March 6, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Minutes of Special Meeting of February 4, 2013
II.B. Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 6, 2013
II.C. Minutes of Special Meeting of February 20, 2013
III. Visitors
III.A. Report from Student Representatives
III.B. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Ms. Warren will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
Bill Eydman and Beverly Hendryx
Ms. Hendryx and Mr. Eydman, our two teachers assigned to the Young Scholars Program, will provide a status report on this program.
V.A. Young Scholars Program
William Eydman and Beverly Hendryx
Ms. Hendryx and Mr. Eydman, our two teachers assigned to the Young Scholars program, will provide a status report on this program.
VI. Chairman & Board Report
VII. New Business
VII.A. LOLHS Field Trip Rotation Schedule
Jim Wygonik
As previously discussed, Mr. Wygonik and his staff have developed a schedule of major field trips for LOLHS. Our intention in doing this is to provide multiple cultural experiences for our students while offering opportunities for families that are fiscally prudent. Approval of this schedule does not preclude any group from proposing an additional trip as many opportunities may exist of which we are currently not aware. This is an informational item only and does not require Board action. In April, we will present the details of individual trips for Board consideration and vote.
VII.B. Policy Updates
Policy 5420 Professional Development for Certified Staff
Policy 2350 Drug Free Schools
Policy 5165 Medical Marijuana Standards
Allison Hine
The policy committee is recommending an update to Policy #5420 Professional Development for Certified Staff. This comes in response to P.A. 12-116 which eliminated the requirement of CEU’s as a condition of a teacher’s certificate renewal. CSDE interpretations of this new law are also included as a part of this required policy change. This requires Board action. Public Act 12-55 “An Act Concerning the Palliative Use of Marijuana” became effective in October 2012. While the impact of this law is very limited in the school setting, it is important that we be prepared to respond should the issue of “medical marijuana” use arise. The policy committee is recommending two changes as a result of this new law. The first is an addition to our current student Policy #2350 Drug Free Schools, while the second is an entirely new policy relating to staff, personnel Policy 5165 Medical Marijuana Standards. Both policy recommendations require Board action. |
VII.C. Extension of Chartwells Food Services Contract
Lynn Warren
Chartwells has provided us with a proposal for services for next year. Ms. Warren will review the details of this proposal as well as provide information for food services in other districts. The Board can accept this proposal or, if the proposal is not accepted, we will go out to bid for food services for next year. This requires Board action.
VII.D. Truck Lease Purchase
John Rhodes
As a part of our annual facilities equipment purchase program, we are recommending the purchase of a replacement truck for the facilities department. The current truck was purchased in 2003. While we intend to continue to utilize the older truck, we are expecting that is it nearing the latter part of its service life. The replacement truck is a Ford F450 equipped with a snow plow, sander and removable lift gate. Mr. Rhodes will explain the proposal from Saybrook Ford for a Lease/Purchase agreement requiring three annual payments of $19,939.40. This requires Board action.
VII.E. Closing of Mile Creek Roof Replacement Project
John Rhodes
The facilities committee is recommending that the Mile Creek roof project be closed out. Mr. Rhodes will review the details of this requirement. This requires Board action.
VII.F. Change Order for LOLHS Project
John Rhodes
The building committee is recommending approval of change order 00334 for the installation of roof walk pads. Mr. Rhodes will explain the details of this change order. As this change order amount exceeds the threshold for building committee approval, this requires Board action.
VII.G. Center School Conversion Feasibility Study
John Rhodes
The facilities committee is recommending the approval of a proposal from Jacunski Humes for development of conceptual designs for the conversion of Center School to a Pre-K, Central Office, and other additional use facility. Mr. Rhodes will provide details of this proposal. This requires Board action.
VII.H. Nonrenewals of Non-Tenured Staff
Ian Neviaser
As is annual practice to ensure compliance with state statute, and in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-151(b), which gives authority to the Superintendent to determine whether a non-tenured teacher should be offered a contract for the subsequent school year, I am recommending the non-renewal of all non–tenured teachers. Those teachers (list below) have been notified of this proposal and understand that this is not based on performance but instead is a precautionary measure that must take place prior to the budget referendum. This requires Board action.
Recommended motion: Move that pursuant to Connecticut General Statues Section 10-151, the Region 18 Board of Education non-renew the teacher contract of Mercedes Alger, Courtney Carbone, Nicole Chappell, Michelle Dean, Michael Dombrowski, Deborah Duffy, Jill Fayan, Laura Gladd, Mary Beth Hibson, Robert Hibson, Barbara Leen, Colette Lemarie, Tracy Lenz, Philip Milnarik, Paul Murphy, Donna Patterson, Courtney Payzant, Adam Raiti, Janice Ricketts, Angela Rinaldi, Gregory Robinson, Tiffany Sestrom, Jennifer Skelly, Tara Sullivan, Michele Tackett, Andrea Tyler, Kimberly Velikaneye and Adrienne Viscio at the end of the 2012-2013 school year as recommended by the Superintendent. Further move that the Superintendent of Schools be directed to communicate this action of the Board in writing to named staff members. |
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN, Comcast
Please share written minutes and/or oral report as necessary.
IX. Correspondence
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjournment