuranza Electric LLC $34,500 We recommend awarding the contract to Sicuranza Electric for this work.
VII.J. High School Softball Field Infield Rebuild
John Rhodes
The infield mix used on the High School softball field needs to be replaced and the infield needs to be regraded. There are a number of problems with the current installation:
We are proposing to rebuild the High School softball infield. First, we are proposing to purchase an infield mix which is suitable for high school softball and requires less maintenance. Second, we have obtained an estimate to have the existing infield material removed and replaced. Because of the specialty of this material and work, we are recommending these two items not be bid. Since the softball field was built, an engineered infield mix called DuraEdge is available which is easier for athletes to slide and requires much less maintenance. In addition, the engineered mix can be purchased in different grades from recreational (softest/least maintenance) to professional (hardest/most maintenance). DuraEdge is the premier infield mix used successfully by many school districts and professionals. We are recommending DuraEdge supply the infield mix for our high school varsity softball field. For the last six years, we have used Sports Turf Specialties for our athletic field maintenance. They consistently supply quality advice. In addition, Sports Turf Specialties rebuilt our track field to resolve the long standing drainage issue. Due to the critical nature of the softball infield rebuild, we are recommending Sports Turf Specialties perform this work.
VII.K. Mile Creek Closet Door Purchase
John Rhodes
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Closing of LOLHS Project
VIII.B. Report of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
X.A. Interview of Middle School Assistant Principal Candidate
X.B. Student Issues
Ian Neviaser
X.C. Superintendent Evaluation
XI. Adjournment