April 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.a. Declaration of quorum
1.b. Prayer
2. Public Comments on Posted Agenda Items
3. Information/Discussion Items(s)
3.a. Safety Committee
3.b. Student Heath Advisory Council (SHAC) Progress Report
4. Consideration and Board action, if any, to approve the minutes of previous meeting
5. Review expenditures for previous month
6. Principal's Report
6.a. Enrollment
6.b. Attendance
6.c. Activities
6.d. Academics
7. Superintendent's Report
7.a. Transportation
7.b. Facilities
7.c. Personnel
7.d. Other
8. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the sale of a district vehicle.
9. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the district safety enhancements with the Cycle 2 SAFE Grant.
10. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the Resolutions for Wage Payments.
11. The Board of Trustees will conduct an Executive Session pursuant to the following provisions of Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et.seq.
A) Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney B) Section 551.072, Real Property C) Section 551.073, Prospective Gift D) Section 551.074, Personnel Matters E) Section 551.076, Security Devices/Audits F) Section 551.082, School Children/District Employees/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint G) Section 551.083, Representative of Employee Groups H) Section 551.084, Investigation I) Section 551.087, Commercial/Financial information from Business |
11.a. Personnel Contracts
11.b. Real Property
11.c. Safety and security devices
12. Reconvene open meeting taking action on items from closed session as needed. Should any final action , final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regards to any matter considered in such closed or executive session then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either:
i. In the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or ii. At the subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon thereof; as the School Board shall determine. |
13. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the proposed resignation agreement for junior high school principal.
14. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding superintendent’s recommendation to propose the nonrenewal of the term contract of classroom teacher.
15. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the change order with Hellas Construction.
16. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the paving of Ballpark Road.
17. Consideration and Board action, if any, authorizing the superintendent to execute the AIA Agreement/Amendment with Cox-Jones Architecture and Construction.
18. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the Hiring Schedule for 2024-2025.
19. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the Stipend Schedule for 2024-2025.
20. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the superintendent recommended teacher contracts for 2024-2025.
21. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the non-chapter 21 agreement.
22. Consideration and Board action, if any, to approve the intra-district transfer of elementary teacher.
23. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding the resignation of personnel.
24. Consideration and Board action, if any, regarding professional employee contracts.
24.a. Classroom Teacher
24.b. Extracurricular / supplemental duty assignments
25. Adjourn
26. Prayer