January 18, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Establish quorum and call meeting to order
Opening prayer
Forum for community input
Board Appreciation
Consent Agenda
Financial Report
Minutes from previous meetings
Budget Amendments
Quarterly Investment Report
2015-16 Expenditures not in budget
Superintendent's Notes and Report
MS Cafeteria, ES Gym and ES Parking Lot Lights
HS Gym Floor & Scoreboard
Discuss Discus Ring and Net
Discuss Batting Cage Infield Protector
Discussion Items
Villages of Lone Oak - Jeff Brown representing Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Moving approval of teacher contracts to April
Summer Breakfast and Lunch Program
Action Items
Call General Election for May 7, 2015 to elect 3 expiring terms
2015-16 Wellness Policy
Offer by Chris Jabin to purchase parcel id#'s: 130989, 130999, 131005, 130988, 130984, 130983, 130980, 130977, 130976, 130975, 130974 and 130916.
Offer by Juan Serrano to purchase 32 lots in the Villages of Lone Oak: 130036, 130046, 130052, 130053, 130790, 130794, 130797, 130798, 130803, 130806, 130811, 130818, 130819, 130826, 130827, 130836, 212936, 212968, 212974, 212975, 212983, 212989, 213019, 213028, 213036, 213041, 213061, 213062, 213076, 213094, 213095, 213098
Consider Bid on Middle School Fence
2016 Superintendent's Appraisal and Contract
Executive Session
551.072 Discuss purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property
551.074 Discuss Personnel