May 10, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Moment of Reflection and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2022 (Regular Meeting) and Minutes of April 20, 2022 (Special Called Meeting) - (Policy BCBH)
4. Opening and Approval of Bids for 16th Section Land
4.1. 16-16N-7W (Containing 566 Acres)
4.2. 16-15N-5W (Containing 478.86 Acres)
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda - (Policy GBD)
5.2. Approval to Review Policy Section M - (Policy BDE)
5.3. Approval of Consultants and Agreements - (Policy BBG)
5.3.1. EdPro Solutions
5.3.2. NextGen Consulting Group
5.3.3. Approval of Jobs for MS Graduates MOU
5.4. Approval of USDA's Summer Food Service Program
5.5. Approval of Fixed Assets
5.6. Approval of Bus Purchase
5.7. Approval of Fundraisers
5.8. Approval of the 2023 Budget Calendar and Advertisement
6. Financials:
6.1. Transfer of Funds - (Policy DCI)
6.2. Approval of Claims Dockets 014149 to 014278- (Policy DJ)
6.3. Bank Reconciliation Reports - (Policy DIB)
6.4. Revenue Budget ((Policy DIB)
6.5. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
6.6. Cash Balance Statement - (Policy DIB)
6.7. Statement of Fund Balances - (Policy DIB)
6.8. 16th Section Update
7. Discussion & Approval:
7.1. Approval of Administrator's Report
7.2. Approval of Board Retreat to Discuss Legislative Updates, Strategic Plan, budgets, CTE, College, and Career Readiness on May 21-22, 2022 - (Policy BJ)
7.3. Approval of Donations - (Policy DFK)
7.4. Approval of M3A ESSER II and ESSER III Contract
7.5. Permission to Advertise for the Annual Budget Hearing
8. Review of Annual Board Calendar
9. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO)
9.1. Trends and Updates in Education
9.2. CTE Planning for 2022-2023
9.3. Roofing Project Update and Warranty
9.4. District Office Improvements Updates
9.5. Summer School Update
9.6. Fundraisers Update
9.7. Schneider Electric Update
9.8. District Events
10. Potential Executive Session Item
10.1. Vendor Contract Update
11. Adjournment