November 19, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.1. 2014
Texas Technology Student Association (TSA) State Competition: Parkland HS
for National American Education Week
Support Professionals Day.
III.3. YISD Partner (in Education) of the Month: TXL Group, Inc.
IV. CITIZEN INPUT (3-minutes each / 30-minutes total for item)
VI.1. Approve
the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting on October 15, and Special Meetings
and/or Workshops on October 13, 25, and 30, 2014.
VII. OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT (5 minutes for each staff
VII.1. Report on YISD events
VII.2. Report on meetings and
VII.3. Final report from External
Auditor, 2013-14 (GRP)
VIII. CONSENT (5 minutes maximum for all items, inclusive)
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired on a specific item(s), that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
VIII.1. Consider and take possible action to approve a
Proclamation for National American Education Week, November 16-22, 2014, and
Educational Support Professionals Day, November 19, 2014.
Public Relations
INFO: It is of
interest to Ysleta to recognize national and state programs and/or recognition
of groups.
VIII.2. Consider and take possible
action to approve Budget Amendments requiring Board action.
INFO: Budget amendments are presented
for Board action under policy CE which requires prior approval of any changes
increasing functional expenditures or other uses; revenue or other resources
estimates; or affecting the fund balance.
VIII.3. Consider
and take possible action to approve Financial Statements, including quarterly investment
reports, as of September 30, 2014.
INFO: Each month, financial statements
are prepared to provide the Board of Trustees a summary of the District’s financial
VIII.4. Consider and take possible action to approve the
Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report for the year ended June
30, 2014.
INFO: Each year, the District’s
external auditor performs an audit of the District’s financial records and
prepares the annual Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report for
the District in accordance with Texas Education Code Sec. 44.008.
VIII.5. Consider and take possible action to approve the annual payment
of contract-related fees for purchasing services to cooperatives, including
membership, management and transaction fees as required by Education Code 44.0331
in an amount of $200 from Purchasing funds.
INFO: Education
Code 44.0331. Management Fees Under Certain Cooperative Purchasing contracts
require the Board of Trustees approve contract-related fees paid to
cooperatives, including membership, management and transaction fees.
VIII.6. Consider and take possible action to approve
Participation Agreement authorizing participation in TexasTERM as an investment
pool and investment broker for the district.
INFO: Delegate to TexasTERM investment
pool the authority to invest funds and to act as custodian of investments
purchased with local investment funds consistent with the Public Funds
Investment Act.
VIII.7. Consider and take possible action to approve Resolution
authorizing participation in Texpool/Texpool Prime as an investment pool for
the district.
INFO: Authorize Texpool/Texpool Prime
to invest funds and to act as custodian of investments purchased with local
investment funds consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act.
VIII.8. Consider and take possible
action to approve award of YISD Solicitation #215009CSP, Travel
Services, during the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, with the
possibility of three (3), one (1) year extensions, for $75,000 from various
INFO: This will be utilized for District-wide travel
related services, such as booking airlines tickets, and making hotel and car
rental reservations.
VIII.9. Consider and take possible
action to approve the YISD instructional calendars for the 2015-2016 and
2016-2017 school years.
Academics-Professional Development
INFO: The recommended calendars comply
with state and local policies regarding attendance, University Interscholastic
League (UIL), and the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
VIII.10. Consider and take possible
action to approve the Alicia R. Chacon International School instructional
calendars for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years.
Academics-Professional Development
INFO: The Alicia R. Chacon calendars
utilize a TEA Expedited Year Round School Waiver to begin school earlier than
the fourth Monday of August.
VIII.11. Consider and take possible
action to approve the Valle Verde Early College High School instructional
calendars for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years.
Academics-Professional Development
INFO: The Valle Verde Early College
High School calendars are aligned with the El Paso Community College (EPCC)
summer schedule.
VIII.12. Consider and take possible
action to approve the Texas Education Agency Expedited Waivers for Professional
Development for the 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017 school years.
Academics-Professional Development
INFO: The waivers provide flexible
opportunities in the school calendars for full day and early release
professional development.
VIII.13. Consider and take possible
action to approve the Texas Education Agency Expedited Waivers for Modified
Schedule/State Assessment Testing Days for the 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and
2016-2017 school years.
Academics-Assessment, Research, Evaluation, and Accountability
INFO: TEA requires a waiver when
modifications to regular course schedules are implemented district wide. The
waiver will allow the district to modify the schedule of classes for students
not taking state assessments.
VIII.14. Consider and take possible action to approve the Texas
Education Agency Expedited Waiver for the Teacher Data Portal of the Texas
Assessment Management System for the 2014-2015, 2015-2016, and 2016-2017 school
Academics-Assessment, Research, Evaluation, and Accountability
INFO: TEA requires a waiver when
modifications to regular course schedules are implemented district wide. The
waiver will allow the district to modify the schedule of classes for students
not taking state assessments.
VIII.15. Consider and take possible
action to approve award of YISD Solicitation #215011RFP, Evaluator: 21st
Century Community Learning Centers Grants, during the period of contract
execution date to July 31, 2015, with the possibility of three (3), one (1)
year extensions, for $62,000 from Title funds for 21st Century
Learning Centers.
Academics-21st Century
INFO: The Texas Education Agency (TEA)
requires 21st Century Community Learning Centers/Texas Afterschool Centers on
Education grantees to hire an evaluator to assess, make recommendations, and
report on the quality of program design, implementation, and the impact on
student success in the afterschool programs. TEA has increased the quantity and
quality of evaluation-related deliverables, necessitating an increase in
evaluation costs.
VIII.16. Consider and take possible action to approve award of an
additional list of vendors for the supplier base for YISD Solicitation
#215008CSP, Instructional Materials – Part 4, during the period of December
1, 2014 to May 31, 2015, with the possibility of two (2), one (1) year
extensions, for $4,000,000 which includes original parts 1, 2 and 3, from
various funds.
INFO: This
solicitation will provide an additional list of vendors for the supplier base
of instructional materials and resources to ensure district personnel have
access to the most current resources to support instruction in math, reading,
science, social studies and writing to meet local, state and national standards.
VIII.17. Consider and take possible action to approve award of an
additional list of vendors for the supplier base for YISD Solicitation
#215010RFQ, Professional
Mentoring/Coaching-Part 4, during the period of January 1, 2014 to June
30, 2015, with the possibility of two (2), one (1) year extensions, for
$250,000 which includes original parts 1, 2 and 3, from various funds.
Academics-Secondary Education
INFO: The solicitation will continue
to facilitate the growth, development, and skill enhancement of teachers and/or
campus/district leaders. It will provide the best opportunity for district
professionals to receive targeted professional development that will meet their
specific needs.
VIII.18. Consider and take possible action to approve YISD
Contract #20150199, with Pride Industries of El Paso, to provide
post-school employment and education training for students with disabilities,
during the period of upon execution by the parties and shall remain in effect
for the 2014-2015 school year and will automatically renew each year unless
otherwise stated by either party, at no cost to the district.
Academics-Special Education
INFO: PRIDE Industries will help to
provide Ysleta ISD students with training designed to meet the unique needs of
students with disabilities to prepare them for further education, employment,
and independent living as well as continued focus on life skills,
self-knowledge and work ethic.
VIII.19. Consider and take possible action to ratify YISD Contract #20150216, Interlocal
Agreement with Region 19, to provide special education services to children
with disabilities who are enrolled in the Head Start Program and reside within
the District, during the period of August 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 and
shall automatically renew annually for up to two successive, one-year terms
unless terminated earlier in writing by either party, at no cost to the district.
Academics-Special Education
INFO: Students are identified, served
early, and students 3-4 years old have opportunities to be educated with non-disabled
peers in the Head Start setting.
VIII.20. Consider and take possible action to approve YISD Contract #20150217,
Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with the Texas Health and Human
Services Commission (HHSC), to improve the availability, accessibility,
coordination and appropriate utilization of preventive and remedial health care
resources to Medicaid eligible students and their families, during the period
of upon execution through August 31, 2019, at no cost to the District,
contingent upon legal counsel review and approval of contract.
Academics-Special Education
INFO: The purpose of this agreement is
to ensure compliance with state and federal rules and regulations regarding
contracts and data use agreements.
VIII.21. Consider and take possible action to approve YISD Contract #20150218, Memorandum of
Understanding with El Paso Community College (EPCC), for the purpose of
implementing the High School to College Completion Program (HSCCP), during the
period of November 19, 2014 through August 31, 2016, at no cost to the District.
Academics-Secondary Education
INFO: El Paso Community College will
dedicate a college transition specialist to work with each high school campus
in delivering the college access message and streamlining pre-college services.
VIII.22. Consider and take possible action to approve YISD Contract #20150220, Memorandum of
Understanding with El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPSO), to provide
personnel, resources, and training materials for the establishment of a
corrections program at Bel Air High School, during the period of upon execution
by the parties, and shall remain in effect for the 2014-15 academic school
year, and will automatically renew each year unless terminated earlier in
writing by either party, at no cost to the district.
Associate Superintendent-Bel Air High School
INFO: This
MOU will allow EPSO to provide services to YISD students with the training and
career experiences for students in the Criminal Justice Career Pathway in the
Law, Public Safety, Correction and Security Career Cluster.
VIII.23. Consider and take possible action to approve YISD
Cooperative Requisition #13423, with Blue Star Bus Sales LTD for the
purchase of four (4) special needs buses in the amount of $285,580 through
cooperative Texas Association of School Boards (TASB-Buyboard) from local funds.
INFO: The requisition will facilitate
the best value purchase of school buses.
The purchase of the buses will continue to upgrade the existing school
bus fleet and assist in replacing those buses that are 20+ years old.
VIII.24. Consider and take possible action to approve YISD
Cooperative Requisition #15229, with Longhorn Bus Sales for the
purchase of five (5) buses in the amount of $501,640 through cooperative Texas
Association of School Boards (TASB-Buyboard) from local funds.
INFO: The requisition will facilitate
the best value purchase of school buses.
The purchase of the buses will continue to upgrade the existing school
bus fleet and assist in replacing those buses that are 20+ years old.
VIII.25. Consider and take possible
action to approve award of YISD
Solicitation #215019RFP, Community and Stakeholder Engagement &
Outreach, during the period of December 01, 2014 to June 01, 2015 for $59,000
from local funds.
INFO: This will assist in the
development and implementation of a Stakeholder Engagement/Community Outreach
program, which will work with district personnel to develop community
engagement strategies and objectives, and programs designed to attain specific
VIII.26. Consider
and take possible action to approve YISD Contract #20150224, with
WorkForce Software LLC, for the continuation of the time keeping system by
creating policy profiles, defining overtime requirements and upgrading to
Version 9.7, during the period of approval through completion, in the amount of
$103,643 from local funds.
Operations-Technology Information Systems
INFO: This
will allow the continued use of the time keeping system by creating employee
policy profiles, defining overtime requirements, and upgrade
software to a supported version 9.7.
VIII.27. Consider and take possible action to approve a
cooperative purchase with Xiotech for districtwide network storage to
include migration from obsolete and out-of-warranty to an enterprise
storage system through cooperative Department
of Information Resources (DIR), in the amount of $310,022 from local funds.
Operations-Technology Information Systems
INFO: This project is the lifecycle replacement of the
district’s current enterprise storage device. This device provides the storage
for all server related systems used by the district for the next five years.
VIII.28. Consider and take possible
action to approve YISD
Cooperative Requisition
#16265, with National Restaurant Supply Company for the purchase of cafeteria
equipment for Eastwood High School in the amount of $381,148 through Allied States cooperative from National School Breakfast
and Lunch Program funds.
Operations–Child Nutrition Services
INFO: This
will allow Child Nutrition Services to purchase the necessary kitchen equipment
items for the needs in the Child Nutrition Services Program.
VIII.29. Consider and take possible action to approve a
cooperative purchase with AO General, by quotes obtained, for the
purchase of parts and labor for Parkland HS gas leak in the amount not to
exceed $200,000 through cooperative Region 19/Allied States Cooperative from
local funds.
INFO: This
item is being handled through emergency process to address an immediate need at
a campus.
The following matters are posted for closed meeting to be discussed under one or more of the following Sections of the Texas Government Code: Attorney Consultation – Section 551.071 and Personnel Matters – Section 551.074
Should any final action, decision, or vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed meeting, then the School Board may take action, decision, or a vote on a matter posted above for closed meeting when it reconvenes in open session.
IX.1. Formative discussion with
the Internal Auditor.
IX.2. Formative discussion with
IX.3. Self Evaluation of Board
of Trustee Members.
XI.1. Consider
and take possible action to approve award of YISD Solicitation
#25-1014-097CSP Bond, Capistrano
Elementary School Roof Replacement, for $628,401 from Capital
Projects Fund – Series 2006 funds.
Operations-Facilities and Construction
XI.2. Consider
and take possible action to approve award of YISD Solicitation
#25-1014-098CSP Bond, Dolphin
Terrace Elementary School Roof Replacement, for $813,582 from Capital
Projects Fund – Series 2006 funds.
Operations-Facilities and Construction
XI.3. Approve the
submission of the Community Development Block Grant Non Profit/Governmental
Entity Public Facility grant application for the Ramona Elementary School
Playground Lighting Project from September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016 for
approximately $200,000, including a 10% required cash match from the District;
and authorize the superintendent or designee to sign any subsequent documents,
including but not limited to an Interlocal Agreement and a Forgivable Loan
Agreement with the City of El Paso in connection with the application,
acceptance and administration of such funds including grant amendments.
Trustees Dueñez/Academics-Competitive Grants
XI.4. Consider and take possible
action to approve bylaws for the Facilities Assessment Committee.
XI.5. Consider and take possible
action to approve revisions to the Board Operating Procedures.
Trustee McLean
XI.6. Consider and take possible
approve a longevity stipend for the
part-time employees who have worked more than five (5) consecutive years for
the Ysleta ISD.
Trustees Woodruff & Dueñez
BF, Board Policies, provides for the adoption of local policy revisions at
First Reading unless otherwise noted in Board motion(s).
Local Policy revisions become effective upon Board adoption or at a future date designated by the Board. After Board review of legally referenced policies and adoption of local policies revisions, the new material shall be incorporated online by TASB Policy Services, and as a hard copy in the official policy manual maintained by the District in the Superintendent’s Office. |
For Approval (LOCAL)
Board approval is required for revisions to (LOCAL) policy, whether recommended by TASB or YISD specific language coming from the Administration. |
XII.1.a. Consider and take
possible action to reject TASB Update #100 recommended new
Policy CKE (Local), Safety Program/Risk Management: Security Personnel, as being
unnecessary for the YISD security program.
XII.1.b. Consider and take possible action to adopt on First
Reading TASB Update #100 recommended revisions including Ysleta ISD specific
language to Policy DCB (Local), Employment
Practices Term Contracts, postponed
from the October Board meeting.
XII.1.c. Consider and take possible action to adopt on First
Reading TASB Update #100 recommended revisions to Policy DCC (Local), Employment Practices Continuing
Contracts, as postponed from the
October Board meeting.
XII.1.d. Consider and take possible action to adopt on First
Reading TASB Update #100 recommended revisions including Ysleta ISD specific
language to Policy DCE (Local), Employment
Practices Other Types of Contracts, as
postponed from the October Board meeting.
XII.1.e. Consider and take possible action to adopt on
First Reading Ysleta specific language to Policy GKA (Local), Community Relations: Conduct on School
XII.1.f. Consider and take possible action to adopt on
First Reading TASB Update #100 and Ysleta specific language recommendations on
Policy GKB (Local), Community
Relations: Advertising and Fund Raising
in Schools postponed from the October Board meeting.
XII.1.g. Consider and take possible action to adopt on
First Reading Ysleta specific language to Policy GKD, Community Relations: Nonschool Use of School Facilities.
XII.2. For Information (Regulation/Exhibits)
To provide information on recent updates of Local Regulations and Exhibits. |
and Exhibit, Attendance: Attendance for Credit.
This notice has been publicly posted at the administrative offices of
the Ysleta Independent School District, 9600 Sims, El Paso County,
Texas, seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the above meeting, as
required by the following sections of the Texas Government Code:
551.041 and 551.043. During the regular school year, this notice is
also posted at all school district high schools.
Patricia Torres McLean, President; Paul Pearson, Vice-President; Marty Reyes, Secretary; Trustees: Ana Dueñez, Shane Haggerty, Deby Lewis and Connie Woodruff |