June 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regularly Called Board of Trustee Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order (1 min)
Announcement by presiding officer whether a quorum is present, that the meeting was duly called, and that a notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law
Invocation (2 min)
Closed Session
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071, private consultation with the District’s attorney to discuss and consider any settlement proposals in the pending lawsuit styled Roscoe Independent School District v. Del Ware D/B/A Del Ware Companies, et al, Cause Number 19875, pending in the 32nd Judicial District Court of Nolan County, Texas.
Mr. Gavito would like to give us an update as the trial date moves nearer.
As a precursor to his update, I asked him to provide information in writing about the lawsuit (attached). This is NOT public information. It is privileged information between the RCISD Board of Trustees/Administrators and the attorney. Sharing this information could put the lawsuit in jeopardy. I have restricted the attachment so that only board members have access to it. |
Goal/Constraint Progress Measures (40 min)
I have attached the questioning document that we developed for the student outcomes reports.
GPM 3.2: The percent of RCISD students who earn an industry-based certification (IBC) will increase from 17% to 70% by August of 2024.
GPM 4.1: The percent of RCISD graduates enrolled in P-TECH bachelor's degree support will increase from 32% to 70% by August 2024. (Graduating Class).
CPM 4.2: Campus administrators will foster collaborative agreements with industry and post-secondary institutions to create the highest quality education and internships possible.
Board Evaluation: The board will conduct and approve its quarterly evaluation.
Laurie will guide you through this process. Some of you have done it once before. I have attached the evaluation sheet. I recommend you think through these and make note of where you think the board is before the meeting.
Consider action on nomination and selection of a board member to serve as the Board Time Tracker
This can be a board position that changes each year when the board re-organizes.
Hear from Patrons (5 min)
Consent Agenda (1 min)
Recommended Motion(s):
I move that we accept the consent agenda a presented. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Consider action on/correct minutes from previous meeting(s)
Consider action on financial statements and payment of bills.
The books are balanced to zero once again this month. The books indicate balances as of June 1, 2021 to include balances of $4,219,218.94 in total M&O bank deposits (includes Edu-Vet Set Aside, M&O Debt Service, General Operating, Payroll, Money Market and CD) with $3,681,558.69 of available cash, $1,661,452.71 in I&S checking, and $18,743.39 in I&S Savings for a Total Fund Balance of $5,899,415.04. We can discuss finances further in the Superintendent's report.
I added a new report to reflect days of cash on hand. |
Consider action on reports from Campus Deans, Dean of Academics, Dean of Continuing Education, Dean of College Readiness, Athletic Director.
Consider action on approval of renewal of office lease agreement with Collegiate Edu-Nation.
CEN has leased office space for the past year. I recommend that you continue this lease agreement for another year. The lease agreement is attached for you to review.
Consider action on approval of a collaborative work agreement with Flying Cow for the use of our IVF lab facilities and personnel.
Drs. Dedwylder and Lindsey is working on this agreement with Fly Cow, and they should have it ready by Monday, June 7th. I will add it to the packet at that time and let you all know that it is there. If we do not get it in a timely manner, I will move this item to the action agenda.
Consider action on approval of newly recommended chapter 21 employees at all campuses.
Annette Creed is the only recommendation for hire at the moment. We have had a hard time getting applicants, but we have made some changes to the job posting that we hope will help draw in new applicants. I have attached Mrs. Heaps recommendation.
Action Agenda (10 min)
Consideration and possible action to approve any settlement proposals in the pending lawsuit styled Roscoe Independent School District v. Del Ware D/B/A Del Ware Companies, et al, Cause Number 19875, pending in the 32nd Judicial District Court of Nolan County, Texas.
Mr. Gavito has worked hard to get Kelley Masonry to come to our bottom line of $70,000, and they have finally agreed to settle for that amount. He will join us again this month to provide and update. You will need to consider action on this item.
Superintendent's Report (15 min)
The following email had not been sent before I published the meeting agenda. Rather than add Animal Science to the agenda, I thought that I would share it here. This is an email from Dr. Barnhart:
Hello Roscoe Family! (please feel free to reply all with good stuff happening all over campus) An Update about Edu Vet Students:
Please Congratulate our newest Certified Veterinary Technicians if you see them!!
We are so proud of the dedication (300 hours with us) and perseverance they have all shown. They have been amazing to work with.
In Addition, I have attached a press release that was in the Thursday edition of the Sweetwater Report New about our P-TECH students graduating from Universities with no debt. It is worth the read. I ran into one the parents to two students who graduated with their associate degrees when they graduated from RCISD. One of the siblings just graduated in May from Sul Ross, and the other is currently in our P-TECH program working on her bachelor's degree. I asked him if he thought that RCISD was good for his children and he said that it made all the difference. It might have been more work than other schools, but since they applied themselves, they were able to turn that into a college education. They would not have had that opportunity anywhere else. You are a board that is making a real difference in the lives of students who are from rural Texas. |
Special Report from Roxanna Reyna, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Program Specialist
Last month, Roxanna asked for a bit of time at the June board meeting to report to you about her work in Roscoe.
Update on Tax Collections and Financial Statements
Tax collections through May 31, 2021 are now in. For the fiscal year on Current Collections you collected $3,333,175.67 for a total of 98.99% of the total Current M&O allocation of $3,367,315.69. In I&S, for the fiscal year Current Collections you have now collected $1,648,841.97 of the total I&S levy of $1,681,428.05 for a total of 98.06% of the total Current I&S allocation.
I have attached the documents from Hilltop Securities about the early payment of Series 2011 and 2013 Bonds. I also discussed this in the packet for the Budget Workshop. We will wire the money for this transaction on June 10th. |
Update on Lone Star Governance & Board Development Opportunities
I have attached the work agreement between Tenet Leadership and RCISD. Keep in mind that much, if not all, of the cost for this will be covered by the exemplar grant award that your received.
This requires no action as I am authorized to enter into binding agreements on behalf of the district, but I wanted you to see it for transparency's sake. I have not signed or returned it yet, so you would have an opportunity to make suggestions if desired. |
Update on LSOA
As you may be aware, neither of the bills that would allow us to continue our online program were passed during regular session, and they are not expected to be heard in special session. There is some pressure from parent support groups and school choice groups to have the governor extend these programs, but there is question about whether he has the authority to do so. In a Zoom meeting that I had with the commissioner this week, he made it clear that he does not have the authority to continue the program, and in his call to superintendents this week, he offered no hope that the programs around the state will be allowed to continue. I have attached a press release from June 4 that was especially about our program.
Update on Collegiate Edu-Nation
Dr. Alexander will provide a report at the meeting.
Closed Session
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, matters having to do with deliberation, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal, complaint or charge against a public officer or employee. This does not apply if the employee in question requests a public hearing.