October 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Invocation
3. Establish a quorum
4. Recognize visitors; Public Forum
5. Approve minutes of the previous meeting.
6. Construction project update with Lorenzo Navarete of BWA Architects, and Eric Berry of Berry & Clay Construction.
7. Consider approval of cash disbursements and financial statement.
8. Consider approval to modify the 19-20 calendar to make December 2nd and 3rd early release days (11:45 A.M.) to accommodate hosting junior high and elementary UIL district contests at Frost ISD.
9. Discussion of vacated seat of trustee and applicable board policy.
10. Discussion and possible action for the establishment of procedures for public forum according to 86th Legislative Session.
11. Superintendent's Report
12. Conduct closed session
12.A. Personnel
12.A.1. Employee Contracts and Hiring
12.A.2. Resignations
13. Consider any action from closed session
14. Consider to adjourn