February 17, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting- Amended
Agenda |
1. Special Recognition / Thank You
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Acceptance of Agenda
2.B. Check Register - January 2014
2.C. Budget amendment
2.D. Student Enrollment, February 12, 2014
2.E. Minutes of Regular Meeting, January 20, 2014
2.F. Minutes of Called Meeting, January 27, 2014
2.G. Approval of an Inter-local Agreement with "LOGIC" Investment Pool
3. Citizen's Comments - Citizens who have registered with the Board's Secretary before the
meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to
speak other than the character of any student, staff or board member.
The Board may not discuss any matter that is not listed on the agenda,
except to direct information to the appropriate channels for resolution.
4. GMP 1-B (guaranted maximum price)
5. GMP 2 DD (Design Documents)
6. Policy BF Local - Board Policies
7. Reports
7.A. Health and Safety, SRO Report - Dwain York
7.B. CFO's Report - Randy Rau
7.B.1) Financials
7.C. Principal's Report
7.C.1) WHS Course Offerings as impacted by House Bill 5 and considerations for potential changes to WHS GPA calculations
7.C.2) Scudder PTO requests WISD to accept the donation of a pergola and permission to build on Scudder Primary School property
7.D. Athletic Director's Report - Coach Warren
7.E. Curriculum Report - Dee Howard
7.F. Superintendent's Report - Dwain York
7.F.1) Legislative Update
7.F.2) Bond update
7.G. Board President's Report - Ken Strange
7.G.1) Appoint bond over site committee
8. District employees and officers:
8.A. New hires/contracts
8.B. Resignations
8.C. Annual Evaluation of Superintendent
8.D. Consider one-year extension of Administrators contracts:Dee Howard,
Randy Rau, Greg Bonewald, Jason Valentine, Andrea
Gonzales, Christi Moeller, Doug Warren, Stephanie Norris, Casey Hollomon, Greg
Howard, Susan Mc Dorman
9. Prepare for next meeting - Discussion to include, but not limited to:
Set date, time, and place of next meeting, Upcoming agenda items
10. Adjourn