November 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum.
2. Public Comment(s)
3. Superintendents' Reports
3.a. Planning Calendar
3.b. Campus Beautification
3.c. Property Value Studies
4. Discuss and Possibly Approve Moving the December 21, 2022, 6:00pm Board Meeting to December 14, 2022 at 6:00pm
5. Consider and Possibly Approve Owner-Architect Agreement with Corgan Associates, Inc. for Elementary and Secondary Campus Improvement.
6. Discuss and Possibly Approve Rogelio Garcia Painting Bid for the Old Gymnasium
7. Discuss and Possibly Approve Specialty Supply & Installation LLC Proposal for (Old Gym) Bleacher Replacement
8. Discuss and take Possible Action to authorize the Superintendent to enter a contract with McKinstry for an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) to investigate HVAC, generation, and other potential needs through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS).
9. Discuss and Possibly Approve Batting Cage Proposal/Bid
10. Discuss and Possibly Approve a One-Time Stipend Amount for All Staff
11. Consent Agenda
11.a. Minutes of previous meeting
11.b. Donations
11.c. Purchase orders
11.d. Reports, Bills, and Investment Reports
12. Closed Session: Consider and Possibly Approve Implementation of Security Devices or Security Personnel (Gov't. Code 551.076) EOP
13. Closed Session: Personnel Update (Gov't Code 551.074)
14. Open Session: Action on any items discussed in closed session
15. Adjourn