August 30, 2021 at 7:05 PM - Special Meeting to Adopt Budget and Tax Rate
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Establish a quorum
3. Recognize Visitors / Public Forum
4. Discuss and consider approval to adopt the 2021-2022 budget.
5. Consider approval of the 2021-2022 tax rate: Maintenance & Operations (.963); Interest and Sinking (.27369) for a total of 1.23669.
6. Consider approval of the Resolution to grant Navarro 4H Organization extracurricular status under 19 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 76.1.
7. Consider approval to appoint Lorie Stovall, Andrew Lewis, Cecily Nors as adjunct faculty effective September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022.
8. Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution Regarding Extended Leave During the Pandemic.
9. Consider approval to authorize the Superintendent to enter into / renew an electricity agreement with Direct Energy when rates become favorable to Frost ISD.
10. Consider approval to purchase a livestock trailer for $20,300.
11. Consider approval of 2020-2021 budget amendments: amend to expenditures.
12. Consider approval of the 2021-2022 Board of Trustees Meeting Calendar.
13. Consider to adjourn