May 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Agenda of Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3.A. Personnel
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
4.A. Consider and take action to elect and install Board Officers for the Board of Trustees
Presenter: Board President David O. Morales
4.A.1. Board President
4.A.2. Board Vice President
4.A.3. Board Secretary
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
5.A. The El Dorado Varsity Girls Golf Team will be recognized for winning the 2-5A District Championship
5.B. SISD Track and Field Athletes will be recognized for qualifying for and competing at the 2022 UIL State Track and Field Meet
5.C. SISD Varsity Softball Teams will be recognized for winning 2022 UIL Softball Championships
5.D. SISD Students in Career and Technical Student Organizations will be recognized for winning top spots at State Competitions
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
6.A. Socorro High School and Pebble Hills High School Baseball Coaches will be recognized for taking heroic action to protect students
8.A. Public Hearing on 2022-2023 Hazardous Routes for the Socorro ISD
Presenter: Marivel Macias
INFO: **On a yearly basis, Administration uses the criteria outlined in policy CNA local and legal to determine if a transportation route qualifies as hazardous. Seven public hearings were held to obtain public input for the proposed bus transportation route changes. Administration shared criteria used to determine if a transportation route qualifies for addition to the list of hazardous areas or if an area currently listed as hazardous no longer qualifies and should be removed from the list. The meetings were held at Purple Heart ES, Dr. Sue A. Shook ES, Eastlake HS, James P. Butler ES, Sgt. Jose F. Carrasco ES and virtually on March 30th, April 5th, April 7th, April 13th, April 27th and May 3rd, respectively. The Socorro Independent School District advertised the public hearings in the El Paso Times, on March 30, 2022, and in El Diario, on March 23, 2022, and mailed a postcard to all potentially impacted families.
9.A. Facilities Report
Presenter: Gabriel Crespo
INFO: **A presentation of the 2017 Bond Program and other construction projects will be provided for the Board of Trustees.
10.A. Consider approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes for April 19, 2022 and Special Board Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2022
10.B. Consider approval of Employment of Personnel
INFO: **New employment contracts require Board of Trustees approval.
10.C. Consider approval of Requests for the Use of School Facilities
10.C.1. LIBRE Initiative for the use of Montwood HS Theater
10.C.2. P2C Athlete Prep for the use of of Pebble Hills HS Field
10.C.3. Zebra Sports LLC for the use of the Student Activities Complex (SAC)
10.D. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
10.E. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
10.E.1. Athletic Apparel and Miscellaneous Items - RFP No. E2250
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase athletic apparel and miscellaneous items as needed district wide. (Maximum $550,000)
10.E.2. Charter Bus Services - RFP No. E2247
INFO: **Solicitation to obtain charter bus services as needed district wide. (Maximum $300,000)
10.E.3. District Instructional Curriculum - RFP No. E2248
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase instructional materials, curriculum, testing material, educational software and other related items as needed district wide. (Maximum $7,000,000-General and Federal Funds)
10.E.4. Sewage and Grease Trap Services - RFP No. E2302
INFO: **Solicitation to procure sewage and grease trap services as needed district wide. (Maximum $200,000-General Fund Budget and National School Lunch Program Funds)
10.F. Consider approval of Contracts
10.F.1. Agency Affiliation Agreement - El Paso Community College Health Career & Technical Education, Math and Science Division
INFO: **The purpose is for students enrolled in the Health Career Education Programs to continue the provided benefit of educational facilities and resources at the affiliate for practical experience in clinical services and procedure. SISD shall make available to EPCC such use of classrooms, libraries and teaching aids as may be necessary for the implementation, training, and education of the students during the clinical phase of the program/course.
10.F.2. Amendment Three License Agreement - GECU Pebble Hills HS Branch
INFO: **The purpose is to support a high quality educational program for Pebble Hills HS students. Both parties have determined that offering on-site credit union services tied directly to a course on financial literacy will enhance the education program for participating students through an authentic experiential learning opportunity for both students and their families. The amendment addresses the term of the agreement to be extended and for automatically renewal and extensions annually.
10.F.3. Contract - Communities In Schools of El Paso (CIS) Program
INFO: **The purpose is to continue with the supportive guidance, educational enhancement, health and human services, parental involvement, employment/pre-employment enrichment services for the students of the 35 participating campuses for the 2022-2023 school year. CIS-El Paso will provide 53 Program Coordinators: 41 coordinators for 35 campuses and 12 coordinators for the Department of Attendance.
10.F.4. Interlocal Agreement(s)
10.F.4.a. El Paso County Community College District for the Development and Support of Montwood High School Pathways in Technology Early College High School, P-TECH program at Montwood HS Synergi4
INFO: **This is for the purpose of providing a select population of SISD students a unique educational opportunity to attend both high school and college in a special campus environment that will challenge students to excel in their academic and personal endeavors. Students will follow a course of study that will combine high school courses and postsecondary courses to enable students to earn a high school diploma and college course credits towards an Associate's Degree, postsecondary certificate, or industry certification within four years of entering high school.
10.F.4.b. Regional Education Service Center, Board Resolutions
INFO: **Texas Education Code Section 8.002 permits regional education service centers, at the direction of the Commissioner of Education, to provide services to assist school districts, colleges, and universities in improving student performance and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of school, college and university operations. In addition, authority is granted under Texas Government Code Section 791.001 et seq as amended to enter into interlocal agreements with said educational entities, as well as, other governmental entities and political subdivisions of Texas and other States.
Socorro ISD wishes to be a member of the following Regional Education Service Centers:
10.F.5. Memorandum(s) of Understanding
10.F.5.a. City of El Paso Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)
INFO: **The purpose is to continue the ongoing working relationships, and mutual responsibilities related to placement by the Sponsoring Agency of Foster Grandparent volunteers with Socorro ISD. Foster Grandparents volunteers will be assigned up to four (4) children having special or exceptional needs and tutor or mentor children to improve their intellectual thinking, social/emotional, motor and/or language development skills.
10.F.5.b. The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (Georgia Southern University)
INFO: **The purpose is to guide and direct the Institution and Socorro ISD, collectively referred to as the "Parties", with respect to their affiliation and working relationship. The institution desires to obtain, and Socorro ISD desires to provide, high-quality applied learning experiences for the students participating, while at the same time enhancing the resources available to Socorro ISD for providing care to its clients and patients; guide and direct the parties respecting their affiliation and working relationship.
10.F.6. Purchasing Cooperatives
10.F.6.a. Medicaid SHARS Billing Services - for the Special Education Department billing services via SISD approved co-operative contracts (Maximum $500,000)
10.F.6.b. Pre-Kindergarten Furniture - to purchase furniture/equipment for pre-kindergarten classrooms as needed district wide via OMNIA contract #R191815 (Maximum $179,192)
10.F.6.c. STEAM and Fine Arts Academy Furniture - to purchase furniture/equipment as needed using multiple vendors via SISD approved co-operative contracts (Maximum $600,000)
10.G. Consider approval of updates to District and Campus Attendance Committees
INFO: **In accordance with TEC25.092, the Board shall appoint one or more attendance committee(s) to hear petitions for class credit by students who have not met the 90 percent rule and have not earned class credit by completing a principal's plan.
10.H. Consider approval of Adoption of Policy CDA (Local)
INFO: **The Public Investment Act requires the governing board to review and adopt their investment policy each fiscal year. This review will allow the district to meet the requirements of this law and the attached resolution will attest to that fact.
11.A. Consider approval of additional Administrator Certified (Probationary) Contract Recommendations for 2022-2023 School Year
Presenter: Thomas Redlinger
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the item as presented.
11.B. Consider approval of additional Professional Contract Recommendations for 2022-2023 School Year
Presenter: Thomas Redlinger
INFO: **Administration recomemds consideration and approval of the additional 2022-2023 Professional Contract recommendations for Teachers, Librarians, Nurses, Counselors, Speech Therapists and Educational Diagnosticians as presented.
11.C. Consider approval of Change Order for the installation of Traffic Control as required by the County of El Paso along Bob Hope Drive, Aircoupe Way and Skyblazer Place
Presenter: Ralph Padilla
INFO: **Change Order Number 001 in the amount of $164,639.86 for the installation of Traffic Control as required by the County of El Paso to ensure the safe pathways and street crossing of students into Ben Narbuth Elementary and Eastlake Middle School.
11.D. Consider approval of designation of 2022-2023 Hazardous Routes for the Socorro ISD
Presenter: Marivel Macias
INFO: **The Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, shall establish the definition of hazardous routes in accordance with Texas law and approve the designation of hazardous areas prior to submitting the regular transportation report to TEA.
11.E. Consider approval of revisions to TASB Update 118 and local policy
Presenter: Marivel Macias
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the revisions to the following policies as presented. From TASB Update 118: DP, EHBC, EIE, FEA, and FL. Local policy CH.
11.F. Discussion and possible action to provide notice to City of Socorro Police Department to end engagement of Emergency Response Team Memorandum of Understanding
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
12.A. The meeting is to be closed for discussion with legal counsel regarding personal action concerning M.T., Assistant Principal at Walter E. Clarke Middle School; discussion regarding duties of internal auditor position; to discuss personnel and real estate matters; to consider administrative recommendations for Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources, Curriculum & Instruction, and Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Chief Human Resources Officer; Principal position at H.D. Hilley Elementary School; Assistant Director of Athletics; Assistant Principal position at Ben Narbuth Elementary School; Dean of Instruction position at Socorro High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
13.A. Discussion and possible action to approve new employment terms and contract for M. T., Assistant Principal at Walter E. Clarke Middle School
Presenter: Steve Blanco
13.B. Discussion and possible action regarding duties of the internal auditor position
Presenter: Board President
13.C. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
13.C.1. Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources, Curriculum & Instruction, and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
13.C.2. Chief Human Resources Officer
13.C.3. Principal, H.D. Hilley Elementary School
13.C.4. Assistant Director of Athletics
13.C.5. Assistant Principal at Ben Narbuth Elementary School
13.C.6. Dean of Instruction at Socorro High School
13.D. Discussion and possible action regarding RFQ for legal services and engagement of legal counsel
Presenter: Board President